Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BARBOTAGE (splashing) (from frants. barbotage - agitating{stirring}), passing through a liquid of gas or fallow under pressure. It is applied in an industry and laboratory practice primarily to agitating{stirring} liquids, calefaction by their direct steam, absorption gazo-or vaporous substances by solvents.
  • BARBU (Barbu) Eudzhen (1924-92), the Romanian writer. A social - moral problematics in novels "Hole" (1957), " Boreal highway " (1959), "Prince" (1969); novel "Inkognito" (t. 1-3, 1975-78).
  • BARBUSY.. 1) the title of fishes of a stem adopted in an aquarian fish farming puntius and some other a set karpovyh. Length up to 10 see. Cultivate ok. Beautifully colored 50 kinds{views}. In vivo many kinds{views} dwell{live} in water reservoirs JUzh., JUgo-Vost. Asia and Africa... 2) the Same, that barbels.
  • BARBE (Barbier) Ogjust (1805-82), the French poet. The collection of the satirical poems "JAmby" (1831) scourging the bourgeois world, the collection of sonnets " Heroic consonances " (1843).
  • BARBJUS (Barbusse) Anri (1873-1935), the French writer and the public figure, foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1933). The anti-war novel "Fire" (1916) about revoljutsionizatsii consciousnesses of masses during 1-st world war which participant was Barbjus. The collection of short stories of "Incident", " Truthful histories ", 1928. October revolution has perceived as an event of world historic importance: the booklet " Light from an abyss " (1920). European bourgeois civilization Barbjus, the member French KP, contrasted construction of socialism in the USSR (the book "Russia", 1930; the apologetic book "Stalin", 1935). The organizer of international antimilitarist association of persons prominent in cultural matters "Klarte" (1919; the issuing of log-book "Klarte", 1919-24).
  • BARVENKOVO, city (with 1938) on Ukraine, the Kharkov region. A depot. 14,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). A machine works, a food-processing industry. It is based in 17 in
  • PERIWINKLE, stem of perennial grasses of a set of a dogbane family. 7 kinds{views}, in Europe and Zap. Asia. Ornamental plants.
  • BARGUZIN, the river in Vost. Siberia (Buryatiya). 480 kms, the area of basin of 21,1 thousand êì2. Runs into an eskar. Baikal. Average discharge of water 130 m3 / with. It is used for an irrigation. It is navigable on 204 kms from a mouth.
  • BARGUZINSKAJA the HOLLOW, an intermountain hollow, primarily on mean flow r. Barguzin, between Barguzinskim and Ikatskim hr., in Buryatiya. Length of 200 kms, width up to 35 kms, an altitude from 470 up to 600 m.
  • BARGUZINSKY RESERVATION biosphere, in the Russian Federation, Buryatiya, on north-east a shore of Baikal and western downslopes Barguzinskogo hr. It is based in 1916. The area of 374,3 thousand ga; zapovedna also a three-kilometer strip of lakescape the area of 150 thousand ga. Mountain larch and dark coniferous (a spruce, a fir, a pine Siberian cedar) woods, mountain tundra and an alpinetundra belt. Barguzinsky a sable, a maral, a musk deer, a brown bear, a lag bolt, etc.; in coastal waters - the Baikal seal.
  • BARGUZINSKY the BACKBONE, in Vost. Siberia (Buryatiya), along a north-east coast an eskar. Baikal. Length of 280 kms, an altitude up to 2840 m. A larch taiga. Mineral sources.
  • MALT - RESIDUE potato, grain, treacly, a side product of alcohol manufacture. I skin (92-94 % of water, 6-8 % of dry matter) and an ensilaged malt - residue use for a fattening primarily a large horned stock, dried{dehydrated} - all agricultural animal.
  • MALT - RESIDUES Jacob Juljevich (1857-1929), the Russian microbiologist. The main{basic} transactionses are dedicated study of causal organisms of a rabies, a diphtheria, belly and returnable typhoids. Studied also a microflora of the Odessa firths. Irrespective of E.Bering and V.Ru has developed a technique of preparation and has received antidiphtherial whey (1893).
  • BARDEM, (an ice-film. fam. Bardem Munjos, Bardem Munos) Huan Antonio (r. 1922), the spanish scripter and the producer. Social - critical films " Mors of the bicyclist ", 1955 are most significant{sizeable} in his{its} creativity; "Revenge", 1957; "Most", 1976 and " Seven days in January, 1979 (two last have received a main prize of the Moscow international film festival).
  • BARDIN Dzhon
  • BARDIN (Bardeen) John (1908-91), American physics, foreign member AN the USSR (1982). Has created the first transistor (1948, together with U.Brattejnom). One of writers of the microscopic theory of a superconductivity (1957.) Bardin - the unique scientist doubly awarded with the Nobel Prize on physics (1956, together with Brattejnom and U.Shokli; 1972, together with L.Kuperom and Dzh. SHrifferom). A golden medal him{it}. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1988).
  • BARDIN Ivan Pavlovich (1883-1960), the Russian scientist, academician AN the USSR (1932), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1945). Supervised over designing of the large metallurgical enterprises, building of metallurgical units, development and an introduction in the USSR continuously cast become also an oxygen-steelmaking process. The lenin premium (1958), the State premium of the USSR (1942, 1949).
  • BARDIN Olga Vasiljevna (r. 1932), the Russian singer (a lyrico-dramatic soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1978). With 1962 at the Saratov theatre of opera and ballet, with 1984 in Roskontserte.
  • BARDIN Sofia Illarionovna (1852-83), revolutionary narodnitsa. One of organizers mug "Frichej", groups of "muscovites". In 1877 on " process 50-òè " has said revolutionary speech. It is banished to Siberia, in 1880 ran. Being hardly ill has committed suicide in Geneva.
  • BARDO (Bardot) Brizhit (r. 1934), the French film actress. In films of 1950th (" And the god has created woman..., "Parizhanka", etc.) acted in roles of pullet{young man} girls which, most above putting natural feelings, entered the conflict to norms{standards} of moral. Films of 1960th: "True", " Babetta goes on war ", " Private{Individual} life ", etc. have made its{her} sex - numeral of the generation. With 1973 it is not taken out.
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