Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • LEDOSTAV, the season when the fixed ice sheet on the river (water reservoir) is supervised. Duration ledostava depends on duration and a temperature schedule of winter, character of a water reservoir, depth of snow.
  • DRIFTING OF THE ICE, motion of ice floats and field ice on the rivers under action of flow or a wind.
  • LEDRJU-ROLLEN (Ledru-Rollin) Alexander Ogjust (1807-74), the French political figure. After February revolution 1848 Minister of Internal Affairs of the Providing government. The participant of depressing of June revolt 1848. In 1849 one of chiefs of the Mountain (" the New Mountain "). In 1871 deputy of National assembly. Opposed the Commune of Paris 1871.
  • LEDU (Ledoux) Klod Nikola (1736-1806), the French architect and the theorist of the architecture, the representative of a classicism. Preferred stringent, geometrical forms denuded a decora (outposts in Paris, 1784-89). To prerevolutionary years has addressed to social - Utopian ideals (the design of " theoretical city Sho ", 1771).
  • LEDU (Ledoux) Pol (1914-88), the Belgian astronomer. Has theoretically defined (1941) high limit of mass of asters, resistant in relation to oscillations in range of passing of nuclear reactions; has offered (1951) mechanism of not radial oscillations of variable stars such as " Beta TSefeja ".
  • FIELD ICE, plot of brine ice more than 20 m in a diameter. Meet primarily in polar seas.
  • ICE FISHES, set of fishes of order okuneobraznyh. Length up to 70 see. St. 15 kinds, in antarctic and subantarctic waters. Object of a craft.
  • LEEB (Leeb) Wilhelm Joseph a background (1876-1956), german general - field marshal (1940). In 2-nd world war commanded an army group "รป" in France and an army group "North" on the sovetsko-German front (up to 1942).
  • HANDLINE (from niderl. leier), protection (cord, from metal tubings and so forth) along sides, around of hatches, etc. on a vessel, and also a cable for production of some flags. A becketed life line - a cable on sides of the lifeboat.
  • HANDLINE Genrih Antonovich (1829-1904), the Russian military theorist and the historian, the general from infanterii (1896), corresponding member Petersburg AN (1887). The professor and in 1889-98 chief of Academy of the General Staff. Transactionses under the strategy, the managing editor " Encyclopedias military and marine sciences " (8 t., 1883-97) and " the Review of wars of Russia from Peter the Great up to now " (4 t., 1885-96).
  • LEGENDRE (Legendre) Adrien the Goosefoot (1752-1833), the French mathematician. Transactionses on a number theory, elliptic integrals, geodesies, etc. The Writer of a classical course of elementary geometry.
  • LEGENDRE the POLYNOMIALS, special system of polynomials, orthogonal with it is powerful 1 on a cutting [-1; 1]. Were considered by A.Lezhandrom and P.Laplasom (in 1782-85).
  • LEZHE (Leger) Fernan (1881-1955), the French painter and the schedule. The geometrized plotting of the modern world assimilated to engine forms, the patterns dedicated transactionses of industrial and building workers ("Builders", 1951), monumental decorative compositions (registration of museum Lezhe in Bjo under sketches Lezhe, 1956-60).
  • LEZHSKAJA LEAGUE (League Lay), in 1444-51 political-military association of the Albanian princes. It is based in. Laying under initiative Skanderbega for extirpation against turkish conquerors.
  • LEZGINKA, national dance of mountain peoples of Caucasus. Has many versions. The musical dimension predominary 6/8.
  • LEZGHIN TONGUES, see. The Dagestan tongues.
  • The LEZGHIN DRAMA THEATRE is based in 1906. With 1949 in Derbent. Actors: S.A.Agabalaev, S.T.Velihanov, A.S.Sajdumov, A.G.Mahsudov, etc. Artistic administrator E.S.Navruzbekov (with 1990). Performances: "Lone" T.Minullina (1981), " Utinaja a hunt " A.V.Vampilova (1981), "Aid-man" Navruzbekova (1991), I.Magomedov "Karateka" (1992), etc.
  • LEZGHIN TONGUE, falls into to the Caucasian (iberijsko-Caucasian) tongues (the Dagestan tongues, lezghin group). Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet.
  • LEZGHINS (samonazv. - lezgijar), people in Dagestan (204 thousand person) and Azerbaijan (171 thousand person). In the Russian Federation 257 thousand person (1992). Tongue lezghin. Believing lezghins - moslems - sunnity, are shiity.
  • LEZEN (Leysin), gornoklimatichesky a health resort in Switzerland, on downslopes of Bernese Alps, at the altitude 1268-1398 m, bliz Geneva an eskar., to a southeast from Lausanne. Center of tourism and winter sport.
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