Saturday, May 19, 2007

  • VILJA Hose Garsija (r. 1911), the Philippine poet, writes in English. Lives in the USA. Collections of poems " I have come, I here " (1942), etc. proniknuty spirit of rebelliousness against traditions and canons. It is not alien influences of a modernism (the collection of verses "Appassionata", 1980).
  • VILJAVERDE (Villaverde) Sirilo (1812-1894), the cuban writer, the journalist. The realistic historical novel " Sesilija Valdes, or the Hill of the Angel " (hours 1-2, 1839-82) from life of Havana, the expressed protest against servitude; the historical novel "Repenting" (1841). Romantic short stories, publicism.
  • VILJAVISOSA (Villaviciosa) Hose de (1589-1658), the spanish poet, the priest. Iroikomicheskaja poem "Muhiada" (1615).
  • VILJAMEDJANA DE TASSIS-I-PERALTA (Villamediana de Tassis y Peralta) Huan, columns (1582-1622), the spanish poet, court. Was known as the sharp fellow. The friend and literary spodvizhnik Ë. de Gongory-i-Argote. The writer complicated on metaforike sonnets, mythological poems, a play - enchantling spectacle for royal theatre " Glorifying of Nicea ". Circumstances of his death by hand hired killers not projasneny.
  • WILLIAMS (Williams) Albert Rice (1883-1962), the American journalist. In June 1917 - August 1918 in Russia. In February 1918 has created international order for protection of the Soviet authority, the participant of the Civil war. Books: " Lenin. The person and his business " (1919), " Broad masses in Russian revolution " (1921), " Russian. Country, people and for what he combats " (1943).
  • WILLIAMS Alberto (1862-1952), the Argentina composer, the teacher, the public figure. Gave concerts as the conductor and the pianist. The founder national kompozitorskoj schools. The founder and the director (1893-1940) conservatories in Buenos Aires. 9 concordances, orchestral, piano products, songs.
  • WILLIAMS (Williams) Amansio (r .1913), the Argentina architect. Has bridged in the activities of tradition of the aboriginal architecture and achievement of the off-the-shelf technologies (" the Dwelling - bridge in Mar del Plata, 1943-45).
  • WILLIAMS Vasily Robertovich (1863-1939), the Russian pedologist, academician AN the USSR (1931), AN Belarus (1929) and VASHNIL (1935). Transactionses on an agronomical pedology. Has developed a grass-arable system of agriculture. The premium him. V.I.Lenina (1931).
  • WILLIAMS (Williams) William (r .1942), the American painter of generation lyrical ekspressionistov nach. 1970th. Using two-private compositions, creates variations of a theme within the framework of one pattern ("Betmen", 1979).
  • WILLIAMS Peter Vladimirovich (1902-47), the Russian painter and the theatrical artist, the honored worker of arts of Russia (1944). The member OST (1925-31). Historico-revolutionary patterns, portraits. With 1941 main artist of Major theatre in Moscow, has created emotional, stilisticheski whole registration of ballet "Cinderella" (1945) and " Romeo and Dzhuljetta " (1946) S.S.Prokofjeva. The state premium of the USSR (1943, 1946, 1947).
  • VILJAMSON AND. Ó., see. A.U.Uiljamson.
  • VILJANDI (Viljandi) (up to 1917 official title Fellin), city in Estonia, on coast an eskar. Viljandi. A depot. 23 thousand inhabitants (1991). Machine works; mild, wood-working, a food-processing industry. Theatre. A study of local lore museum. The clasp of 13 century. It is known with 1211.
  • VILJANUEVA (Villanueva) Karlos Raul (1900-75), the Venezuelan architect. Campus (1944-57) and a number of housing estates in Caracas; dynamism of a composition, expressiveness of reinforced concrete constructions are supplemented by a sculpture, paintings, a mosaic.
  • VILJA-SISNEROS (Villa Cisneros), the former title of city Dakhla, in Zap. To Sahara.
  • VILJAURRUTJA (Villaurrutia) Havjer (1903-50), the mexican writer, the literary figure. Proniknutaja existential motives lyrics (collections "Nocturnes", 1933; "Desima-mors", 1941. Ostrokriticheskie dramas " the Poor Blue Beard " (1946), " the Dangerous game " (1949). Transfers, including from U.Blejka.
  • VILYUI, the river in west Vost. Siberia, the left-handed in-leak of Lena. 2650 kms, the area of basin of 454 thousand êì2. Flows across Central Siberian plateau and plain Tsentralnojakutskoj. Average discharge of water 1480 m3 / with. Main inflow: Marha, Tjung - at the left, CHona, Ulahan-Botuobuja, Ochchuguj-Botuobuja - on the right. For a settlement. CHernyshevsky - a river plant and water reservoir. It is navigable on 1371 kms from a mouth, at reservoir releases - up to CHernyshevskogo.
  • LOWLAND VILJUJSKAJA, the same, that lowland Tsentralnojakutskaja.
  • VILJUJSKAJA the REFERENCE, in Russia a place political (with nach. 19 century) references to terrains Viljujskogo of okroes. Yakutiya region. In 1872-83 in Viljujskoj to the reference was N.G.Chernyshevsky, in 1889-98 - participants of Yakutiya tragedy (1889).
  • VILJUJSKOE a PLATEAU, an elevated plot of Central Siberian plateau in basin of headwaters of Vilyui. Length of 400 kms. An altitude up to 962 m.
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