LEINSH (Lejins) Paul (1883-1959), the Latvian zootechnician, academician AN of Latvia (1946), corresponding member AN the USSR (1946). The main transactionses on a feeding agricultural animal.LEJB... (from a nem. leib - a body), the first part of the composite words meaning: consisting directly at the chief of state, primarily at the monarch (napr., lejb-guards).LEJB-GUARDS, bodyguard of the monarch and the honorary name of perfect military units in some countries with the monarchic form of government. In Russia it is established in kon. 17 century. Peter I. Later as lejb-guards called many Guards parts of the Russian army. The particle "lejb" increased also to the title of some army regiments.LEJBENZON Leonid Samuilovich (1879-1951), the Russian scientist, the founder of underground hydraulics, academician AN the USSR (1943). Transactionses under the elastic theory, oil-field mechanics, toughness, geophysics, etc. The State premium of the USSR (1943).LEJBL (Leibl) Wilhelm (1844-1900), the german painter. In realistic portraits and scenes of a patriarchal household activities of peasants of Bavaria (" Unequal fallow ", 1876-77) aspired to reconstruction of the strong characters; in serotinal products painting Lejblja becomes mild, saturated light and air ("Prjadilshchitsa", 1892).LABOUR PARTY of the Great Britain (Working consignment of the Great Britain), one of two master consignments of country and the most influential consignments Sotsinterna. It is based in 1900 (up to 1906 called Committee of working representation). After 2-nd world war for an authority in 1945-51, 1964-70, 1974-1979.LEIDEN (Leiden), city in Netherlands. 112 thousand inhabitants (1991). A port in delta of Rhein. A machine industry, polygraphic, woollen, a tailoring industry. University. Museums of antiquities, ethnographic, etc. Dwelling - museum Rembrandta. It is known from 9 century. In 16-17 centuries the largest centre of a wool-manufacturing industry. In the season of the Netherlands revolution has maintained in 1573-74 osadu a spanish troops. Former prison Gravensten (13-17 centuries); pozdnegoticheskaja church Sint-Piterskerk (14-16 centuries); a town hall (16 century); cloth numbers (17 century).The LEYDEN UNIVERSITY, Netherlands, is based in 1575. Since 20 century his cryogenic laboratory - the world centre of physics of low temperatures. In 1990 over 17 thousand students.LEJDERMAN Nahum Lazarevich (r. 1939), the Russian literary critic, the critic, the Doctor of Philology (1984). Probes under the Russian literature of the Soviet season, problems of the theory of the literature (first of all a genre). Articles in log-books " the Literary review ", " the New world ", "Ural", etc. Books: " Motion of time and laws of a genre " (1972), " the Modern art prose about Great Domestic war " (1973-74), etc.LEJDIG (Leydig) Frants (1821-1908), the german histologist, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1897). The main transactionses on a comparative histology of vertebrates and the person. Has developed structurally functional grading tissues (1857).LEJKART (Leuckart) Rudolf (1822-98), the german zoologist, foreign corresponding member (1861) and the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1895). Transactionses after parasitology, comparative structural botany and a taxonomist of Invertebrata.LEUCAEMIA, see. A leukosis.LEUKIN Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1841-1906), the Russian writer - humorist. The publisher of the comic log-book "Debris" (1882-1905). In novels, stories, stories described primarily tempers of merchant class.LEJKO... (from grech. leukos - white), the part of the composite words meaning: relating a white, napr. Leucocytes.LEUKODERMA, reduction or full petering of a pigment on earlier staggered epines of a leather (napr., at a psoriasis) or owing to violation of a pigmentary exchange at general disease.LEUKOSIS (a leucaemia, a leucaemia), tumoral diseases of a blood-forming tissue with a defeat of bone marrow and replacement of normal sprouts of a hemopoiesis, a hyperadenosis and a spleen, changes in a pattern of blood and other developments. Distinguish an acute leukosis, a myelosis (disturbed education of cells of myeloid lines), a chronic lymphoid leukosis (disturbed education of cells of lymphoid lines) and other forms.LEJKOKSEN, fine-grained (up to cryptocrystalline.) mineral mixes of oxides Ti (rutile, anatase, less often than brookite) and (or) sfena with crystal, ilmenite, oxyhydroxides Fe, Mn, etc. By origin hypergenic, basically a decay product of minerals of a titanium.LEUCOMA, the same, that a cataract.LEUKOPENIA (from lejko... And grech. penia - poverty), reduction of figure of leucocytes in a unit volume of blood at some zymotic and other diseases, and also as a result of a radiation injury, method of medicinal preparations, etc.
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