Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  • AMBULATORY (frants. lazaret), establishment at military unit for hospitalization ill.
  • LAZAROV Ivan (1890-1952), the Bulgarian sculptor. Dramatic anti-war compositions. (1910th), the generalized plotting of people of transactionses ("Washerwoman", 1947) differ zoetic expressiveness and monumental integrity of modes.
  • LAZARSFELD (Lazarsfeld) Paul Feliks (1901-76), the American sociologist, activities on a methodology and application of mathematical methods: " Tongue of social probe " (together with M.Rosenberg, 1955), " Latentnostrukturnyj the analysis " (1959).
  • LAZARUS (Lazar Hrebeljanovich) (ok. 1329-89), the Serbian prince with 1371. In kon. 70th has aggregated all boreal and central Serbian grounds. In 1386 has defeated a turkish troops for Plochnika. Has perished in battle on Kosovo of the Field.
  • LAZARUS, according to gospels from John, the brother of Martha and Maria from Bethany, one of liked pupils of Jesus of the Christ, revived by him in four days after burial. Memory on October, 17.
  • LAZARUS Persian (mind. ok. 330), the Christian martyr damaged in Persia in persecution SHapura II. Memory in the Orthodox church on March, 28 (on April, 10).
  • LAZDENEN, the title of. Krasnoznamensk in the Kaliningrad region up to 1946.
  • LAZDINU PELDA (Lazdynu Peleda), an alias of the Lithuanian writers - sisters of Sofia Pshibiljauskene-Ivanauskajte (1867-1926) (Psibiliauskiene-Ivanauskaite) and Maria Lastauskene-Ivanauskajte (Lastauskiene-Ivanauskaite) (1872-1957). Stories "Wanderer" (1902), " Has vanished, as dream " (1908), " the New trail " (1912), etc. about life of the Lithuanian village, a degradation of nobility, destiny of woman.
  • LAZDIJAJ (Lazdijai) (up to 1917 official title Lozdes), city in Lithuania, in 15 kms from zh.-d. An item. SHeshtokaj. 5,6 thousand inhabitants (1989). A food-processing industry. It is based ok. 1560.
  • The LASER (the optical quantum generator) (an abbreviation of words of the English phrase: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - intensifying of light as a result of a stimulated radiation), a source of the optical coherent radiation defined by a high directivity and a high-slay of power. There are gaseous optical masers, liquid and solid-state (on dielectric crystals, glasses, semiconductors; see. Laser materials). In the laser there is a transformation of different kinds of power to a laser output energy. A main member of the laser - an active mediuim for which education use: influence of light, electric discharge in gases, chemical changes, bombing by an electron stream and other methods of "pumping". The active mediuim is located between the mirrors which are generatrix the optical resonator. There are lasers of continuous and impulse action Lasers have received broad application in scientific probes (in physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), In applied medicine (surgery, an ophthalmology, etc.), and also in technique (laser technology). Lasers have allowed to execute an optical interconnection and a detection and ranging, they are long-range for implementation of steered thermonuclear fusion.
  • LASER-INDUCED SPARK, see. A spark laser.
  • LASER SPECTROSCOPY, section of optical spectroscopy in which basis use of laser light lays. With the help of lasers it is possible to stimulate fixed quantum transitions in atoms and molecules. Advantage of laser spectroscopy - the high spectral sanction, sharp response of registration of atoms and molecules in substance, a capability of probe of trace amounts of substance and implementation of spectral analysis on the considerable distances (napr., in an atmosphere).
  • LASER TECHNOLOGY, production processes, founded on application of laser light for a heat treatment, a weldment, cutting of component parts, obtaining of apertures of a small diameter in superhard materials, etc.
  • The LASER CHEMISTRY, studies the chemical processes stimulated by laser light. With the help of lasers probably an isotope separation, obtaining of special clear and some expensive substances, including for microelectronics.
  • LASER SURGERY, application of " a light scalpel " - the laser for a sterile and anaemic dissection and destruction of tissues predominary at ophthalmic diseases (a scaling of a retina, a glaucoma, tumours of a choroid).
  • LASER MATERIALS, the substances used for building of active mediuims in lasers. Apply dielectric single crystals and glasses with active impurities (napr., ions Cr, Nd), some semiconductive materials, gases (napr., Ar, N2, ÑÎ2) and their mixes (napr., mix Ne with He), solutions of organic dye, pairs of metals, etc.
  • LAZIKA, the state in Zap. Georgia 2-6 centuries. The main population - manholes. Bloom in 3-4 centuries (seizure the Sowing. Colchis). Extirpation of Byzantium and Persia for Laziku in 6 century was finished in 562 capture Laziki by Byzantium. In 8 century in structure of the Abkhazian kingdom.
  • LAZIMIR Paul Evgenjevich (1891-1920), the participant of October revolution, the first chairman Petrograd VRK. In 1917 left-handed eser, the member of the CPSU with 1918.
  • LAZO Sergey Georgievich (1894-1920), one of the Soviet chiefs in Siberia and Primorski Krai, the participant of the Civil war. Member Tsentrosibiri. In 1920 member of the military council of Primorski Krai, Dalbjuro a Central Committee of a consignment. At the end of May 1920 it is exported by Japanese interventionists from Vladivostok and after tortures it incinerated in a locomotive furnace.
  • LAZOVSKY RESERVATION him. L.G.Kaplanova, in the Russian Federation, Bayshore kr., on austral spurs of a mountain Sihote-Alinja. It is based in 1935. It recovered in 1957. The modern area of 120 thousand ga. Woods from an oak Mongolian, lindens amurense and manchurian, an oak gear, a microbiota; thrickets eleuterokokka. An East deer, a mountain antelope, izjubr, a tiger. Tigrovyj a grass - snake, eastern shchitomordnik, etc. In 1970 Lazovskomu the name of domestic zoologist L.G.Kaplanova is assigned to reservation.
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