Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • The ANTENNA (from an armour. antenna - a spar tree, rej), in a wireless - the device intended (it is routine in combination to a radio transmitter or a radio receiver) for radiance or (รจ) method of radiowaves. One of basic performances of the antenna - the directional diagram (BOTTOMS) defining character of a spatial distribution of power of an electromagnetic field, radiated (received) by the antenna. Distinguish antennas non-directional (shirokonapravlennye) and directed (napr., antennas with pencil-beam the BOTTOMS, called as a ray). With the help of antennas it is possible to accept very weak radio signals, to execute directed drive and signal detection, to locate sources of radiowaves, etc. Versions of antennas: dipole (wire), fissured, horn, reflecting, lens, antenna arrays, etc.
  • ANTENNAS (horns, tendrils), multijointed mobile head appendages for arthropods (excluding arachnids). For the majority - sense bodys.
  • ANTEFIX (an armour. antefixum), an architectonic dressing from marble or terra-cotta (by the way palmettes or a board with a relief) on edges{boundarice} of a roof covering along the longitudinal party of an antique temple.
  • ANTI, in egyptian mythology the god - promoter 12-th noma, the godhood of desert and karavannyh ways.
  • ANTI... (grech. anti--against), a prefix meaning contrast, a directivity against something (napr., anti-fascist).
  • ANTIANGINALNYE the MEANS, the medicinal substances used for treatment of a stenocardia (angina pectoris - from here the title).
  • ANTIBIOTICS (from anti... And grech. bios - life), the organic substances formed by microorganisms and having ability to slay microbes (or to handicap with their growth). The antibacterial substances extracted{drawn} from vegetative and zooblasts call as antibiotics also. Antibiotics are used as medicinal preparations for depressing{supression} bacteria, microfunguses, some viruses and the Protozoa knocking the person, animal and plants. Antitumoral antibiotics (rubomitsin, etc.) are received{obtained} also. The first efficient antibiotic (penicillin) is open{discovered} by A.Fleming in 1929. have widely come in medical practice since 40th of 20 century. As a result of the long-lived application of antibiotics probably occurrence{appearance} resistant against nymas of forms of the pathogenic microorganism. Antibiotics apply also in an agriculture, alimentary and a microbiological industry, in biochemical probes. In an industry receive microbialogic and chemical synthesis.
  • ANTIMATTER, the matter constructed from antiparticles. Nucleus of atoms of an antimatter will consist of antiprotons and antineutrons, and nuclear environments are constructed from positrons. Clumps of an antimatter in the Universe are not found yet. On particle accelerators nucleus of antideuterium and antihelium are received{obtained}.
  • ANTIVITAMINS, the substances handicapping use of vitamins by a living cell owing to their destruction, binding in inactive forms, replacements by connections, close to vitamins on chemical constitution, but having counter biological effect.
  • ANTIGENS (from anti... And... A gene), substances which are accepted by an organism as stranger and invoke{produce} the specific immune answer. Are capable to interact with cells of immune system and anti-bodies. Hit of antigens in an organism can call formation of immunity, originating of a condition of unresponsiveness or an allergy. Properties of antigens proteins, polysaccharides, etc. macromolecules have. The term "antigens" use and in relation to the whole organs (at a transplantation), vegetative and to zooblasts, bacteria, viruses, etc., keeping antigens. Definition of a specific or formation fitting of antigens is used in diagnosis of contagions, at a blood transfusion, replantings of organs and tissues, identification of biological materials in the forensic medicine, etc. Antigens are applied at building vaccines and wheys.
  • The ANTIHERO expressly reduced, degeroizirovannyj the character primarily the Western-European and American literature 2-nd floor. 20 century, the "mass" person, "each", becoming almost non-differential application point of irrational and absurd forces of the modern civilization (see " the New novel ", " Nonsense a drama "). In broad and more conditional sense - phylum of the literary hero, denuded genuine heroic features, but occupying a central place in product{creation} and prominent in a fixed measure a "confidential" face of the writer ("Ectogenic{Stranger}" A.Kamju, pullet{young man} Odoevtsev in the novel " Pushkinsky the dwelling " A.G.Bitova).
  • ANTIHITLERITE COALITION, confederation and peoples, usual during 2-nd world war against the aggressive unit of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The antihitlerite coalition actuated the USSR, the USA, the Great Britain, France and China, and also Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. the countries participating in act of war or rendering the help to allies. To the extremity of war in structure of an antihitlerite coalition entered{included} more than 50 states. The battle ally of an antihitlerite coalition was Resistance movement.
  • ANTIRUN from Karisty on Euboea (2-n a floor. 3 century up to n. e.), the ancient greek sculptor, the writer of the tract about torevtike and the maker of biographies of artists and sculptors, the pupil of philosopher Menedema. Worked for pergamskogo tsar Attala I above sculptural groups of the defeated cecidiums in Pergamum and " Gifts Attala " in Athenes. Probably, the writer of a statue of the Dying gall; has created statue Evmena II.
  • ANTIRUN, in the Grecian mythology the daughter of tsar of Thebes Edipa. Has betraid to burial a body of brother Polinika, having infringed the interdiction of the uncle - tsar Kreonta; for it it has been encased in a dungeon where has committed suicide.
  • ANTIGONIDY, a dynasty of tsars Macedoniuses in 306-168 up to n. e. It is based by Antirun I Uniocular - the commander Alexander the Great.
  • ANTIGORIT, see in an item. Serpentine asbestos.
  • ANTIGUA (Antigua - Guatemala) (Antigua Guatemala), city in Guatemala, an administrative centre of department Sakatepekes. Ok. 30 thousand inhabitants. A city - museum. University. It is based in 1542. In 16-18 centuries capital of Guatemala. An architectonic monument of 17-18 centuries.
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