APADANA, a main hall in imperial palaces Ahemenidskogo of Iran, mnogokolonnyj, with a flat wooden ceiling.APANAZH (frants. apanage), the part of royal domain given in France (up to 1832) and some other european monarchy sovereigns to the junior sons, brothers (it is routine for life).APANASENKO Joseph Rodionovich (1890-1943), the commander, the general (1941). In the Civil war the commander kavalerijskoj divisions in 1-st Horse Army. In 1938-43 commanding a troops Central Asian IN and a troops of Far East front. Since June 1943 deputy of Voronezh front commanding by a troops. Has died of wounds.APART (frants. aparte, from a part - aside), scenic monologue or the replicas uttered "aside", for the public, and, on premeditation of the writer, "inaudible" to partners on the scene.APARTMENTS (from frants. appartement - a dwelling unit), a major magnificent room.APARTHEID (aparthejd) (on a language afrikaans apartheid - separation), the most marginal form of racial discrimination. Means forfeiting fixed groups of the population depending on their race political, socio economic and civic rights, down to territorial isolation. Some certificates{acts} of apartheid can compound{make} genocide. The modern international law considers{counts} apartheid as crime against humanity. In 1973 the International convention on suppression of crimes of apartheid and punishment for him{it} is adopted.APAS (sanskr. Water), vedijskie godhoods of waters; easygoing in relation to people salutary waters.APATITE, mineral of a class of phosphates, Ca5 [PO4] 3. (F, Cl, OH) 2. Content P2O5 - 41-42 %. Impurity{additives} CO2-, Mn, rare-earth elements, U, Sr, etc. White, light-blue, yellow, violet both other crystals and acinose units. Hardness 5; firmness ok. 3,2 g / sm3. An origin magmatic, hydrothermal, pnevmatolitovoe. Raw material for fertilizers, manufactures of a phosphoric acid and its{her} salts; it is applied in metallurgy, a ceramic and glass industry. The synthetic apatite with an impurity{additive} of rare-earth elements is used in optician.APATITOVYE ORE. The greatest industrial value magmatic deposits have, the bound with masses nefelinovyh sienitov. Content P2O5 in such apatitovyh ores of 16-19 %. Main storages apatitovyh ores - in the Russian Federation (Kovdorskoe and Hibinskie deposits); abroad the considerable reserves apatitovyh in Brazil, Vietnam, the republic of South Africa, Finland, Uganda, Canada.APATITOSIS, the pneumokoniosi stipulated by influence apatitovoj of a dust.APATITES, city (with 1966) in the Russian Federation, Murmansk region, close an eskar. Imandra. A railway junction. 88 thousand inhabitants (1991). Apatito-nefelinovaja ore dressing factory, etc. The Kirov state district power station. The Kola centre of science of the Russian Academy of Science. Has arisen in 1935 as a settlement in connection with development Hibinskih of deposits.APATHY (from grech. apatheia - impassivity).. 1) indifferent, indifferent attitude{relation} to ambient; a condition at which are reduced or internal drives{excitings}, interests, emotional reactions are completely lost... 2) One of the main{basic} concepts of ethics of stoicism, uncontrolled liberty showers from passions and hot bloods. It is pushed Stilponom (megarskaja school), it is developed stoikom Zenonom from Kitiona, Epiktetom.APATOZAVRY (brontosaurs), a stem extinct huge kowtowing order jashcherotazovyh dinosaurs. Lived in a Jurassic in the Sowing. To America and, probably, in Europe. Length up to 25 m. of 5 kinds{views}. Rastitelnojadnye.STATELESS PERSONS (stateless persons) (from grech. apatris and apolis - denuded the fatherland, denuded Rhodinums), the faces which are not having citizenship (citizenship).APACHES (the self-title - a dyne), group atapaskskih peoples (navaho, meskalero, hikarilla, etc.) in the USA (pieces. Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma). 20 thousand person (without navaho, 1992). Tongues compound{make} an austral branch atapaskskih tongues. Believers - christians.APASH (frants. apache - under the title of American Indian nation apaches).. 1) deklassirovannyj an element in France; the hooligan, the thief. The word has become to be used in France from time of its{her} sharing{participation} in colonization the Sowing. America... 2) Otlozhnoj the open not clasped{buttoned} collar under which it is impossible to put on a cravat; the jacket with such collar.UPWELLING (from English up - upward and well - to rush), a upwelling from depth of a water reservoir to a surface. It is invoked{produced} by resistantly blowing winds which drive surface waters aside the high sea, and return{in exchange} on a surface waters of subjacent layers are hoisted.APDAJK (Updike) John (r. 1932), the American writer. Social - psychologic and ironical prose (stories, pov. "Fermat", 1965; the tetralogy " the Rabbit, run ", 1960, " the Rabbit healed ", 1971, " the Rabbit has grown rich ", 1981, " the Rabbit has comforted ", 1990) about attempts of redemption of the modern bezduhovnoj life and finding by " the mean American " moral supports zhiznestojkosti and good will. The mythological novel "Centaur" (1963) about immortality of goods and tragedijnosti his{its} destinies; " the novel of ideas " about religious belief " Ðîäæåðà Version " (1986).APE (Ape) (up to 1917 official title Oppekaln), city (with 1928) in Latvia, in 57 kms from zh.-d. An item. Valga. 1,6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Wood-working, metal-working and a food-processing industry.
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