Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • ARGENTITES (bright-polished carbon tool steel), stem of marine fishes of order lososeobraznyh. Length up to 60 see 12 kinds{views}, in boreal and moderate waters Quiet, Atlantic and Indian ok. Object of a craft.
  • ARGENTIT (from an armour. argentum - silver) (argentite), a mineral of a class of sulphides, cubic a-updating Ag2S. Impurity{additives} Cu, Pb, Fe, etc. Lead-coloured up to black with a metallic appearance of mass, a vein, an impregnation. Hardness 2-2,5; firmness of 7,3 g / sm3. Routinely meets in the cold hydrothermal deposits. Ore of silver.
  • ARGENTOMETRY (from an armour. argentum - silver and... metrija), a titrimetric method of a quantitative analysis, founded on education slightly soluble in water of connections of silver, napr. AgCl, AgSCN. Gauges chromate of a potassium, eosine minister, etc.
  • ARGILLITE (from grech. argillos - clay and lithos - a stone), the sedimental rock derivated as a result of condensation, a dehydration and case hardening of clays; from last differs the greater hardness and disability razmokat in water.
  • ARGININE, NH-C (NH2) NH (CH2) 3CH (NH2)-COOH, an aliphatic amino asid. In an organism is present at a loose kind{view} and in structure of proteins (a lot of arginine in protamines). Participates in synthesis of a urea (ornitinovyj a cycle), etc. processes of a nitrogen metabolism.
  • ARGISHTI I (1-n a floor. 8 century up to n. e.), tsar of Urartu, son Menua. Has considerably strengthened the state, has kept a number{series} of cuneiform inscriptions about victories above Assyria and construction of cities.
  • ARGISHTIHINILI, city in Urartu. It is based ok. 776 up to n. e. At Argishti I. On his{its} place in 4 century up to n. e. There was Armavir.
  • ARGON (an armour. Argon), Ar, the chemical element of VIII group of a periodic system, atomic number 18, atomic weight 39,948, falls into to rare gases. The title from Grecian argos - inactive. Firmness 1,784 g/l, têèï = 185,86 °C. Apply as an inert atmosphere at a weldment of aluminium and other metals and at obtaining ultra-pure substances, to fillup of electric lamps and gas-discharge tubes (sine-blue-glow).
  • ARGONAUTS, in the Grecian mythology the heroes who are departed{sending} on the ship{spacecraft} "Slang" under leadership JAsona to Colchis behind a golden fleece which was guarded by a dragon.
  • ARGONAUTS, a stem of Cephalopoda of mollusks of order of octopuses. Samki argonauts live in a shell (a diameter up to 20 sm); samtsy small-sized, without a shell. Some kinds, in tropical seas. Sometimes argonauts call as ships.
  • ARGONNSKAJA the NATIONAL LABORATORY of Steering of power probes the USA, is based in 1942 (. Lamont, bliz Chicago). Probes on many branches of science, the bound with use of a nuclear energy, activity on building the first atomic bomb.
  • ARGOS, ancient greek city on p-ove Peloponnesus (Greece). It is based in nach. 2-nd thousand up to n. e. In 5 century up to n. e. The large trading - craft centre. In 3-4 centuries n. e. It eroded by Gotha.
  • ARGOTIZMY (frants., a unit of hours argotisme), words and the turns of speech borrowed from this or that slang and used as a stylistic means (is more often for performance of speech of the character in a piece of art).
  • ARGUMENT (an armour. argumentum).. 1) the judgment (or set{combination} of judgments), presented confirming a truth of other judgment (the concept, the theory)... 2) the Grounding (a part of the grounding) proofs... 3) In mathematics argument of function - explanatory variable value on which values values of function depend. An amplitude of complex number z = x + iy = r (cosj + isinj), figured by a point with coordinates x and y, - an angle j a position vector r this point with an axis of abscisses.
  • ARGUN, city (with 1967) in the Russian Federation, the Chechen Republic. A depot. 27,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factories: an alimentary machine industry, sugar; a meat-packing factory, integrated house-building factory.
  • ARGUNOV Paul Aleksandrovich (1862-1944), the Russian revolutionary. One of osnovatelej and chiefs " Societies of translators and publishers " in Moscow (1882), is banished in Vost. Siberia. After October revolution the historian.
  • ARGUNOVY, Russian serfs àðõèòåêòîðû:.. 1) Feodor Semenovich (ok. 1732 - ok. 68). Baroque a kitchen courtyard house (1755), pavilion " Fuselage spine fairing " (1755-75) in farm Kuskovo... 2) Paul Ivanovich (ok. 1768-1806). With 1793 headed construction of wooden palace - theatre in farm Ostankino (classicism), the writer of some interiors.
  • ARGUNOVY, Russian serf painters - portraitists, father and ñûí:.. 1) Ivan Petrovich (1729-1802), the writer of representative ceremonial and chamber portraits... 2) Nikolay Ivanovich (1771 - after 1829), has tested{experienced} influence of a classicism ("P.I.Kovaleva-Zhemchugova", 1802-03).
  • ARGUN, the river in the Russian Federation and China, dextral component of Amur. 1620 kms, the area of basin of 164 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 340 m3 / with.
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