VEGENER (Wegener) Alfred Lotar (1880-1930), german a geophysics. The participant (1906-08, 1912-13) and the chief (1929-30) expeditions to Greenland. The writer (1912) theories of drift of mainlands - the first hypothesis mobilizma.VEGENER Paul (1874-1948), the german actor of theatre and kino. Worked at German theatre with producer M.Rejnhardtom. One of creators of german kino. It was taken out in films: "Golem", " Alive Buddhas ", " the Prague student ", etc.VEGETARIANISM (from sr .-eyelid.s of an armour. vegetabilis - vegetative), a feed system extremely vegetative or a dairy - plant food. The vegetarian mode can be nominated temporarily with the medical or prophylactic purpose.VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM (from an armour. vegeto - I provoke, I resuscitate), a part of nervous system of vertebrates and the person, regulating activity of an internals and systems - a blood circulation, respiration, digestion, secretion, reproduction, etc., a metabolism and the functional condition (an excitability, functionability, etc.) tissues of an organism. It is divided on sympathetic and parasimpaticheskuju nervous system.VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION, education of a new metazoon from a part parent by a budding, division (for the lowest animal and plants), and also through rootstocks, it is proliferous, bulbs, klubnej, etc. (for higher plants). It is used in a fruit growing, a vegetable raising, etc. branches of an agriculture. Sometimes a vegetative reproduction fall into to an asexual reproduction.VEGETATIVE ORGANS, the parts of a plant serving for maintenance of his life. For lower plant - forms it is a thallome, for the maximum - a leaf, a stalk, a root. Compare. Generative organs.VEGETATIVE PERIOD, 1) the season of year in which growth and development (vegetation) of plants are possible; duration depends primarily on a geographic latitude, a climate (in a north he is shorter, in the south is longer). 2) Time (in day) from germination of seeds before ripening (in a plant growing from crop before cleaning). Napr., the vegetative season of a winter wheat of 200-350 day, summer - 62-189 day.VEGETATION (from an armour. vegetatio - exaltation, revival), a growth, active (as against a dormant state) vital activity of vegetative organisms.VEGETSY (Vegetius) Flavy Rhenate (kon. 4 - nach. 5 centuries), the Roman military theorist and the historian. The writer of the tract about military science (combat training, organization of a troops, arms, battle formations, tactics, etc.).VEGIN Peter Viktorovich (r. 1939), the Russian poet. With 1989 in the USA. The first collection of verses - "Spiral staircase" (1968). In the poetry noted affluent metaforikoj and irony, reverts to themes of a nature, daily life, art. Collections of verses: " Cross to Summer " (1973), " Winter mail " (1978), " Above roofs " (1979), " Mia maid of the Father and Mother " (1981), "Silver" (1984), "Workshop" (1989), etc.VEDANGA (sanskr. A part ved), vedijskie the texts dedicated sacramental, ethymology, grammar, phonetics, the register and astronomy.VEDANTA (sanskr., characters. - an end ved), the most widespread indian religious - philosophical flow; to vedante naturally vedanta, purva-mimansa, some doctrines vishnuizma and shivaizma, and also neoinduizma in a broad sense concern. Naturally vedanta - one of six orthodox (admitting authority ved) philosophical systems; compositions "Vedanta-sutra" (or "Brahma-sutra") - it is attributed to wise man Badarajane (4-3 centuries up to n. e.). It is based to treatment of expressions shruti (" sacred texts " induizma) about atmane (the personal spiritual beginning) and brahmane (the maximum reality). As the purpose of life vedanta considers "discharging", achievement of initial sameness atmana and brahmana. The latest versions naturally vedanty: advajtavedanta SHankary, doctrine Ramanudzhi. Representatives vedanty in new time: Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Radhakrishnan, etc.VEDDOIDNAJA the STRAIN, enters in major equatorial (negro-avstraloidnuju) strain. A corrugated hair, poor growth of a hair on a face and a body (as contrasted to avstraloidnoj strain) are characteristic. It is distributed in Center. And Vost. India (veddy, some groups bihartsev, bhilov, etc.), countries of Indochina (senoi, etc.) and in Indonesia (toala, etc.).VEDDY, people, an aboriginal population of Sri Lanka (primarily Eastern prov.). Ok. 1 thousand person (1987). Belong to veddoidnoj to strain. Tongue indoiranskoj groups. Buddhists believing main and induisty.VEDEKIND (Wedekind) Franc (1864-1918), the german writer. The precursor ekspressionizma; dramas " Waking of spring " (1891), " Marquis background Kejt " (1901); satirical verses in "Simplitsissimuse" (90th). A cult of "strong personality" in dilogii " Spirit of ground " (1895), " Box Pandory " (1904).VEDENEYEV Boris Evgenjevich (1884/85-1946), Russian hydropowers, academician AN the USSR (1932). One of chiefs of construction Volkhov and Dneprovskoj a river plant participat in scheduling GOELRO. The main transactionses under the theory of economic evaluation of construction of a river plant. The state premium of the USSR (1943).VEDENIN Vyacheslav Petrovich (r. 1941), the Russian sportsman, the deserved master of sport (1970). The champion of Olympic Games (1972), the world (1970), the repeated champion of the USSR (in 1966-73) in different kinds of cross-countr.VEDENISOV Boris Nikolaevich (1869-1952), the Russian scientist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1943). The chief of construction of some railway lines and structures. The state premium of the USSR (1943).VEDERNIKOV Alexander Filippovich (r. 1927), the Russian singer (bass), the national actor of the USSR (1976). In 1955-58 at the Leningrad theatre of opera and ballet, with 1958 at Major theatre. 1-n the premium at International competition by him. R.Schuman (Berlin, 1956). The state premium of the USSR (1969).VEDZHVUD Dzh., see Uedzhvud Dzh.
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