Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • LYNN (Linna) Vjajne (r. 1920), the Finnish writer. The realistic novel: " the Unknown soldier " (1954) about 2-nd world war, the trilogy " Here, under Boreal zvezdoju " (1959-62) about landless peasants. An essay.
  • LINNANKOSKI (Linnankoski) Ehannes (an ice-film. A name and fam. Vihtori Peltonen, Peltonen) (1869-1913), the Finnish writer. Realistic the poem - novel " the Ode about a bright-red flower " (1905), written by rhythmic prose, and stories, including "Hilja-thrush".
  • LINNEJ Charles (1707-78), the Swedish scientist, the creator of system vegetative and fauna, the first president Swedish AN (with 1739), the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1754). For the first time has in succession applied a binominal nomenclature and has constructed the most successful synthetic plant classification and animal, has described ok. 1500 kinds of plants. Supported of a constance of kinds and creationism. The writer of " System of a nature " (1735), " Philosophy of botany " (1751), etc.
  • LINNERSTREM-LANG (Linderstrom-Lang) Kaj Ulrik (1896-1959), the danish biochemist, foreign member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on a physical chemistry of proteins, their structural organization.
  • LINNIK Vladimir Pavlovich (1889-1984), Russian physics, academician AN the USSR (1939), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1969). The main transactionses on applied optician. The writer of some optical devices and methods of probes. The state premium of the USSR (1946, 1950).
  • LINNIK Jury Vladimirovich (1914/15-72), the Russian mathematician, academician AN the USSR (1964), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1969). Son V.P.Linnik. The main transactionses on a number theory (a method of a major sieve), theories of probabilities (limiting theorems), mathematical statistics (the theory of an estimation). The lenin premium (1970), the State premium of the USSR (1947).
  • LINNIK Jury Vladimirovich (r. 1944), the Russian writer, the philosopher. At the centre of poetry and prose - a filosofsko-moral problematics, teosofskie motives, a theme of spiritual communication with Cosmos, etc. Collections: "Prelude" (1966), "Filament" (1973), "Pervoobrazy" (1982), "Consecration" (1984), " the Book of grasses " (1986), "Disarray" (1989). In popular philosophical activities (" In searches of a Shambhala ", 1992, " the Philosophy of the compromise ", 1993, etc.) reverts to N.K.Roerich inheritance, yoga, etc.
  • LINNICHENKO Ivan Andreevich (1857-1926), the Russian historian, corresponding member AN the USSR (1925; corresponding member Petersburg AN with 1913, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science with 1917). Transactionses on a history of the Kiev Russia, russko-Polish attitudes and Galitskoj Russia 14-15 centuries.
  • LINOGRAVJURA, a convex gravure on a linoleum, on technique close xylographies.
  • LINOLEIC ACID, ÑÍ3 (ÑÍ2) 4ÑÍ? ÑÍÑÍ2ÑÍ? SN (ÑÍ2) 7ÑÎÎÍ, a colourless oily liquid, tïë-5 °S. Falls into to essential fatty acids.
  • LINOLENIC ACID, ÑÍ3 (ÑÍ2ÑÍ? SN) 3 (ÑÍ2) 7ÑÎÎÍ, a colourless oily liquid, tïë-11,3 °S. Falls into to essential fatty acids.
  • LINOLEUM (from an armour. linum - a flux, a cloth and oleum - oil), a polymeric roll material for cover of floors. Distinguish a linoleum bezosnovnyj (one and multilayer), on hardening (histic, pergaminnoj) or the heat-insulating basis.
  • The LINE CASTING MACHINE (from an armour. linea - a line and grech. typos - an impress), built-up strokootlivnaja the machine making a panel by the way of monolithic metal lines with a relief typing surface. The main clusters - built-up, ebbed and razborochnyj apparatuses. O.Mergentalerom (USA) in 1884 is invented.
  • LINOCHNYE GLANDS, the endocrine glands of Invertebrata producing a molting hormone and a metamorphosis - ekdizon. For hexapods to linochnym to glands attribute ventral and protorakalnye glands, for Crustacea - a Y-organ.
  • LINS remote control REGU ZHoze (1901-57), the Brazilian writer. A series of novels " the Cycle of a cane " (1932-36) about the Brazilian village. Roman " Pedra Bonita " (1938), " Quenched fire " (1943) and "Kangasejro" (1953). Sketches.
  • LINT (English lint) (linter cellulose), short (up to 15 mm) the fiber received after branch of the lengthy filaments.
  • LINHART (Linhart) Anton (1756-95), the figure of Slovene Enlightenment, the playwright, the historian. The adherent of reforms of emperor Joseph II, the anticlerical. Has put in pawn a fundamentals of democratic Slovene theatre. In historical transactionses has justified, that Slovenes - descendants ancient karantantsev - are unified people.
  • LINHOVOIN Lhasaran Lodonovich (1924-80), the Buryat singer (bass), the national actor of the USSR (1959). In 1942-49 at the Buryat musical - drama theatre, with 1954 at the Buryat theatre of opera and ballet (in 1962-66 artistic administrator).
  • LYNCH (Lynch) Benito (1885-1951), the Argentina writer. Realistic novels "Rakela" (1918), " Mr James searches for skulls " (1924), " Roman of one gaucho " (1930) about capitalisation of cattle breeding estates.
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