Friday, June 8, 2007

  • VAZUZA, the river at the centre of the European part of the Russian Federation, dextral in-leak{influx} of Volga. 162 kms, the area of basin of 7,1 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 39 m3 / with. Bliz a mouth - Vazuzskoe vdhr. For water supply of Moscow.
  • VAJBHASHIKA (sarvastivada), philosophical school of the Buddhism hinajany. Has developed in 3-2 centuries up to n. e. The main{basic} source - tract Vasubandhu "Abhidharmakosha". Has advanced Buddhist doctrine about Dharmas.
  • VAIGACH, island on border{limit} Barentseva and Karskogo seas, in structure of the Russian Federation. Ok. 3,4 thousand êì2. An altitude up to 170 m. Tundra vegetation. Occupied points: Vaigach, the Long Lip, Varnek. Polar station (with 1950).
  • VAJDA, a stem of grasses of a set of a cruciferae family. Ok. 60 kinds{views}, in Eurasia and the Sowing. To Africa. Vajdu retuse, etc. kinds{views} sometimes cultivate on a forage. Vajdu dyeing before cultivated in Zap. To Europe as a dyestuff plant (leaves contain an indigo).
  • VAJDA (Wajda) Andrzej (r. 1926), the Polish producer. Films: "Channel" (1957), " Ash and diamond " (1958), "Ash" (1965), " All on sale " (1969), "Birch grove" (1971), " the Person from marble " (1976), " Without narcosis " (1978), " the Person from gland " (1981), "Danton" (1983), " the Chronicle of love incidents " (1986). His{its} films about historical paths of development of Poland, tragical conflicts of duties in attitudes{relations} between the personality and a society. Works at theatre.
  • VAJZHGANTAS (an ice-film. A name and fam. JUozas Tumas, Tumas) (1869-1933), the Lithuanian writer. Has realistically reflected life of Lithuanian people kon. 19 - nach. 20 centuries in novels "Flashes" (1917-33), " the Cancer of family " (1927-29), stories " the Uncle and the aunt " (1921), "Dumb" (1930), " ZHemajtijsky Robinzon " (1932), etc.
  • VAJZHGANTAS, in the Lithuanian mythology the godhood of a flux.
  • VAJZENBORN (Vejzenborn) (Weisenborn) Gjunter (1902-69), the german writer. The participant of movement of Resistance. In 1942-45 prisoner of fascist prison. Plays, including a drama "Underground workers" (1945), the collection of prosaic fragments "Memorial" (1948) about anti-fascist extirpation in Germany 1933-45. Roman "Persecutor" (1961).
  • VAIL Peter Lvovich (r. 1949), the Russian writer, the essayist. With 1977 in the USA. The main{basic} orb of interests: the Russian literature of 19 and 20 centuries, the modern crop. It was published in emigrant issuings "Continent", " Time and we ", "Edges", "Echo", etc. With 1993 managing editor of Russian service of radio station " Freedom ". Books (together with A.A.Genis): " the Modern Russian prose " (1982), " Lost paradise. Emigration: attempt of a self-portrait " (1983), " 60. The world of the Soviet person " (1988), " Native speech " (1990), etc.
  • VAJMAN Seeds Teodorovich (r. 1924), the Russian literary critic, the Doctor of Philology (1970). The main{basic} orb of interests - the theory of the literature, a history of the foreign literature. Books: " Rabelais Art method " (1960), " Dante and a problem of a germing of realism " (1961), " the Marxist aesthetics and problems of realism " (1964), " Realism as an antipode of religion. Etudes about poetics Bokkachcho " (1966), " Balzakovsky a paradox " (1981), " Harmonies a mysterious authority. About organic poetics " (1989), etc.
  • VAJNBERG Mechislav Samuilovich (1919-1996), the Russian composer, the national actor of Russia (1980). One of master symphonists - 20 concordances, including " Flowers of Poland " (1965), the Chamber concordance (1986), opera " the Madonna and the soldier " (1970), ballet " Golden kljuchik " (1962), 16 string quartets, etc. The State premium of the USSR (1990).
  • VAJNBERG (Uejnberg) (Weinberg) Stephen (r. 1933), American physics. Transactionses on an elementary particle physics. The Nobel Prize (1979, together with S.Gleshou and A.Salamom) for building of the consolidated theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions.
  • VAJNERT (Weinert) Erih (1890-1953), the german writer. In 1933-1946 in anti-fascist emigration, the participant of a civil war in Spain 1936-39. The president of national committee " Loose Germany " (1943-45). Patriotic and anti-fascist lyrics.
  • VINERS, Russian writers, brothers, co-authors: Arcady Aleksandrovich (r. 1931) and George Aleksandrovich (r. 1938). Masters of a detective genre. The first story - " Hours for Mr Kelly " (1967). The greatest success had the novel " Ayr mercies " (1976; it is picturized under the title " the Rendezvous point to change it is impossible " from V.S.Vysotskim in the main part). Novels " gospels from the executioner " (1979), " the Hinge strain and a stone " (1984), books " Oshchupju at midday " (1969), " to not lose the person " (1978), " Karsky road " (1983), etc.
  • VAJNONEN Vasily Ivanovich (1901-64), the Russian ballet master, the honored artist of Russia (1939). Worked at the Leningrad theatre of opera and ballet by him{it}. Kirov, Major theatre. Has delivered " the Flame of Paris " to B.V.Asafjeva. The state premium of the USSR (1947, 1949).
  • WEINSTEIN Boris Konstantinovich (r. 1921), Russian physics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1976). Transactionses under the theory rentgeno-and electron diffraction studies, to a structural analysis of crystals, a structure of biological crystals and macromolecules, a submicroscopy.
  • WEINSTEIN Lev Albertovich (1920-89), Russian radio physicses, corresponding member AN the USSR (1966). The main{basic} transactionses on diffraction and wave propagation, an electronics engineering, statistical radio physics. The state premium of the USSR (1990, posthumously).
  • VAJNJUNAS Stasis (1909-82), the Lithuanian composer and the pianist, the national actor of Lithuania (1959). The concordance, concerts for instruments with an orchestra, chamber music. The professor of the Lithuanian conservatory (with 1953). The state premium of the USSR (1951).
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