Thursday, May 17, 2007

  • VALLIJSKY TONGUE (Welsh, kimrsky), falls into to the Celtic group indoevropejskoj families of tongues. Writing on the basis of the latin alphabet.
  • VALLIJTSY, see. Uelstsy.
  • VALLIS (Uollis) (Wallis) John (1616-1703), the English mathematician. One of osnovatelej the London royal society. Transactionses " Arithmetic infinite " (1655) has played the important role in building infinitesimal calculus.
  • WILD CELERY, stem of submerged perennial grasses of a set vodokrasovyh. Ok. 10 kinds, in fresh waters of tropical, subtropical and moderate belts. A wild celery spiral cultivate in aquariums.
  • VALLON (Wallon) Anri (1879-1962), the French psychologist, the public figure. The participant of movement of Resistance. The founder of school in range of nursery psychology. The main transactionses on nursery and genetic psychology, and also patopsihologii and applied psychology.
  • VALLONY, people in Belgium (ok. 3,9 million person). The USA live also in France, etc. The Aggregate number 4,1 million person (1992). Speak on a Walloon dialect of the French tongue. Believers - roman catholics.
  • VALLOTTON (Vallotton) Feliks (1865-1925), the Swiss schedule and the painter. Tense - contrast laconic xylographies, portraits, landscapes, an actuarial series (" the History of one crime "), drama scenes ("Demonstrating", 1893).
  • VALMIERA (Valmiera) (up to 1917 official title Volmar), city in Latvia, on r. Gauja. 29,8 thousand inhabitants (1990). A depot. Factories: glass-fibres, fire extinguishing equipment; furniture factory; a food-processing industry. Theatre. A study of local lore museum. It is known from 13 century, in Russian annals - Vladimerets. Church Simane (13 century).
  • The GROSS PROFIT, part of the gross income of the enterprise which remains for him minus all charges.
  • GROSS PRODUCT, part of the gross public product made at the enterprise (association) or in branch (an industry, an agriculture, construction, etc.) for the fixed season (as a rule, for year), expressed in wholesale prices.
  • GROSS INTERNAL PRODUCT (runway), parameter of statistics national the income in system of national accounts; expresses an aggregate cost of the final goods and the services made in terrain of the given country, in market prices. Under the natural - material form of a runway - set of subjects and the services used during the given year on consumption and accumulation. See also the Gross national product.
  • The GROSS INCOME, money proceeds of the enterprises of an industry and the agriculture, received from realization of production and services, minus material inputs.
  • GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP), parameter of statistics national the income in system of national accounts; it is interdependent to a gross internal product (runway). Expresses an aggregate cost of the final goods and services in market prices. Actuates cost of the goods consumed by the population and services, public procurements, capital investments and a balance balance of payments. As against a runway actuates also the sum of net produces from abroad.
  • VALSHAP (Walschap) Gerard (1898-1989), the Belgian writer. Wrote in the Netherlands tongue. The trilogy "Family Routgoftov" (1929-33), etc. novels critically picture tempers of the modern society. The anticolonial novel " Revolt in Congo " (1953.) Roman " the Lascivious son " (1958) and "Half-and-half" (1964) about a becoming of the personality. Plays.
  • VALTASAR, the son of the last tsar of Babylonia Nabonida. Has perished in 539 up to n. e. At taking Babylon by persians. Keeping in the Bible the description of feasting Valtasara (" Valtasarov feasting ") and prophesy of his death (the words which have appeared on a wall " to exchange, exchange, tekel, uparsin ") have received reflectance in art.
  • VALTER (Valters) JAnis (1869-1932), the Latvian painter. Indicative genre urban scenes, national phylums (" In the market ", 1897), realistic landscapes.
  • VALTON (Valton) (an ice-film. fam. Vallikivi, Vallikivi) Arvo (r. 1935), the Estonian writer. Books grotesque - satirical (" Eight japonok ", 1968), social stories and historical and philosophical short stories - parables (" Mustamjaeskaja love ", 1979; " Aged schety ", 1981). Collections of aphorisms (" Urgent repenting ", 1989), verses. In historical novels - stylizations about CHingishane " the Path to other end of perpetuity " (1978; in Russian transfer - " Ways converge in eternity ") - a theme of immortality, opposition of active evil and contemplative goods.
  • FRENCH HORN (from a nem. Waldhorn, characters. - a wood horn, ital. corno), duhovoj a musical instrument. Has appeared in kon. 17 century as a result of improvement of the hunting horn. The modern phylum of a french horn with valves is built in 1-st chetv. 19 century.
  • VALUA (Valois), a dynasty of the French kings in 1328-1589. The most known representatives: Charles V, Lui XI, Francis I, Genrih II, Genrih III.
  • VALUA (Valois) Ninet de (an ice-film. A name and fam. Idris Stannus, Stannus) (r. 1898), the English actress of ballet, the ballet master. There was among creators and artistic administrators (1931-63) troupes " Sedlers-Wells a ball " (about 1957 Royal ballet of the Great Britain).
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