Friday, June 15, 2007

  • The GREAT-POWER CHAUVINISM, the marginal form of nationalism of representatives of the prevailing nations, shows in depressing{supression} other peoples in multinational states, racism.
  • The GREAT PRINCIPALITY the FINNISH, official title of Finland in structure of Russian empire (1809-1917).
  • GREAT ASSOCIATION, theoretical models of a quantum theory of a field in which attempts of the description on the unified basis{fundamentals} of weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions are done{made}. Association of interactions descends at powers (in system of a centre of mass of particles)? 1014 GeV (or on distances? 10-28 sm). A number{series} of models forecasts instability of a proton in due course life 1032 flying.
  • GREAT RESETTLEMENT of PEOPLES, name title of set{combination} of ethnic conveyances in Europe in 4-7 centuries of germen, slavs, Sarmatian, etc. nations in terrain of Roman empire. A direct push to Great resettlement of peoples was mass removal gunnov (since 70th of 4 century). Great resettlement of peoples promoted downfall of Roman empire.
  • GREAT OPPOSITION of Mars, opposition of a planet Mars in the season{term} when she is near to a perihelion. Great oppositions descend through 15-17 flying. At Great opposition the distance from Mars up to the Earth compounds{makes} ok. 55 million in km.
  • GRAND-DUCAL, the title of Proletarsk of the Rostov region up to 1920.
  • VELIKOMORAVSKAJA the MANDATORY POWER (Velikomoravskoe, the Bohemian principality), the state of western slavs in 9-10 centuries in the south of Moravia. In 906 Velikomoravskaja the mandatory power it is routed by nomads - Hungarians.
  • The GREAT MARTYR, the Christian martyr, preterpevshy especially heavy and continuous travails.
  • LOWLAND VELIKOPOLSKO-KUJAVSKAJA (Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska), in Poland, primarily in basin r. Varta. An altitude up to 227 m. Morainal hills, valleys of a drainage of ancient icehouses, lakes. Piny and mixed forests. Plantings of a potato, vegetables. Large cities - Poznan, Bydgoszcz, Torun.
  • VELIKOROSSIJA, the official title in 19 - nach. 20 centuries of terrain of the European part of Russia including in structure of Russian state up to it is grey. 17 century, with the prevailing{dominating} Russian population (earlier - Great Russia). 30 provinces.
  • "VELIKORUSS", the first clandestine printed{published;stamped} leaflet in Russia (June - October 1861, 3 numbers; 1863, N4). Invoked the derivated society to put pressure upon government with the purpose of vesting peasants by ground, convocation of national representatives for a yield of the constitution, declaration of independence to Poland. Otherwise forecast overall popular uprising in the summer 1863. The writer and the publisher are unknown.
  • VELIKORUSY (velikorossy), the title Russian, distributed in the literature with it is grey. 19 century. In the modern scientific literature it is saved in terms "severovelikorussky", "juzhnovelikorussky" and "srednevelikorussky", for notation of three main{basic} adverbs of Russian.
  • It GREAT - TYRNOVO (up to 1965 Tyrnovo), city in Bulgaria, on r. JAntra. 70 thousand inhabitants (1985). A machine industry (including electrotechnical), textile, chemical, wood-working, a flavoring industry. University. An archeologic museum. As a large settlement it is known from 11-12 centuries Capital of the Second Bulgarian kingdom, centre Tyrnovskih of revolts 1598, 1686. Residues of the byzantian strength of 5-6 centuries, strengths, churches and palaces (12-14 centuries). Churches and houses in national style of the season{term} of the Bulgarian revitalization. It great - Tyrnovo - city - reservation.
  • VELIKOUSTJUZHSKOE BLACKENING of a software to SILVER, Russian national art craft, has developed in 18 century in Great Ustyug. Cigarette cases, coasters, etc. stud with the drawings carefully plump chernju. In 1933 the artel (with 1960 factory) " Boreal chern " (artistic administrator E.P.Shilnikovsky, up to 1962) is based.
  • VELISARY (Belisarios) (ok. 504-565), the byzantian commander of emperor Justiniana I. Has gained victories above irantsami, vandals in the Sowing. To Africa, has won for ostgotov JUzh. And Compare. Italy.
  • VELITY (an armour. velites), a mild infantry in structure of a Roman legion in 4-3 centuries up to n. e. Arms - an onions, a sling, a dart. Protective arms had no.
  • VELIHOV Eugeny Pavlovich (r. 1935), the Russian physics - theorist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1974), the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; vice-president AN the USSR with 1978), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1985). The main{basic} transactionses on plasma physics, hydromagnetics, a problem of steered thermonuclear fusion. The lenin premium (1984), the State premium of the USSR (1977).
  • VALUE, in mathematics-1) generalization of concrete concepts: lengths, the areas, weight, etc. Having picked one of values of the given stem for unit, it is possible to express figure attitude{relation} of any other value of the same stem to unit. 2) More generally a scalar value, or a scalar, the object completely defined by the task of one figure calls. Generalization of scalar values are vector quantities (see. A vector), tensor values (see. A calculus of tensors).
  • VELICHKA (Wieliczka), city in the south of Poland. 18 thousand inhabitants (1990). A balneal health resort. Salt shaft (since 11 century). In aged salt mines nowadays a museum and sanatorium. Center of tourism.
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