Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • MAN IMPACTS on a nature, different forms of influence of a human activity on a nature. Man impacts envelop separate components of a nature and natural complexes. The quantitative and a qualitative behavior of man impacts is the anthropogenic load. Man impacts can wear both positive, and negative character; the latter causes in application of special nature protection measures.
  • ANTROPOGENOVAJA SYSTEM (SEASON{TERM}) (antropogen), the same, that quarternary system (season{term}).
  • ANTROPOGEOGRAFIJA, flow in the socio economic geography, leaning{basing} on ideas of geographycal school (in sociology), admitted behind natural environments defining role in disposition of the population and an economy. Has arisen in kon. 19 century.
  • ANTROPOLOGIZM (an anthropological principle), the philosophical concept seeing in concept "person" the main{basic} grade and coming from it{her} in argument of a nature, a society and intellection. The anthropological principle in philosophy has entered and has justified L.Fejerbah for whom he has become the basis{fundamentals} of criticism of german classical idealism. In Russia the adherent of ideas of Feuerbach N.G.Chernyshevsky was. Antropologizm it was developed in different philosophical concepts (F.Nitsshe, A.Schopenhauer, a number{series} of representatives of existentialism). In temporal sense the word antropologizm - a constituent part of philosophical doctrines about the person. See also Philosophical anthropology.
  • ANTHROPOLOGY INSTITUTE him{it}. D.N.Anuchina of the Moscow State University, is based in 1922. Probes on all sections of anthropology. At institute a museum (it is based in 1879; anthropological, archeologic and ethnographic collections).
  • The ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOOL in cultural science, has developed in the Great Britain in 1860th (E.Tajlor, A.Lang, Dzh. Fraser, in Russia - A.N.Veselovsky), explained similarity of mythology and folklore of miscellaneous peoples identity of a human nature and unity of virgin intellection (an animism, process of analogy); proved, that, having arisen, similar scenes become perpetually guides ("vestiges") of crop.
  • The ANTHROPOLOGICAL PHYLUM, historically usual complex genetically resistant attributes of a physical structure which defines groups of people in fixed terrain. The term " anthropological phylum " mean both major strains, and their subdividings.
  • ANTHROPOLOGY (from antropo... And... logija), science about an origin and evolution of the person (see. Anthropogenesis), education of human strains and about normal variations of a physical structure of the person. As the do-it-yourself science was formed in is grey. 19 century. The main{basic} sections of anthropology: structural botany of the person, the doctrine about anthropogenesis, rasovedenie. With it is grey. 20 century strengthened the complex of disciplines, consolidated under the title "human biology" (study physiological, biochemical and the genetic factors influential in variations of a structure and development of a human body) develops.
  • ANTHROPOLOGY PHILOSOPHICAL, see. Philosophical anthropology.
  • ANTHROPOMETRY (from antropo... And... metrija), in anthropology - the instrumentation system of a human body and his{its} parts.
  • ANTHROPOMORPHISM (from antropo... And grech. morphe - the form, a kind{view}), likening to the person, vesting by human properties (napr., consciousness) subjects and the phenomena of a nonliving nature, heavenly bodies, mythical entities.
  • ANTROPONIMIKA (from antropo... And grech. onyma - a name), section onomastiki, investigator an origin, change, geographycal distribution{propagation}, social operation, etc. sobstvenyh names of people.
  • ANTROPONOZY (from antropo... And grech. nosos - disease), the group of contagions, which causal organisms are capable to strike only the person (a typhoid, a malaria, a scarlatina, etc.).
  • ANTROPOSOFIJA (from antropo... And grech. sophia - wisdom), flow in spiritual life of 20 century, coming from founded R.Shtejnerom " sciences about spirit " - supersensual knowledge of the world through self-knowledge of the person as space entity. In 1913 it is based Antroposofskoe a society (in 1988 ok. 47 thousand members in different countries), in 1923 - " Loose university of science about spirit " (Geteanum) in Dornahe (Switzerland). Ideas antroposofii have received realization in pedagogics (Valdorfskie schools), art (evritmija), medicine (including pharmaceutics), an agriculture, etc.
  • ANTHROPOSPHERE (from antropo... And grech. sphaira - a sphere), a constituent part sotsiosfery, enveloping mankind as set{combination} of individuals.
  • ANTROPOFAGIJA (from antropo... And grech. phagein - is), ljudoedstvo; see. A cannibalism.
  • ANTHROPOCHORIA (from antropo... And grech. choreo - I advance), inadvertent distribution{propagation} of plants by the person (by different transportations and so forth). Napr., the weed a ragweed is delivered to Europe in 19 century from the Sowing. America.
  • ANTHROPOCENTRISM (from antropo... And the centre), view according to which the person is the centre and a prime target of universe.
  • ANTSLA (Antsla), city (with 1938) in Estonia. A depot. 1,7 thousand inhabitants (1990). Manufacture knitted, garments and furniture. It is known with 1405.
  • ANTSON (Antson) Alexander (1899-1945), the Estonian writer. In pre-war creativity (collection "Epigrammy", 1-3, 1927-33, plays) unmasked german and Estonian fascists. The historical novel "Victory" (it is issued 1946).
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