Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • The BELGRAD UNIVERSITY, in Serbia, is based in 1863. In 1990 over 57 thousand students.
  • BELEBEJ, city (with 1781) in the Russian Federation, Bashkiria. A depot. 5,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factories: woodworking machines, "Autonormal"; a meat-packing factory, a dairy. A crude production. It is known with 1757.
  • BELEV, city in the Russian Federation, the Tula region, landing stage on r. Oka. A depot. 18,2 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factory of machines and devices for a railway transport; the alimentary enterprises. An artistic - study of local lore museum. It is known with 1147.
  • HENBANE, stem of one and biennial grasses of a set of a nightshade family. Ok. 20 kinds{views}, in Eurasia, Africa and on the Canary islands. The henbane black is toxicant; a weed. An extract from leaves use in medicine (spasolytic, soothing).
  • BELENDZHER, ancient city in Dagestan. Till 8 century one of capitals Hazarskogo kaganata. In Belendzhere Russian merchants lived. There was at-sight the modern Buinaksk.
  • BLEACHING, the same, that potching.
  • BELET-TSERI, in akkadskoj mythologies the goddess - scribe in a kingdom dead.
  • BELETSKAJA Irina Petrovna (r. 1933), Russian chemists - organics, the academician Russian AN (1992). The main{basic} transactionses on electrophilic substitution in a number{series} of organometallic compounds, chemistry of carbanions.
  • BELETSKY Alexander Ivanovich (1884-1961), the Ukrainian and Russian literary critic, academician AN of Ukraine (1939). AN the USSR (1958). Activities under Russian, Ukrainian, West-European, antique literatures, under the theory of the literature.
  • BELZ, city (with 1951) on Ukraine, the Lvov region. A depot. 2,5 thousand inhabitants (1991). The alimentary enterprises. It is known with 1030. Near to. Belz - production of mineral coal.
  • LEUCORRHEA, reinforced secretion of the secret quite often changed (krovjanistye, purulent leucorrhea), from women sexual organs. An attribute of inflammatory and other diseases of sexual organs.
  • BELIZE, city and port in the state Belize. 45 thousand inhabitants (1992). An international airport. Alimentary and a woodworking industry. Fishery.
  • BELIZE (Belize), the state in Central America, in eastern part p-ova Yucatan. 23 thousand êì2. The population of 204 thousand person (1993), primarily beliztsy (Negros and mulattoes, mongrels, Indians). A urban population ok. 47 % (1992). The official language - English. Among believers primarily protesters, are roman catholics. Capital - Belmopan. Enters into Commonwealth. The chief of state - queen of the Great Britain, introduced the general - governor. The body of legislation - two-chamber National assembly. The terrain Belize from an antiquity was populated by Indians, in nach. 16 century it is conquered by Spaniards and has become their colony. With 1862 colony of the Great Britain under the title Honduras British. In 1964 has received internal self-management. With 1973 country has become officially to call as Belize. In September 1981 independence of Belize is professed. A large part of terrain of Belize - low silted plain, on a southwest of mountain Majja (an altitude up to 1122 m, peak Victoria). Climate tropical trade-wind. Monthly mean temperatures 25-27 °C. A rainfall ok. 2000 mm annually. The main rivers: Rio-Ondo and Belize. Tropical forests (40 % of terrain) and savannahs. Belize - agrarian country. A lobe in a gross internal product (1992, %): an agriculture, fishery - 20,1, an industry 16,4. Manufacture of the electric power 124 One million kVtch (1992). Main cash crops - a cane, citrous. Timber loggings kampeshevogo a tree, red, a slash pine. A craft of lobsters. Length of motorways - 2,5 One thousand in km (1990). Export: a Saccharum - raw material, a treacle, citrous, a fish and marine products, forest products. The main{basic} foreign trade partners: the USA, the Great Britain, Canada. Foreign tourism. Monetary unit - dollar of Belize.
  • WHITEWASH, satins white for all kinds{views} of paints and enamels, a staining of gum, plastics materials, papers. Are most distributed zinc (ZnO) and titanium (TiO) whitewash.
  • BELINDA, the guide of Uranus, is open{discovered} from a side of a space vehicle "Voyager - 2" (the USA, 1986). Distance from Uranus ok. 75 One thousand in km, a diameter ok. 50 kms.
  • BELINKOV Arcady Viktorovich (1921-70), the Russian writer, the historian of the literature. With 1968 in emigration. Ostrokritichesky a novel - parable " the Draft copy of feelings ", the entailed arrest and the camp conclusion of the writer within stalinshchiny (it is published in Russia in 1996). Books "Jury Tynyanov" (1960), " Delivery and death of the Soviet intelligent " (1976, about J.K.Olesha, it is published abroad).
  • BELINNIK Peter Sergeevich (r. 1906), the Russian singer (the lyrical tenor), the national actor of the USSR (1954). In 1936-40 at Major theatre, in 1942-64 at the Ukrainian theatre of opera and ballet.
  • BELINSKY (up to 1948 CHembar), city (with 1780) in the Russian Federation, the Penza region, in 55 kms from zh.-d. An item. Belinskaja. 9,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: penkoobrabatyvajushchy, maslodelatelnyj. V.G.Belinsky museum which has conducted in CHembare a childhood. Near to Belinsky, in a seconds. Lermontovo (former Tarhany), M.J.Lermontov museum - farm and his{its} tomb.
  • BELINSKY Vissarion Grigorjevich (1811-48), the Russian literary critic. Cooperated in log-books "Telescope" (1833-36), " Domestic a note " (1839-46) and "Contemporary" (1847-48). Aspired{tried} to create literary criticism on soil of a philosophical aesthetics (basically under influence of ideas of F.Schelling and G.Gegelja). Having regarded as of paramount importance criticism of an existing real, has developed principles of natural school - a realistic direction in the Russian literature as which chapter considered{counted} N.V.Gogolja. In annual reviews{views} of the literature, in articles about A.S.Pushkin (11 points, 1843-46), M.J.Lermontov, etc. the concrete historical analysis of their creativity, uncovering originality, a nationality{national character}, humanism, as gave the major criterion of artistry of their products{creations}.
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