Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • "CONVERSATION", one of the first associations zemskih figures (Moscow, 1899-1905). Discussed zemskie and political problems. Through the newspaper "Right" and other liberal issuings propagandized idea of constitutionalism.
  • " CONVERSATION of FANS{AMATEURS} of the RUSSIAN WORD ", literary society in Saint Petersburg in 1811-16 led by G.R.Derzhavinym and A.S.Shishkovym. The majority of members (S.A.Shirinskij-Shihmatov, A.S.Hvostov, D.I.Hvostov, A.A.Shahovskoj, etc.) from items of defence attorneys of a classicism and old church slavonic tongue opposed new literary directions and the reform of a literary language initiated by N.M.Karamzinym. N.I.Gnedich and I.A.Krylov, entered{included} in a society, national democratic traditions of the Russian literature settled.
  • BOWERBIRDS of the BIRD (shalashniki), a set of birds of order sparrow. Length 23-35 see 17 kinds{views}, in Australia, It is new. To Guinea and on contiguous islands. Uttering mating-calls samtsy build of branches bower for pairing, stud a site before her shells, colours and other bright subjects.
  • BESIKI (an ice-film. A name and fam. Vissarion Zaharjevich Gabashvili) (1750-91), the Georgian poet and the political figure. Love lyrics, patriotic ode "Aspindza" (1770).
  • CAPLESS FIRING, firing method at which initiation of a main charge implements by means of a blasting fuse without a primer - detonator. It is applied in chamber and blasthole charges.
  • BESKIDS, boreal strip of Carpathian mountains in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Will consist of several isolated masses (an altitude up to 1725 m. Babja). A beech family and coniferous forests, subalpine meadows. Are disjointed on Zap. And Vost. Beskids.
  • KEELLESS BIRDS (cursorial birds), group of the birds which are not capable of flight. Pectoral muscles are weakly developed, the fin misses, feathers on side panels mild. Legs the strong. Well run. 4 orders: ostriches, nandu, kazuary, kivi. Compare. Carinate birds.
  • BESKOV Konstantin Ivanovich (r. 1920), the Russian sportsman and the trainer (football), the deserved master of the sport (1948), the deserved trainer of the USSR (1968). The champion (1945, 1949) and the owner of the Cup of the USSR (1953). The trainer of a combined team of the USSR (1955, 1963-64, 1981-82).
  • PEAKLESS CAP, uniform headgear (cap without a visor) the soldier, mariners, some junior commanders, pupils of naval academies of some armies and fleet. In the Russian army and fleet with 1811. In 1872 in the Russian fleet on peakless caps have been entered lentochki on which the name of the ship{spacecraft} or number of naval crew were meant; nowadays on lentochkah the title of fleet or a naval academy is underlined.
  • INFINITE DECIMAL FRACTION, decimal fraction which record after a comma contains infinite quantity of digits.
  • INFINITE INDUCTION, breeding of the general expression (judgment) from infinite population of the parcels{sendings} comprehensive all his{its} particular cases. Plays the important role in the groundings of mathematics (see. Induction).
  • INDEFINITELY MAJOR, variable Y, revertive to infinitesimal value X, that is Y = 1/X.
  • INFINITESIMAL, the variable which during change becomes (on absolute value) and at the further change remains less than any beforehand the given positive number, i.e. has a limit zero. In a calculus the important role is played with limits of attitudes{relations} of infinitesimal values (see. Differential calculus) and limits of the sums of infinitesimal values when the figure of summands beyond all bounds will increase (see. An integral calculus).
  • INFINITESIMAL, the variable which during change becomes (on absolute value) and at the further change remains less than any beforehand the given positive number, i.e. has a limit zero. In a calculus the important role is played with limits of attitudes{relations} of infinitesimal values (see. Differential calculus) and limits of the sums of infinitesimal values when the figure of summands beyond all bounds will increase (see. An integral calculus).
  • INFINITE PRODUCT, product{creation} of infinite figure of multiplicands, i.e. expression of a kind{view}:
  • INFINITE SERIES, see. A number{series}.
  • CONTACTLESS INSTRUMENTATION, electrotechnical and electronic devices, in which switching{commutation} of electric circuits (their short circuit{closing}, disconnection, switching{changeover}), and also transformation{conversion} of a current or pressure{voltage;stress} implement without a mechanic breakage of circuits.
  • The GREAT AUK exterminated (in 19 century) not volant bird of a set of auks. Length up to 70 see. Dwelt{lived} on Atlantic a shore of Europe and the Sowing. America.
  • WINGLESS, the same, that kivi.
  • BESLAN, city (with 1950) in the Russian Federation, the Sowing. Ossetia. A railway junction. 32,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Corn combine; factories: electromechanical, "Autospecial equipment".
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