Tuesday, May 29, 2007

  • BLOSHKI EARTH{GROUND}, bugs of a set of leaf beetles; pests of many agricultural plants. Ok. 5 thousand kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Length of 1,5-5 mm, eat leaves, larvas - roots.
  • PSYLLIUM SEED, small-sized black (are similar on fleas - from here the title) seeds of two kinds{views} of the plantain distributed in Eurasia. Decoction apply as purging.
  • BLUA (Bloy) Leon the Goosefoot (1846-1917), the French writer, roman catholic mistik. The writer of novels "Disappointed" (1886), " Poor woman " (1897), the publicistic book of " the Shower of Napoleon " (1912), "Diary" (1892-1917).
  • FORNICATIONS Dmitry Nikolaevich (1785-1864), columns (with 1842), the Russian statesman. One of founders of "Arzamas". In 1832-38 Minister of Internal Affairs. In 1839-62 glavnoupravljajushchy the Second branch, supervised over development of "Penal code" (1845). In 1855-64 president Petersburg AN, the chairman of the Council of state (1862-64) and the Cabinet council (1861-64).
  • VAGE KIDNEY, abnormally mobile or displaced from a routine place (napr., a lowered{an omitted} kidney, or a nephroptosis). Can invoke{produce} pains, a nausea, coliform distresses. The causes: a release phenomenon of the bolstering apparatus of a kidney owing to an emaciation, bruises, asthenias of a prelum abdominale.
  • GROUND CURRENTS, current flows in ground at use of her{it} in the capacity of conductive medium (napr., in installations of electric communication, the electrical power systems, the electrified railways). Invoke{produce} corrosion of metal subjects in ground (environments of cables, pipe lines, building designs).
  • VAGUS NERVE, the tenth fallow of cranial nerves for vertebrates and the person. Innervates organs of a head, a neck, breast and belly cavities. Participates in a regulation of reflex certificates{acts} (napr., swallowings), a blood pressure.
  • BLUL (blur, sring), armjano-kurdish duhovoj a musical instrument. A version of a longitudinal flute.
  • BLUM, the same, that a bloom.
  • BLUMART (Bloemaert) Abraham (1564-1651), the Netherlands painter and the schedule{chart}. Biblical, mythological, genre compositions, landscapes are noted by influence italian manjerizma, with nach. 17 century - features klassitsisticheskoj high grounds of modes{images}.
  • BLUMDAL (Blomdahl) Charles Birger (1916-68), the Swedish composer. The chief of the Stockholm philarmonic society (with 1955), the musical department of the Swedish wireless and a television (with 1965). Operas " Àíèàðà " (1959), " Mister background Hanken " (1965), ballets "Sizif" (1954), "Minotaur" (1957), concerts for instruments with an orchestra.
  • BLUMENBAH (Blumenbach) Iogann Fridrih (1752-1840), the german anatomist and the anthropologist. Transactionses on a craniology and gradings of strains of the modern person.
  • BLUMENFELD Feliks Mihajlovich (1863-1931), the pianist, the conductor, the composer, the honored worker of arts of Russia (1927). In 1895-1911 conductor of Mariinsky theatre. The first initiator of many fortepiannyh. A.K.Ljadova, A.K.Glazunov products{creations}, etc. Conducted prime-ministers of operas of N.A.Rimskogo-Korsakova, including opera " the Legend on an invisible hail Kitezh.. " (1907). The professor St.-Petersburg (Petrograd) (with 1897), then Kiev (with 1918) and Moscow (with 1922) conservatories.
  • " BLUMSBERIJSKY the CIRCLE ", elite group of the English intellectuals, writers and artists of 1920th living in the London area Blumsberi. The group included V.Vulf, L.Strejchi, artist D.Grant, economist Dzh. M.Keynes, etc.
  • BLUMFILD (Bloomfield) Leonard (1887-1949), American jazykoved. Transactionses on the romano-German linguistics, tongues multisynthetic building JUgo-Vost. Asia and the Sowing. America. The adherent of behaviorism. Views Blumfilda are developed by descriptive linguistics.
  • BLOEMFONTEIN (Bloemfontein), city in the republic of South Africa, an administrative centre prov. Orange. 104 thousand inhabitants (1985). The metal-working, alimentary, tanning enterprises. University.
  • BLEK (Black) James Uajt (r. 1924), the English pharmacologist. Transactionses on building blockers? - adrenoreceptors and histaminic H2 - receptors which apply to treatment of cardiovascular diseases and a peptic ulcer of a stomach. The Nobel Prize (1988, together with D.Hitchingsom and G.Elajon).
  • BLEK Joseph (1728-99), the Scottish chemist and physics, the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1783). Has discovered (1754) carbon dioxide. Has placed{installed} (1757) existence of latent heats of a melting and vapourizations. Has entered (1760) concept of a heat capacity. Promoted overthrow of the theory flogistona.
  • " BLEK SABBAT " (Black Sabbath), the English rock group, is derivated in 1969 in Birmingham. Initial structure: Ozzi Osborn (vocal), Founder Jommi (the gear quadrant, a flute), Terri Gizer Butler (bass - gear quadrant), Bill Uard (impact). Albums " Black Sabbath " (1970), "Paranoid" (1970) have caused approach of epoch of incentive hard - fate. The disc "Volume-4" has become "golden" by quantity of the sold copies. In-process "Sabotage" (1975) the tendency of rendezvous{approach} with classics was exhibited. The text concept of group - mysticism and the social protest. The disc " Seventh Star " (1986) has marked itself the third stage of creative life of group which distinctive feature become new, "eastern", motives.
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