Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BORZHOMI, city (with 1921) in Georgia, on r. The hen. A railway junction. 19,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Balneal and a climatic health resort. Factory on spreading capacity of mineral waters. Theatre. A study of local lore museum.
  • BORZHOMSKOE the GORGE, a gorge r. The hen, between Meshetskim and Trialetskim hr. On M.Kavkaze, in Georgia. Depth up to 1500 m, length of 60 kms. Broad-leaved and coniferous forests.
  • BORZNA, city (with 1966) on Ukraine, the Chernigov region, in 14 kms from zh.-d. An item. The daughter. 12,7 thousand inhabitants (1991). A brick - kiln, the alimentary enterprises. It is based in 16 century.
  • BORZOV Alexander Aleksandrovich (1874-1939), the Russian fiziko-geographer, the geomorphologist. The professor of the Moscow state university (with 1918), the honored worker of science of Russia (1935). Has placed{installed} some regularities of development of erosive and morainal landscapes of plains, the causes of education of asymmetry of valleys and interfluves.
  • BORZOV Valery Filippovich (r. 1949), the Ukrainian sportsman (track and field), the deserved master of sport (1970). The champion of Olympic Games (1972), the repeated champion of Europe and the USSR (in 1969-76) in trot race on 100 and 200 m. the President of National Olympic committee of Ukraine (with 1991).
  • BORZOV Ivan Ivanovich (1915-74), the commander, marshal of aircraft (1972). The hero of Soviet Union (1944). During Great Domestic war has committed 147 sorties.
  • BORZOI, group of breeds of hunting dogs of an ancient origin. From major (over 20) figures of breeds slavjatsja Russian borzoi, differ speed trot race. Hunt with a borzoi (for a hare, the fox, the wolf, etc.) routinely top part (having 2-3 and more dogs).
  • BORI, village in Karagaulskom r-not Georgia where it is open{discovered} (nach. 20 century) the burial of the first centuries n. e. With affluent funeral stock: weapons, golden and silver ware, dressings, etc.
  • BORIDES, chemical combinations of a milletgrass with metals. Crystals, adamantine, high-melting, heat resisting. Components solid and high-temperature alloys, refractories, antiwear coatings, cathodes of electronic devices.
  • BORATING, saturation of a surface of items from steel and some other metals a milletgrass for increase of hardness, a heat-resistance and wear-resistance (primarily abrasive).
  • BORIS (?-1015), prince Rostov, the son of prince Vladimir I. It is killed by adherents Svjatopolka I. Together with brother Glebom it is sainted Russko-orthodox.
  • BORIS I (?-907), the Bulgarian prince in 852-889. In 864 has entered christianity (on an orthodox sample).
  • BORIS III (1894-1943), tsar of Bulgaria in 1918-43. Promoted tumble (1923) A.Tsankova. Conducted pro-German foreign policy.
  • BORIS ALEKSANDROVICH (?-1461), grand duke Tver with 1425. In the union with Dmitry Shemjakoj struggled against Vasily of II Dark, has reconciled from nymas later. Wared against Novgorod (1446). Under his{its} order the annals stating a world history up to 1453 has been constituted.
  • BORISEVICH Nikolay Aleksandrovich (r. 1923), physics, the academician (1969) and president AN of Belarus (1969-87; with 1992 honorary president), the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR 1981), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1978). The main{basic} transactionses on a luminescence, infrared spectroscopy, a quantum electronics. The lenin premium (1980), the State premium of the USSR (1973).
  • BORISLAV, city (with 1940) on Ukraine, the Lvov region. A depot. 41,1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Chemical, a light industry; factories: porcelain, synthetic diamonds and diamond tool; furniture factory, etc. It is known about 1387. Bliz Borislavs a crude production, native paraffine.
  • BORISOV, city (with 1795) in Belarus, the Minsk region. A depot. 150,2 thousand zhitielej (1991). A machine industry (a software "Screen", etc.), wood-working, chemical and himiko-pharmacological, alimentary, a light industry; manufacture of musical instruments, flint glass, etc. The Study of local lore museum. It is based in 1102, with kon. 12 century belonged to Lithuania, then Poland, with 1793 in Russian empire.
  • BORISOV Alexander Alekseevich (1866-1934), the Russian artist. The pupil and the continuer of tradition A.I.Kuindzhi. As a result of traveling on tundra, coasts of White m. and Ledovitogo ok. On It is new. The Earth has become in the landscapes the pioneer of Far North for Russian from - art.
  • BORISOV Alexander Fedorovich (1905-82), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1951), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1981). With 1928 at the Leningrad theatre him{it}. Pushkin. It was taken out in films: " the Academician Ivan of Pauls ", "Musorgsky", etc. State premiums of the USSR (1947, 1950, 1951 - doubly).
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