Friday, June 8, 2007

  • BUCHAREST (Bucuresti), capital of Romania, on Nizhnedunajskoj nizm., in 45 kms from Danube. A do-it-yourself administrative unit. 2,1 million inhabitants (1992). A traffic centre. An international airport. A large industrial centre: a machine industry and metal working, textile, kozhevenno-boot, chemical, sewing, alimentary, glass, farforofajansovaja, a printing industry, colour and iron and steel industry, a woodworking. Underground railway. AN Romania and branch academies, university and other high schools; museums, theatres, music hall Ateneum (19 century). Under the modern title it is known from 14 century. With 1659 capital of Walachia, with 1861 - Romania. Monasteries and churches of 16-18 centuries (Mihaj-Vode. Patriarchal, Kretsulesku). A palace of Republic (20 century).
  • The BUCHAREST MIR (28.5.1812, Bucharest), has finished russko-turkish war 1806-12. To Russia Bessarabia and a number{series} of ranges of Transcaucasia headed out. Has confirmed privileges of Moldova, Walachia, has supplied{ensured} internal self-management of Serbia and the right of protection of Russia to christians - the citizen of Turkey. The signed M.I.Kutuzovym before encroachment of Napoleon I into Russia, the Bucharest world has protected against a contingency its{her} austral boundaries.
  • The BUCHAREST PEACE TREATY 1913, has finished 2-¯ the Balkan war (see. The Balkan wars 1912-13).
  • The BUCHAREST PEACE TREATY 1918, between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, on the one hand, and Romania - with other. Romania conceded to Austria-Hungary marginal areas (pribl. 6 thousand êì2), returned JUzh. Dobrudja Bulgaria (above the Sowing. Dobrudja established{set} the condominium of the mandatory powers of the German unit). It is cancelled by the Versailles peace treaty 1919.
  • The BUCHAREST UNIVERSITY, Romania, is based in 1864. In 1991 over 7 thousand students.
  • BUHARIN Nikolay Ivanovich (1888-1938), the political figure, academician AN the USSR (1928). The participant of Revolution 1905-07 and October 1917. In 1917-18 leader of " the left-handed communists ". In 1918-29 editor of the newspaper "Truth", it is simultaneous in 1919-29 member of Executive committee of Komintern. In 1929-32 member of Presidium of the High council of a national economy of the USSR, with 1932 member of board Narkomtjazhproma. In 1934-37 editor of "Informations". The member of a Central Committee of a consignment in 1917-34. The member of the Political bureau of a Central Committee in 1924-29. The candidate in members Orgbjuro a Central Committee in 1923-24. The member of the All-Russia Central executive committee and the Central executive committee of the USSR. In kon. 20th has acted against application of emergency measures at realization of collectivization and industrialization that has been declared " by a dextral slope in All-Russia KP (á) ". Transactionses on philosophy and political economies. It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • BUKHARA NATIONAL SOVIET REPUBLIC (BNSR), is derivated 8.10.1920; captured territory former Bukhara emirata. 18,2 thousand êì2. The population 2,2 million person. Capital - Bukhara. 19.9.1924 it is converted to Bukhara SSR.
  • BUKHARA RANGE, in Uzbekistan. 143,4 thousand êì2. The population of 1232 thousand person (1992). Adm. ts. - Bukhara.
  • The BUKHARA SOCIALIST SOVIET REPUBLIC, is transformed{reformed} 19.9.1924 of Bukhara national Soviet republic. During national delimitation the terrain Bukhara SSR in October 1924 has come in Turkmen SSR, Uzbek SSR and Tadjik Independent{Autonomous} SSR.
  • BUKHARA EMIRAT, the state in Compare. Asia in 1747-1920, with 1868 vassal of Russian empire. Capital - Bukhara. Emirs from dynasty Mangyt. Revolution 2.7.1920 through Red Army has overthrown an authority of emir, 8.10.1920 the Bukhara national Soviet republic is professed.
  • BUKHARA HANSTVO, the state in Compare. Asia in 16-18 centuries (the title has arisen after transference of capital of the state Shejbanidov to Bukhara). The greatest territorial expansion and political influence has received at Abdulle-khan II in 1557-98. Oslablo at dynasty Ashtarhanidov (Dzhanidov). In 1740 it is conquered by the Nadir - check. With 1747 calls Bukhara emirat.
  • BUHVOSTOV Sergey Leontjevich (1659-1728), spodvizhnik Peter I, first recorded in "amusing", is paid in 1687 in Preobrazhenskiy shelves; the major of artillery, the participant of the Azov marchings and Boreal war.
  • BUHVOSTOV Jacob Grigorjevich, the Russian architect kon. 17 century. The serf. Church in seconds Ubory of the Moscow region (1694-97), the Dormition fast in Ryazan (1693-99) - bricky with belokamennymi component parts in naryshkinskom style.
  • ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT (from a nem. Buch - the book and halten - to keep), 1) book-keeping... 2) Structural subdividing of the enterprises and the organizations, executing book keeping.
  • The ACCOUNTS, the system of parameters defining a condition of a means and economic - financing activities of the enterprise (organizations, establishments) for an accounting period (month, quarter, year); it is compounded{made} on accounting figures.
  • BOOK KEEPING, one of kinds{views} of the economic count; founded on documents continuous interdependent reflectance of a means and economic operations in the money form. At book keeping the documentation and inventory, an assessment{evaluation} and accounting, accounts{invoices} and the double entry, the reporting are used balance accounting. Book keeping is conducted on unified regulations and forms that allows then to extend his{its} data with the help of statistics.
  • BUHGOLTS Benedikt Lvovich (1900-33), the Russian military pilot, the pilot - verifier. Participated in development of the methodical manual on airplane ô-1 which has underlain a course of flight preparation; for the first time has executed a complex experiment in air by definition an efficient way of spin recovery of a flying boat "Savoy - 16". Has perished at flight.
  • BUHENVALD (Buchenwald), fascist concentration camp bliz Weimar in 1937-45. In Buhenvalde it has been deleted by 56 thousand encased. In 1958 in Buhenvalde the memorial complex is open{discovered}.
  • BUHER FOR. X., see Bacher U.H.
  • BUHIS, in egyptian mythology the god of. Germont, esteemed in a mode{an image} of the black bull.
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