Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • BEZRUKOV Pantelej Leonidovich (1909-81), the Russian geologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1968). Transactionses on geological oceanography and theories of sludge formation in oceans. Has discovered Karatausky fosforitonosnyj a bass. The state premium of the USSR (1946, 1951, 1977).
  • BEZRUCH (Bezruc) Peter (an ice-film. A name Vladimir Vashek, Vasek) (1867-1958), the Czech poet. Has reflected revolutionary moods of people, has created a mode{an image} of the Czech worker (the collection " Silezskie songs ", 1909).
  • BEZOUT the THEOREM, a remainder of division of polynomial Pn (x) degree n on binomial expression x - b where b - figure, it is peer Pn (b). E.Bezu is established{installed}.
  • BEZOUT (Bezout) Etjen (1730-83), the French mathematician. Transactionses under the theory of algebraic equations.
  • UNCONDITIONED REFLEXES, rather{be relative} stationary values, genetically timbered organism responses to the fixed influences of an external world which are carried out with the help of nervous system. Napr., flashing, a suction for neonatal. The term is entered by I.P.Pavlovym. Compare. Conditioned reflexes.
  • DENUCLEARIZED ZONE, in the international law - the demilitarized zone in which it is forbidden to place automatic weapon in any form.
  • BEZYMENSKY Alexander Iljich (1898-1973), the Russian poet. Has come in the literature as the Komsomol poet. Poems "Komsomolija" (1924), " Tragedijnaja night " (1930-1966); a song " Pullet{Young man} guards ", etc. The Satirical play in verses "Outrigger boom" (1929).
  • BEJ, see. Bek.
  • BEJ-BIENKO Grigory Jakovlevich (1903-71), the Russian entomologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1953). Transactionses on ecology and a taxonomist of hexapods, the theory of protection of plants. The state premium of the USSR (1952).
  • BEJ-BIENKO Grigory Jakovlevich (1903-71), the Russian entomologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1953). Transactionses on ecology and a taxonomist of hexapods, the theory of protection of plants. The state premium of the USSR (1952).
  • BEJDEMAN Michael Stepanovich (1839-87), ðoññèéñêèé the revolutionary, the lieutenant. With 1860 emigrant - in Garibaldi troops, the compositor of the Free Russian printing house in the London. In 1861 has clandestinely transfered Russian border{limit} with antiautocratic and antikrepostnicheskim the manifest, it arrested. 20 flying without court has conducted in Alekseevskom a ravelin (" the mysterious prisoner "). Has died in an insane hospital.
  • BEJERINK (Beyerinck) Martin (1851-1931), Netherlands botanik and a microbiologist, foreign corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1924), foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1929). First has secured{discharged} and has described clean cultures of nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria (1888) and an azotobacter (1901).
  • BAKER (Baker) James (r. 1930), state and the political figure the USA. In 1985-88 Minister of Finance. In 1989-92 state secretary the USA in administration of president Dzh. Bush.
  • BAKER (Baker) Semjuel Uajt (1821-93), the English traveller across Africa. Probeed headstreams of White Nile. In 1869 chief of egyptian military expedition in JUzh. Sudan.
  • BEJLAGAN (up to 1989 ZHdanovsk), city (with 1966) in Azerbaijan, in 20 kms from zh.-d. An item. Dashburun. 13 thousand inhabitants (1991). Maslosyrodelatelnyj combine.
  • BAILEY (Baily) Frensis (1774-1844), the English astronomer. For the first time has described (1836) occurrence{appearance} of bright points on an edge{a boundarouse} of a lunar disc in the beginning and the extremity of a full phase of solar eclipse (" Bailey are legible "), originating when the sun light passes between mountains on an edge{a boundarouse} of a lunar disc.
  • BEJLISA BUSINESS, costs (Kiev, 1913) above Jew M.Bejlisom on false charge in ceremonial assassination of the Russian boy. It is organized by imperial government and chernosotentsami. Has called the protest of forward sociability in Russia and abroad; the jury trial has justified Bejlisa.
  • BEJLISS (Bayliss) William Meddok (1860-1924), the English physiologist, the member of the London royal society (1903), his{its} president in 1913-15. Transactionses on general physiology and physiologies of digestion. In 1902 together with E.G.Starlingom has discovered a secretin (they have entered the term "hormone" into science). Activities on the physico-chemical bases{fundamentals} of enzymosis, an adsorption. In 1906 together with A.Garden has based " Biochemical Journal ". The writer capital transactionses " the Fundamentals of general physiology " (1915, in Russian transfer{translation} - " Introduction in general physiology ", 1927).
  • BEJL (Bayle) Pierre (1647-1706), the French publicist and the philosopher, the early representative of Enlightenment; from items of scepticism denied a capability of the rational substantiation of religious tenets, asserted{approved} independence of moral of religion. The main{basic} product{creation} - " the Historical and critical dictionary " (t. 1-2, 1695-97) - has exerted influence development of european latitudinarianizm.
  • BEJLSHTEJN Feodor Fedorovich (1838-1906), ðoññèéñêèé chemists - organics, the academician Petersburg AN (1886). Transactionses on aromatic compounds. Under guiding Bejlshtejna (1881-1906) multivolume manual on organic compounds has been issued. About 1951 manual wearing name Bejlshtejna, it is emited in Germany.
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