Saturday, May 19, 2007

  • WATER FIELD - MOUSE (water rat), mammalian a rodentia. Length of a body up to 24 sm, a tail up to 15 see. Dwells on coasts of water reservoirs of Europe, Boreal and Eastern (up to Lena and Baikal) and in part Forward Asia. Well floats and dives. A majority carrier of the causal organism of a tularemia.
  • WATER JACKET, cavity for water or other liquids, ambient the elements of machines subject to heating and the equipment, napr., internal-combustion engines, metallurgical furnaces (in this case the water jacket calls as a torsion box), for their refrigerating.
  • The WATER TURBINE, the same, that the hydraulic turbine.
  • CROWBERRY (a crowberry, a crowberry), the stem evergreen is fruticulose sets vodjanikovyh. 2 kinds (under other data, 15-16), in taiga and tundra belts of Boreal hemisphere, in the south JUzh. America and neighboring islands. Will sometimes grow on sand - bars and dunes, in the alpine belt of mountains. Fruits (jagodovidnaja a drupe) vodjaniki black are used in I peep.
  • DROPSY, clump of a liquid in perigastriums, a hypodermic tissue and other tissues at diseases of heart, kidneys, a toxicosis pregnant, etc. As the serotinal toxicosis pregnant is defined by occurrence of dropsies on legs, in range of outside sexual organs and a belly.
  • WATER WHEEL, the elementary hydraulic motor - a sprocket bladed, spun by water deluge.
  • HOT-WATER HEATING, heating of rooms feed in them of heat through heating appliances (radiators, convectors, panels, etc.), heated up with hot water. Distinguish water heating systems with natural and synthetic water circulation, with a top and bottom arrangement of a cultivating line, two-funneled and single-column.
  • WATER, in folk beliefs a demon in a mode of the old man, dwelling in whirlpools, wells and other water reservoirs, sometimes at-sea (in Russian folklore - marine tsar).
  • WATER SEAL, the hydraulic device handicapping back-flow of gases in pipe lines. It is applied in a sanitary engineering to an avoidance of hit of sewage gases in a room through sanitarian devices (water closets, shells), and also in the gas-welding equipment.
  • WATER-MARK (filigran), the plotting visible on a lumen on a paper. It is put by the platen (dandy roll) with the help of a wire figure of a water-mark. It is applied to manufacturing documents, the money, valuable papers in order to prevent fabrications. It is studied filigranografiej. In bibliology helps to date manuscripts and staropechatnye issuings.
  • WATER Michael Grigorjevich (1924-87), the Russian actor of an operetta, the national actor of the USSR (1976). With 1946 at the Odessa theatre of the musical comedy (in 1979-83 artistic administrator - the director). Acted in film.
  • WATER OPOSSUM, the same, that plavun.
  • WATER CHESTNUT (a water nut, a water chestnut), a stem of water annual grasses of a set rogulnikovyh. Some tens kinds (sometimes integrate in 1 polymorphic kind, sometimes secrete up to 200), in Eurasia and Africa; in Russia predominary in the south of the European part, in JUzh. Siberia, on the Far East. Will grow primarily in small fresh lentic and medlennotekushchih water reservoirs. Affluent starch fruits ("walnuts" with cornute projections) are edible in a wet and boiled kind (on taste remind chestnuts); have also feed and medicinal value.
  • AQUATIC SOW-BUG, crustaceous from order ravnonogih. Length of 12-20 mm. Populates fresh water reservoirs. Sometimes meets in quantities; ministers nutrition to fishes.
  • WATER SPIDER, unique freshwater spider. Length samtsa 15-20 mm, samki 10-12 mm. Breaths air by means of a pair of lungs and trachea. It is eurysynusic in Europe. Builds a submerged nest which fills in with air brought on a fuzz of an abdomen.
  • WATER PEPPER, plant of a stem a jointweed.
  • WATER SCORPIONS, sets of bugs. Length of 15-50 mm. Ok. 200 kinds. Are distributed widely, predominary in Austro-Columbian regions. Live in fresh lentic water reservoirs. Predators; assaulting fry of fishes, harm prudovomu to a fish farming.
  • VOEVODA, the commander, the governor for slavonic peoples. In Russia it is known from 10 century In the Russian state - in the chapter a shelf, order (kon. 15 - nach. 18 centuries), cities (it is grey. 16 century - 1775), provinces (1719-75).
  • VOEVODIN Valentine Vasiljevich (r. 1934), the Russian mathematician, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on computational methods of algebra.
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