Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • APOLLO, the butterfly of a set of sailing vessels. Side panels in scope{span} of 7-9 sm, white, for tops diaphanous, with black and red spots. Meets predominary in mountain areas of Europe, Caucasus and Zap. Siberia. In many countries it is guarded. In the Red Data Book.
  • "APOLLO", the literary and art log-book, 1909-17, Saint Petersburg. Has been connected to symbolism, later with acmeism.
  • APOLLO BELVEDERSKY, the statue located in a hall the Belvedere in Vatican. A Roman copy of a bronze first copy of activity of ancient greek sculptor Leohara (ok. 330-320 up to n. e.). Long time was considered as top of the Grecian art.
  • APOLLONIAS Antinojsky (mind{wit}. 286), the Christian martyr, the reader damaged in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on December, 14 (27), in Roman catholic on July, 6.
  • APOLLONIAS ATHENIAN (nach. 1 century up to n. e.), the ancient greek sculptor, son Nestora. The signature of this master was saved on t. n. " Belvederskom a torse " in Rome and a bronze statue kulachnogo the fighter (the National museum, Athenes).
  • APOLLONIAS FROM TRALL (2-1 centuries up to n. e.), the ancient greek sculptor, son Artemidora, brother Tavriska. It agrees Pliniju to the Higher, together with the brother has created sculptural group " Execution Dirki " (see. Farnezsky the bull) on Rhodes.
  • APOLLONIAS Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
  • APOLLOS (Apelly) (1 century), apostle from 70-òè; the jew from Alexandria, spodvizhnik apostle Paul (Particular act of apostles 18:24-28; 1 epistle to the corinthians 3:4-6). Some explorers attribute to him authorship of the Message to Jews. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on January, 4 (17), on March, 30 (on April, 12), on September, 10 (23) and on December, 8 (21).
  • APOLOGISTS (from grech. apologeomai - I protect).. 1) the collective title rannehristianskih writers, primarily 2-3 centuries shadowing principles of christianity from criticism of christless philosophers. Among apologists - Justin the Martyr, Origen, Tertullian... 2) Figuratively - jaryj the adherent of any idea, a direction, the social device.
  • APOLOGIA (grech. apologia), unlimited, excessive eulogy somebody or something, protection (routinely prejudiced).
  • APOMIXIS (from apo... And grech. mixis - mixture{mixing}), different ways of an asexual reproduction animal and plants; in more fine-bored value - education of a germ without fertilization. Napr., a parthenogenesis and an apogamy - versions of an apomixis. Compare. An amphimixis.
  • APONEVROZ, soedinitelnotkannaja a plate with which help muscles are fixed. For the person aponevrozom call also penetrated as tendinous filaments of a fascia of a sole and a palm.
  • APOP, in egyptian mythology the huge snake to whom Ra combats every night during the float on underground waters; the collective mode{image} of enemies of the Sun.
  • The APOPLEXY, subitaneously developing extravasation in any organ. See, napr., the Insult.
  • APORIJA (grech. aporia, characters. - hopelessness), a refractory or insoluble problem, the bound with originating the contravention, with availability of argument against apparent, conventional. See. Zenon from Elei.
  • APORT, rannezimnie grades of an apple tree in austral areas of a fruit growing: aport blood-red, aport Alexander, or Alma-Ati (an arcaded Russian grade), aport Kuban, etc. Fruits very large, vinnosladkie with a pleasant{sweet} acid. Productivity of 200-400 kg from a tree.
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