Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BASILEJ (vasilevs) (grech. basileus), in Other. Greeces the governor of a small settlement, the leader of nation. In Sparta and then in ellinisticheskih the states - tsar. In Byzantium - a title of emperor.
  • BASILEJA (grech. Queen), for Aristofana the goddess of an imperial authority, daughter Zevsa, hranitelnitsa his lightnings.
  • BASS PLAYERS Anatoly Georgievich (r. 1920), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1984), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1968). Transactionses on synthesis of structures of aggregate signals of intelligence systems.
  • BASKAK (turki)., the representative of the Mongolian khan to the conquered grounds (in Russia in 2-nd floor. 13 - nach. 14 centuries), monitored local authorities.
  • BASKERVILL (Baskerville) John (1706-1775), the English eight-toothed engraver beetle and the publisher. The creator of fonts of the new style wearing his name (many are applied nowadays).
  • BASKETBALL (from English basket - a basket and ball - a ball), sporting command ball game which bombard arms in a ring with a grid (t. n. A basket), reinforced on a board at the altitude 3,05 m. Rhodinum of basketball - the USA (1891). In International federation of basketball (FIBA; it is based in 1932) 177 countries (1991). In the program of Olympic Games with 1936; world championships with 1950, Europe with 1935.
  • BASQUES (the self-title - euskaldunak), people in Spain (950 thousand person) and France (140 thousand person). Live also in countries of Latin America. An aggregate number 1,25 million person (1992). Tongue basque. Believers - roman catholics.
  • BASQUES COUNTRY (Baskonija, Euskadi) (isp. Vascongadas), independent historical range in a north of Spain, for Biskajskogo a hall. 7,3 thousand êì2. The population 2,1 million person (1992), predominary Basques. Main city - Vitoria. Actuates provinces: Alava, Biskajja, Gipuskoa. In 1 century up to n. e. - it is grey. 5 century n. e. The terrain colonized with Basques, is nominally subject to Rome. In the season of domination vestgotov, arabs on Pirenejskom p-ove the large part of terrain of Basques remained independent; was bulwark Rekonkisty. In 11-15 centuries of the state of Basques - under authority Navarry, Castile; in kon. 15 - nach. 16 centuries were part of the unified spanish state, saving up to 1876 some autonomy. After victory of the Popular front in 1936 the independent area called as Basque Provinces has been built. With fall of republic in 1939 Basques Country denuded self-management. According to the constitution of 1978 Basques Country has received all over again temporary, since January 1980 stationary value an autonomy.
  • BASQUE TONGUE, tongue of Basques. The official language (alongside with spanish) Basque Provinces. In genealogical gradings it is considered as isolated tongue. The hypothesis about communication of basque tongue with the Caucasian tongues is distributed. Writing on the basis of the latin alphabet.
  • BASKUNCHAK, salinous self-charge lake in the Astrakhan region, to the orient from Volga, bliz mountains Major Bogdo. 106 êì2. Salt-making process.
  • BASMA (bajsa, pajtsza), 1) a plate given by mongolo-tatar khans in 13-15 centuries as the letter of credence... 2) Thin plates of metal (mostly silver) with textured patterns. Basmennoe stamping has been distributed in Russia in 13-17 centuries.
  • BASMA, powder from leaves indigofery. It is applied together with a henna to colour of a hair in black colour.
  • BASMANOVY, Russian boyars and voevody 15-17 centuries from stem Ïëåùååâûõ:.. 1) Alexey Danilovich (?-1570), one of inspirers oprichniny. It was distinguished in the Kazan marchings, Livonskoj to war, extirpation with the Crimean tartars. It is killed under the order of Ivan Terrible by the natural son... 2) Peter Fedorovich (?-1606), the grandson previous, approximated Boris Godunova, commanding Russian troops. In 1605 has come over to on party Lzhedmitrija I, has become his close confidant, it is killed together with nymas.
  • BASMACHESTVO (from the turki. basmak - to commit a bloom), after October revolution armed motion, directed against the Soviet authority in Compare. Asia. The main forces basmachestva are routed by Red Army in 1922, separate orders are finally liquidated in 1933.
  • BASNER Veniamin Efimovich (r. 1925), the Russian composer, the national actor of Russia (1982). Ballet, 4 operettas, vokalno-symphonic products; music to films (over 40, including "Blockage", 1979), songs " At an anonymous altitude " ("Tishin" film, 1964), " From what starts Rhodinum " (film " the Board and a sword ", 1968).
  • FABLE, short, quite often comic story in verses or prose, with the direct intellectual breeding attaching to the story allegorical sense. Characters animal, plants, things routinely act. Many scenes go back to Ezopu, to indian collection "Panchatantra". Bright national originality in basnjah Z.Lafontena, G.E.Lessing, I.A.Krylov.
  • BASS Vasily Aleksandrovich (1812-79), the Russian surgeon. For the first time has made imposing of a fistula on a stomach of a dog (1842).
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