Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • HIGH PLATEAU, non-proprietary name of an intermountain semidesert plateau in the Atlas. An altitude of 1100-1200 m in the west, 700-800 m on the orient. It is a lot of hollows with brine lakes (sebhi, shotty).
  • HIGH TAUERN (Hohe Tauern), mountain ridge Vost. The Alpes. Length of 120 kms, an altitude up to 3797 m (. Grosglokner).
  • HEATS the INSTITUTE of Russian Academy of Science (IVTRAN), is based in 1962 in Moscow. Probes of properties of substances at heats, processes warmly and mass transfer, development of installations of forward transform of a thermal energy in electrical. There is a branch in Shatura.
  • HIGH-PROTEIN CROPS, agricultural plants high in protein in a grain and a green material. To high-protein crops attribute pulse crops of crop, the strong of wheat. Are of great importance for a feed of the person, enrichment by a protein of rations agricultural animal.
  • VYSOKOVICH Vladimir Konstantinovich (1854-1912), the Russian pathologist, an epidemiologist and the bacteriologist. Alongside with I.I.Mechnikovym one of osnovatelej doctrines about reticuloendothelial system. Transactionses on a pathological anatomy of a lues and a tuberculosis, immunity and an epidemiology of some communicable diseases.
  • The HIGH-VOLTAGE ACCELERATOR, the device for speedup of charged particles by an electric field, to stationary values or weakly varying during all time of a beam acceleration. The electric field forms by the high-voltage generator with the greatest reached pressure{voltage;stress} ok. 20 MV.
  • VYSOKOVSK, city (with 1940) in the Russian Federation, the Moscow region. A depot. 11,5 thousand inhabitants (1992). Prjadilno-weaving; manufacture of fur-tree toys.
  • HIGH-MOUNTAINOUS PHYLUM of the RELIEF, morphological phylum of a relief of predominary pullet{predominary young man} highlands (the Alpes, Caucasus, Pamir, the Himalayas, etc.), defined by abrupt downslopes, a steep and sharp erosive partition, a sharpness and nakedness of tops and crests, glacial landforms.
  • VYSOKOGORSKAJA GROUP of IRON-ORE DEPOSITS, in Ekaterinburg region, in area of Nizhni Tagil. Up to 10 magnetite kontaktovo-metasomaticheskih deposits. The greatest large deposit-. High (it is developed with 1721). It is submitted{shown} plastoobraznymi by deposits of magnetite ores and skarnov, power from 2 up to 20 m. Known reserves 350 million t with mean content Fe of 38 %; production of a loose ore open{discovered} and underground ways.
  • HIGH, city (with 1940) in Belarus, the Brest region, in 3 kms from zh.-d. An item. Highly - Litovsk. 4,7 thousand inhabitants (1991). Manufacture of a building materials; an oil - mill, etc.
  • HIGH REVITALIZATION, the season{term} of a history of italian art (kon. 15 - 1-n chetv. 16 centuries) - a classical phase of art crop of Revitalization. In the architecture, painting and a sculpture of High Revitalization (Bramante, Leonardo yes Vinci, Rafael, Mikelandzhelo, Dzhordzhone, Titsian) the Renaissance realism and humanism, heroic ideals have received the generalized, full titanic force expression; monumental majesty, combination of raised ideality, harmony with depth and zoetic brightness of modes{images} are inherent{intrinsic} in art of High Revitalization.
  • HIGH-MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS, substances with high molecular weight. The majority of high-molecular compounds falls into to polymers.
  • HIGH-MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS the INSTITUTE of Russian Academy of Science (IVS), is based in 1948 in Leningrad. Probes on building new catalysts, a kinetics and mechanisms of education of macromolecules, properties of natural and synthetic high-molecular compounds.
  • HIGH-BULK YARN, the same, that a textured thread.
  • HIGH-SPEED FILMING, filming with frequency over 104 staff / seconds. Apply at probes of stop-actions (at a projection of film with a standard frequency 24 staff / with there is an effect delayed-action).
  • HIGH-TEMPERATURE REACTOR, name title of a nuclear reactor (routinely grafito-gas) for which the working temperature in an active zone reaches 700 °S. The high-temperature reactor allows to create a power plant with a direct cycle in which the reactor and the turbine are connected directly.
  • TALL HERBAGE, grassy vegetation an altitude of 2-4 m, developing at a heightened atmospheric humidity and soils. Predominary in mountains, forest boundaries (napr are higher., Caucasus, Altai, and also in mountains of the Far East). The main{basic} representatives of a tall herbage - a cowparsnip, an angelica, a chervil, etc.
  • HIGH-FREQUENCY WELDING, weldment, at which edge of welded component parts heat up high-frequency currents to their ramollissement or melting away and squeeze. The current in an item is induced{guided} by an inductive or contact way. Use, napr., for a pipe welding from a tape.
  • HIGH-FREQUENCY DISCHARGE, electric discharge in the gas, originating in an electric field of a high frequency. On a way of a rendering of power distinguish: electrode, electrodeless, one-electrode, MICROWAVE - CATEGORY in cavity resonators and radio waveguides.
  • RUBBERY STATE, condition of amorphous polymers, in which they are capable to huge (up to hundreds %) to reversible deformations. Speaks that, that chain molecules of polymers can variate the form. The sample polymeric material maintained in rubbery state, - gum.
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