ARGENTITES (bright-polished carbon tool steel), stem of marine fishes of order lososeobraznyh. Length up to 60 see 12 kinds{views}, in boreal and moderate waters Quiet, Atlantic and Indian ok. Object of a craft.ARGENTIT (from an armour. argentum - silver) (argentite), a mineral of a class of sulphides, cubic a-updating Ag2S. Impurity{additives} Cu, Pb, Fe, etc. Lead-coloured up to black with a metallic appearance of mass, a vein, an impregnation. Hardness 2-2,5; firmness of 7,3 g / sm3. Routinely meets in the cold hydrothermal deposits. Ore of silver.ARGENTOMETRY (from an armour. argentum - silver and... metrija), a titrimetric method of a quantitative analysis, founded on education slightly soluble in water of connections of silver, napr. AgCl, AgSCN. Gauges chromate of a potassium, eosine minister, etc.ARGILLITE (from grech. argillos - clay and lithos - a stone), the sedimental rock derivated as a result of condensation, a dehydration and case hardening of clays; from last differs the greater hardness and disability razmokat in water.ARGININE, NH-C (NH2) NH (CH2) 3CH (NH2)-COOH, an aliphatic amino asid. In an organism is present at a loose kind{view} and in structure of proteins (a lot of arginine in protamines). Participates in synthesis of a urea (ornitinovyj a cycle), etc. processes of a nitrogen metabolism.ARGISHTI I (1-n a floor. 8 century up to n. e.), tsar of Urartu, son Menua. Has considerably strengthened the state, has kept a number{series} of cuneiform inscriptions about victories above Assyria and construction of cities.ARGISHTIHINILI, city in Urartu. It is based ok. 776 up to n. e. At Argishti I. On his{its} place in 4 century up to n. e. There was Armavir.ARGON (an armour. Argon), Ar, the chemical element of VIII group of a periodic system, atomic number 18, atomic weight 39,948, falls into to rare gases. The title from Grecian argos - inactive. Firmness 1,784 g/l, têèï = 185,86 °C. Apply as an inert atmosphere at a weldment of aluminium and other metals and at obtaining ultra-pure substances, to fillup of electric lamps and gas-discharge tubes (sine-blue-glow).ARGONAUTS, in the Grecian mythology the heroes who are departed{sending} on the ship{spacecraft} "Slang" under leadership JAsona to Colchis behind a golden fleece which was guarded by a dragon.ARGONAUTS, a stem of Cephalopoda of mollusks of order of octopuses. Samki argonauts live in a shell (a diameter up to 20 sm); samtsy small-sized, without a shell. Some kinds, in tropical seas. Sometimes argonauts call as ships.ARGONNSKAJA the NATIONAL LABORATORY of Steering of power probes the USA, is based in 1942 (. Lamont, bliz Chicago). Probes on many branches of science, the bound with use of a nuclear energy, activity on building the first atomic bomb.ARGOS, ancient greek city on p-ove Peloponnesus (Greece). It is based in nach. 2-nd thousand up to n. e. In 5 century up to n. e. The large trading - craft centre. In 3-4 centuries n. e. It eroded by Gotha.ARGOTIZMY (frants., a unit of hours argotisme), words and the turns of speech borrowed from this or that slang and used as a stylistic means (is more often for performance of speech of the character in a piece of art).ARGUMENT (an armour. argumentum).. 1) the judgment (or set{combination} of judgments), presented confirming a truth of other judgment (the concept, the theory)... 2) the Grounding (a part of the grounding) proofs... 3) In mathematics argument of function - explanatory variable value on which values values of function depend. An amplitude of complex number z = x + iy = r (cosj + isinj), figured by a point with coordinates x and y, - an angle j a position vector r this point with an axis of abscisses.ARGUN, city (with 1967) in the Russian Federation, the Chechen Republic. A depot. 27,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factories: an alimentary machine industry, sugar; a meat-packing factory, integrated house-building factory.ARGUNOV Paul Aleksandrovich (1862-1944), the Russian revolutionary. One of osnovatelej and chiefs " Societies of translators and publishers " in Moscow (1882), is banished in Vost. Siberia. After October revolution the historian.ARGUNOVY, Russian serfs àðõèòåêòîðû:.. 1) Feodor Semenovich (ok. 1732 - ok. 68). Baroque a kitchen courtyard house (1755), pavilion " Fuselage spine fairing " (1755-75) in farm Kuskovo... 2) Paul Ivanovich (ok. 1768-1806). With 1793 headed construction of wooden palace - theatre in farm Ostankino (classicism), the writer of some interiors.ARGUNOVY, Russian serf painters - portraitists, father and ñûí:.. 1) Ivan Petrovich (1729-1802), the writer of representative ceremonial and chamber portraits... 2) Nikolay Ivanovich (1771 - after 1829), has tested{experienced} influence of a classicism ("P.I.Kovaleva-Zhemchugova", 1802-03).ARGUN, the river in the Russian Federation and China, dextral component of Amur. 1620 kms, the area of basin of 164 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 340 m3 / with.
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