Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • WAVES, the disturbances extending with terminal velocity in the space and carriers with self power without transmission of substance. Most often there are elastic waves, napr., acoustical, capillary waves and electromagnetic waves. Despite of a miscellaneous nature, all waves are subject to general regularities. If the disturbance is oriented along a direction of propagation, the wave calls longitudinal (napr., a sound wave in gas); if the disturbance lays in a plane, perpendicular to a direction of propagation, the wave calls cross (napr., an elastic wave extending along a catgut, an electromagnetic wave in a room). In the elementary event of a flat harmonic wave of change of oscillating value y in a point, otstojashchej apart x from a disturbing body, in time t descend under the law: where And - voltage of oscillation? - a wavelength, T - frequency period. More the composite waves it is possible to present by the way superpositions of harmonic waves.
  • WAVES MARTENO, a musical instrument (electrobackground) with the pad of piano type. Replicates only odnogolosnye melodies. It is constructed in 1920th. M.Marteno (Ì. Martenot, France). It utilised in a number{series} of compositions of the French composers.
  • VOLNJANKI, a set of butterflies. Side panels in scope{span} of 25-70 mm. Ok. 3000 kinds{views}, predominary in woods of tropics and subtropics; over 60 kinds{views}, primarily in woods from Baltic up to Priuralja, the Sowing. Caucasus, JUzh. Siberia and Primorski Krai. Many volnjanki harm to woods and gardens, napr., a gypsy moth, a nun moth.
  • VOLOBUYEV Vladimir Rodionovich (1909-87), the Russian and Azerbaijan pedologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1968), academician AN of Azerbaijan (1958). Transactionses on ecology, gradings and diagnosis of soils. Has created the theory of washdown of soils. The state premium of the USSR (1967, 1980).
  • VOLOBUYEV Pavel Vasiljevich (r. 1923), the Russian historian, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1990). Transactionses on a history of October revolution and theoretical problems of a history.
  • VOLOGDIN Alexander Grigorjevich (1896-1971), the Russian geologist and a paleontologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1939). The main{basic} transactionses on areal geology of the Asian part of the USSR, paleontology (arheotsiaty, stromatolity), stratigraphies.
  • VOLOGDIN Valentine Petrovich (1881-1953), the Russian scientist, one of pioneers of a high frequency art, corresponding member AN the USSR (1939). One of osnovatelej the Nizhniy Novgorod radiolaboratory. Has created high frequency engine generators with which help radio communication Moscow - New York (1925) for the first time is carried out; high-voltage mercury rectifiers. Under guiding Vologdina methods of high frequency soldering, quenching are developed, etc. The State premium of the USSR (1943, 1952).
  • The VOLOGDA RANGE, in northwest of the Russian Federation. 145,7 thousand êì2. The population of 1362 thousand person (1991), urban 65 %. 15 cities, 13 urban settlements (1992.) Center - Vologda. A surface - vsholmlennaja plain. Mean temperatures of January - 14 °S, July 18 °S. A rainfall ok. 500 mm annually. The rivers - Sukhona, the South, Mologa, Sheksna. Woods take ok. 2/3 terrains. In the Vologda region - part Darvinskogo of reservation. An industry: iron and steel industry, a machine industry, wood, wood-working, pulp and paper, chemical, mild, alimentary (maslosyrodelatelnaja, meat, dairy - canning); manufacture of a building materials. Art crafts (a canework of laces, blackening on silver). Milk cattle breeding, a flax production. Crops grain, feed crops. Cultivate a potato, vegetables. A poultry breeding. Navigation on the Volga-Baltic waterway, Severodvinsk water system.
  • The VOLOGDA LACE, kind{view} of Russian lace, pletennogo on lace bobbins (wooden bacilluses); it is distributed in the Vologda region. The craft exists{breathes} with 1-st chetv. 19 century. The pattern by the way the continuous continuous{smooth} line derivated vypletennoj by a braid{tape}, acts on a background of thin ajour "lattice". In 1968 association "Snowflake" (the measurement laces, coverlets, napkins) is based.
  • VOLODARSK (up to 1956 settlements. Volodary), city in the Russian Federation, the Nizhniy Novgorod region. A depot (Parliament). 10,7 thousand inhabitants (1992). A food-processing industry.
  • VOLODAR ROSTISLAVICH (? - 1124), prince peremyshlsky. Achieved independence of ground Galitskoj of Kiev. Using the union with half-sheeps and Byzantium, together with the brother the Centaurea successfully struggled with the Hungarian and Polish feudal lords. Wared with knjazjami Svjatopolkom Izjaslavichem and David Igorevichem. It was affirmed together with the Centaurea in Terebovle.
  • VOLODIN (an ice-film. fam. Lifshits) Alexander Moiseevich (r. 1919), the Russian playwright. Scenes from daily life in plays " the Factory little girl " (production 1956), " Five evenings " (1959), " the Higher sister " (1961), "Lizard" (1982), "Blonde" (1984) and other bare social, moral, psychologic conflicts of the modern society. Scripts of films " Call, discover a door " (1965), " the Autumnal marathon " (1979), etc.
  • VOLODIN (an ice-film. fam. Ivanov) Vladimir Sergeevich (1891-1958), the Russian actor of an operetta, the national actor of Russia (1947). In 1929-58 in Moskovsk a theatre of light opera. Acted in film. The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • VOLOZHIN, city (with 1940) in Belarus, the Minsk region, in 17 kms from zh.-d. An item. Volozhin. 11,1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Maslosyrodelatelnyj factory.
  • PORTAGE... 1) a water-partite plot between verhovjami two rivers close concurrent in the headstreams on which in olden time dragged court at transition from one river in basin other.... 2) the Isthmus or a plot dry between two basins: the rivers - starving, the rivers - lakes. The portage had villages and cities (napr., Volokolamsk, Vyshny Volochek).
  • PORTAGE, the working instrument of a dual-chain drawbench; through an aperture in a portage (the drawing eye) treated{processed} metal is extended.
  • FIBERS{FILAMENTS} NATURAL (fibers{filaments} natural), textile fibers{filaments} vegetative (napr., a cotton, a flux, hemp), animal (a wool, natural silk) and mineral (asbestos) of an origin, fit yarns for manufacturing.
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