Friday, May 18, 2007

  • WEBER (Weber) Alfred (1868-1958), the german economist and the sociologist. Brother M.Vebera. Has worked out a concept sociologies of a history and crop on which the course of history is determined by process of the spiritual creativity which is carried out by intellectual elite.
  • WEBER Joseph (1908-85), german political and the public figure. Former personnel military. Opposed militarism, revanchism and neo-nazism, dispositions of nuclear missiles in terrain of Europe. The international Lenin premium (1985).
  • WEBER Charles Maria a background (1786-1826), the german composer and the conductor, the musical critic. The founder of german romantic opera. 10 operas (" Free scapes ", 1821; "Evrianta", 1823; the Oberon ", 1826), masterly concert plays for a piano (" the Invitation to dance ", 1819; "Kontsertshtjuk" for a piano with an orchestra, 1821), etc.
  • WEBER Maks (1864-1920), the german sociologist, the historian, the economist and the lawyer. Brother A.Vebera. In the basis of a methodology of Weber resting on neokantianskuju epistemology, differentiation of trial knowledge and values; the concept of "comprehension" on which social action speaks through interpretation of personal motives; the theory of theoretical phylums - the abstract and arbitrary imaginary designs of historical process. Opposed marxism. In an origin of a Western-European capitalism retracted a main role protestantizmu. The main compositions: " Agrarian ancient history ", " Protestant ethics and spirit of a capitalism ", " the Economy and a society ".
  • FLUXMETER (flux meter), the device for definition of changes of a magnetic flux on the electromotive force induced in a sensing coil; it is calibrated in weber.
  • VEBERN (Webern) Anton a background (1883-1945), the Austrian composer, the conductor. The representative of new austrian school. Musical - aesthetic views have developed under influence of naturalistic philosophy of I.V.Gete and Christian ethics. Limiting laconism of an indicative means invokes sensation of irreality of raised modes. Cantatas, the concordance (1923), tool bands, songs, etc.
  • WEBER the APPARATUS, system it is mobile the jointed bonelets bridging a swim bladder with an internal ear for some bony fishes. Participates in a sound perception, transmits changes of volume of a swim bladder (at vertical displacements of a fish) to an internal ear. It is called named E.G.Vebera.
  • VEBI-SHEBELI, the river in Ethiopia and Somalia. 2490 kms. It is used for an irrigation, it is lost in bogs in 40 kms from a shore Indian ok. Average discharge of water ok. 320 m3 / with. On coasts Vebi-SHebeli gallery forests are extended.
  • VEBLEN (Veblen) Torstejn (1857-1929), the American economist and the sociologist. The founder institutsionalizma in western political economy. The adherent of a social darvinism. A special role in social development retracted technical intelligency. Ideas Veblena become the basis of different theories of a technocracy.
  • VEBSTER (Uebster) (Webster) CHarlz Kingsli (1886-1961), the English historian. In 1950-54 president of the British academy. The main transactionses on a history of the English foreign policy.
  • VEBSTERA DICTIONARYS, see. Uebstera dictionarys.
  • VEVE, (Vevey), a climatic health resort in Switzerland, on boreal coast Geneva an eskar., at a lockin r. Vevez, to a southeast from Lausanne. Architectonic monuments of 15-18 centuries. Tourism. Festivals of classical music.
  • VEVERITSA, the most small-sized, indivisible monetary unit in Other. Russia, equal 1/2 or 1/3 are cut.
  • VEVIS (Vievis) (up to 1917 official title to Eve), city (with 1950) in Lithuania. A depot. 5,6 thousand inhabitants (1990). Manufacture of a building materials, mixed foods; the alimentary enterprises.
  • VEGA (? Liras), an aster of null stellar magnitude, one of the brightest asters of Boreal hemisphere. Vega, Deneb (? A swan) and Altair (? Orel) are well visible in the summer root and will derivate t. n. A major summer triangle.
  • "VEGA" (in abbreviated form from the title of the design " Venus - comet Galleja "), the title of the Soviet interplanetary automatic stations ("Âåãà-1" and "Âåãà-2"), used in 1984-86 for study of a planet Venus and Galleja comets. Both stations are analogous on a design and destination. Experts participated in development and implementation of the design " Venus - comet Galleja " of some european countries.
  • "VEGA" ("Vega"), a steam-sailing seal-catching schooner, on which arctic expedition N. A.E.Nordenshelda in 1878-79 for the first time has passed North-east pass along boreal shore of Europe and Asia from Atlantic ok. In Quiet and, having bent Eurasia, has returned to Sweden (with one wintering). It is constructed in 1873; displacement 360 t.
  • VEGA (Vega) Garsilaso de ac (1503-36), the spanish poet. The reformer of a verse on samples of italian Revitalization, the writer of sonnets, elegy and the eclogues published posthumously (1543).
  • VEGA (Vega) George a background (1756-1802), the Austrian mathematician. Has constituted the seven-element "Table of logarithmses" (1783) multiply reissued.
  • VEGA KARPO (Vega Carpio) (Lope de Vega) Lope Feliks de (1562-1635), the spanish playwright. The large representative of Revitalization. The writer over 2000 plays (500 from which are issued), novels, verses, including - a historical drama " Great duke Moscow " (1617), social dramas " Blood innocent " (1623) and " the Aster of Seville " (1623), a national - heroic drama " Salamejsky alkald " (it is written up to 1610) and " Fuente Ovehuna " (1619), comedies about love "Dog in the manger" (1618), "Dancing-master" (1593).
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