Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • VOROBEVA Emilija Ivanovna (r. 1934), the Russian zoologist, a paleontologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1990). Transactionses on structural botany, evolution and ecology of the modern and minerals of vertebrates (a fish, amphibian, kowtowing).
  • VOROBEVIT, a mineral, a version of beryl of the pink colour, keeping impurity{additives} of alkaline elements, manganese.
  • SPARROWS, stem of birds of a set tkachikovyh. Length 12-15 see. For samtsov many views on a throat a black speck. 18 kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Almost all flocking, and in the season{term} of a nesting colonial birds. Some damage crops. The arid sparrow is guarded.
  • SPARROW, order of birds. Length of 9 sm (goldcrests) - 70 sm (crow). St. 5 thousand kinds{views} (ok. All 3/5 kinds{views} of birds); ok. In 4 thousand kinds{views} fall into with the choirboy sparrow. Are distributed widely.
  • VOROVICH Joseph Izrailevich (r. 1920), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1990). Transactionses on continuum mechanics, a nonlinear shell theory, the elastic theory, etc. The State premium of the USSR (1983).
  • VOROVSKY Vaclav Vatslavovich (1871-1923), the Russian political figure, the publicist. One of the first literary critics-ìàðêñèñòîâ. Since November 1917 salting in the Scandinavian countries, with 1921 ambassador in Italy. It is killed by the White Guard in Lausanne.
  • VOROGUSHIN Nikolay Ivanovich (1889-1938), the scientist in range of thermotechnics, pupil N.E.Zhukovskogo. Worked in a TsAGI, TSIAM, MAI, etc. The Main{Basic} transactionses in range of the theory of aircraft engines.
  • FORTUNETELLING, city (with 1959) on Ukraine, the Sumy region. A railway junction. 9,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factory of metalworks, a meat-packing factory; the enterprises of a railway transport. It is based in 1672 as a settlement.
  • VOROZHEJKIN Arseny Vasilyevich (r. 1912), doubly the Hero of Soviet Union (1944), the general - major of aircraft (1954). In Great Domestic war in a fighter aviation, the squadron commander and the deputy of the regiment commander; ok. 300 sorties, has knocked down 52 airplanes.
  • VOROZHEJKIN Grigory Alekseevich (1895-1974), the Russian commander, marshal of aircraft (1944). In Great Domestic war commanding air force of Central front, the chief of an Air Force Staff of Red Army, in 1942-46 1-st deputy of commanding air force of Red Army.
  • VOROZHTSOV George Nikolaevich (r. 1935), Russian chemists - organics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1990). The son and grandson N. Í. and N.N.Vorozhtsovyh. The main{basic} transactionses on chemistry and technologies of dyes and intermediate products for them, heat-resistant polymers, materials for microelectronics.
  • VOROZHTSOV Nikolay Nikolaevich (1881-1941), Russian chemists - organics, one of organizers domestic anilinokrasochnoj an industry. The main{basic} transactionses on derivative naphthalene, to azo dyes. The state premium of the USSR (1952, posthumously).
  • VOROZHTSOV Nikolay Nikolaevich (1907-79), Russian chemists - organics, academician AN the USSR (1966). Son N.N.Vorozhtsova. Has developed methods of obtaining and probe of reaction of polyfluoroaromatic connections. The state premium of the USSR (1952).
  • CROW (vran), in old russian account{invoice} 10 one million.
  • CROW, the adaptation by the way a solid hook or the well "crane", used in an antiquity for destruction of fortifications, transplantations to walls of strength of armed soldiers and at boarding the ships{spacecrafts}.
  • CROW, a bird of a set voronovyh. Length up to 70 see. A beak solid, legs and all plumage black. In Eurasia, the Sowing. To America, the Sowing. To Africa.
  • CROW, the river in the European part of the Russian Federation, dextral in-leak{influx} Hopra. 454 kms, the area of basin of 13,2 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 41,5 m3 / with.
  • VORONEZH, city in the Russian Federation, the centre of the Voronezh region, on r. Voronezh. A railway junction. 902 thousand inhabitants (1992). A machine industry (rigs, airplanes, excavators, items of a radio electronic industry, etc.), chemical and himiko-pharmaceutical, wood-working, alimentary, a light industry. 9 high schools (including university), 4 theatres. Museums: art, study of local lore, fine arts; the Dwelling - museum of poets I.S.Nikitin and A.V.Koltsov. I.A.Bunin Rhodinum, A.P.Platonova. It is based in 1585 as strength.
  • VORONEZH, the river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Don. It will be derivated by interflow Wood and Polnogo Voronezh. 342 kms, the area of basin of 21,6 thousand êì2. It is navigable on 271 kms from a mouth. Water reservoir, Lipetsk.
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