Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • ANATASE, mineral of subclass of simple oxides, one of polymorphic updatings TiO2, impurity{additives} Fe, Zn, Nb. Chartreuse, grey up to black crystals. Hardness ok. 6; firmness ok. 3,9 g / sm3. At calefaction up to 915 °S passes in rutile. A secondary accessory mineral in gneises, granites, etc.
  • ANATEKSIS (from grech. anatexis - fusion), process of the partial fusion of rocks and their metamorphosis{transformation} into a magma.
  • ANATOXIN (from grech. ana--back and a toxin), the bacterial toxins neutralized by special machining, but keeping antigenic properties (see. Antigens). Apply to an immunization against a diphtheria, a tetanus, etc. infections.
  • ANATOLIAN AGENCY (Anadolu Ajansi), news agency in Turkey. It is based in 1920, Ankara. The joint-stock company subsidized by government.
  • ANATOLIAN TABLELAND, in Turkey, interior Maloaziatskogo of a mountains; it is limited to mountains Taurus mountains (in the south) and Pontijskimi (in a north). Prevailing{dominating} altitudes of 800-1500 m. Solonchaks and brine lakes (the Ace, etc.). Steppes and semideserts.
  • ANATOMY (from grech. anatome - a dissection), science about a structure (predominary internal) an organism, section of structural botany. Distinguish an animal anatomy and a plant anatomy. Do-it-yourself are anthropotomy (with its{her} main{basic} sections - a normal anatomy and a pathological anatomy) and a comparative anatomy animal. Founders of an animal anatomy and the person in the antique season{term} - Aristotel, K.Galen, the modern anatomy - A.Vezaly and U.Garvej.
  • ANAU, residues ancient (5 thousand - 4 century up to n. e.) agricultural settlements for a seconds. Anau about Ashkhabad, given the title to crop of epoch eneolita. Residues of home units, painted vessels, metal instruments, etc.
  • ANATHEMA (grech. anathema), in christianity a church damnation, excommunication.
  • ANAPHYLAXIS (from grech. ana--against and phylaxis - protection), a kind{view} of an allergic response of immediate type (see. An allergy). Developments: general - an anaphylactic shock, a serum disease; aboriginal - an inflammation, a dropsy, sometimes a necrosis of a tissue.
  • ANAPHORA (grech. anaphora, characters. - rendition), a stylistic figure; repetition of initial parts (notes, words, syntactical or rhythmic constructions) adjacent cuttings of speech (words, lines, stanzas, phrases): " City the rank, city poor... " (A.S.Pushkin).
  • ANAHEIM (Anaheim), city in the west the USA, pieces. California. 266 thousand inhabitants (1990). Airspace-rocket, radio electronic, chemical, plodokonservnaja an industry. Center of tourism (in Anaheim - Park " Disneyland ").
  • ANAHIT (Anait), in the Armenian mythology goddess - mother, the goddess of fertility and love.
  • The ANCHORITE (grech. anachoretes), pustynnik, a hermit.
  • ANAHROMAT, a lens in which chromatic aberrations are not removed; gives the sharp plotting only in homogeneous light.
  • ANACHRONISM (from grech. ana--back, against and chronos - time), 1) an error against chronology, reference of any event, the phenomena to other time. 2) the Going entering into the plotting of any epoch extrinsic to her of fig. 3) the Vestige of olden time.
  • MEPHITIC GANGRENE, see. A gas gangrene.
  • ANAEROBES (anaerobic organisms), are capable to live in absence of atmospheric oxygen; some kinds{views} of bacteria, yeast, Protozoa, worms. Energia for vital activity receive, oxidizing organic, less often inorganic matters without sharing{participation} loose oxygen or using power of light (napr., purple bacteria). Obligate, or stringent, anaerobes develop only in absence of oxygen (napr., klostridii), optional, or conditional, anaerobes - and in his{its} presence (napr., a coliform bacillus, ciliary infusoriums). Are eurysynusic in soil, water, in ground deposits. Compare. Aerobes.
  • ENGAGEMENT (frants. engagement - the obligation, hire) (ustar.), the invitation of the actor on known time for sharing{participation} in performances or concerts.
  • HANGAR (frants. hangar), a structure for a storage, engineering service and repair of airplanes and helicopters.
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