Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • APPALACHIAN PLATEAU, flanges a western edge{boundarouse} of a range of Appalachian mountains (USA). Length ok. 1500 kms. It is combined predominary by limestones; karst is developed. An altitude from 500 m to the west up to 1500 m to the orient where Appalachian plateau acquires character of mountains (Allegheny mountains). Broad-leaved forests.
  • The APPARATUS (from an armour. apparatus - the equipment).. 1) the device, the engineering device, the adaptation... 2) Set{Combination} of establishments, the organizations maintaining any control area, economies and t. p... 3) Set{Combination} of workers of any establishment, organization; set{combination} of the employees ensuring operation of any elected body... 4) Notes, indexes{indicators}, etc. by-products to scientific to transactionses, printed publicity material, etc. (the critical apparatus, the scientific - reference apparatus)... 5) Set{Combination} of organs of the person, animal or the plants, executing{designing} any special function of an organism (the alimentiry apparatus, a respiratory apparatus).
  • The SPREAD FUNCTION of an optical device, describes distribution of illuminating intensity in the plotting of a point source of light created by the device. The spread function allows to evaluate resolution of the device and distribution of brightness in object.
  • CONDENSER SPINNING, system of spinning for manufacturing a tag nappy yarn from short fibres, a debris trash, and also their mixes. In spinning a wool a condenser spinning call also cloth.
  • RAMP (from frants. appareil - entry).. 1) shallow descent in slopes of entrenchments and shades for entry (exit road) of military technique... 2) the Cavicorn dike (ramp) for loading technique (horse structure) in the train or on perepravochnoe a means... 3) the Device in a nose of a landing ship for a tails of staff and military technique on a coast.
  • APPASSIONATO (ital. appassionato), passionate, inspired; notation of character of the musical performance{fulfillment}. One of fortepiannyh L.Beethoven sonatas is known under the title "Appassionata".
  • APPEL (Appel) the Karelian (r. 1921), the Netherlands artist. A team member "Cobra". In 1940-50-Ñ has developed the version of the abstract ekspressionizma, gravitating to monumental, epicheskomu to style of expression with elements of znakovo-mythological symbolics.
  • APPEL (Appell) Pol Emil (1855-1930), the French mathematician, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1911), foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1925). Transactionses on mechanics, geometries, function theories.
  • APPENDIX (from an armour. appendix - an appendage), an appendix of a caecum.
  • APPENDIKULJARII, a class marine chord animal a subtype obolochnikov. The body (it is routine less than 1 sm) diaphanous, will consist of a trunk and a tail (in which passes the chord). From secretions will derivate periodically removable diaphanous "cabin". Ok. 100 kinds{views}, are distributed widely.
  • APPENDICITIS, inflammation of an appendix. Attributes of an acute appendicitis: abdominal pains, predominary in dextral ileal range, a nausea, a vomiting, etc. Complications: a perforation of a process and a peritonitis. Treatment surgical.
  • APPERCEPTION (from an armour. ad - to and perceptio - perception), concept of philosophy and psychology of the new time, clear and realized perception of any impression, sensation, etc.; it is entered by G.Lejbnitsem as against a unconscious perception. I.Kant alongside with this " an empirical apperception introduces concept "transtsendentalnoj" apperceptions - initial invariable " unities of consciousness " as conditions of any experience and the knowledge, permitting to synthesize diversiform perceptions. In founded V.Vundtom of psychology of an apperception - the perception requiring of pressure{voltage;stress} of will. In the modern psychology a synonym of perception.
  • APPETITE (from an armour. appetitus - desire), sensation, the bound with a food requirement; the physiological mechanism regulating receipt{entry} in an organism of alimentary substances. At a long absence of nutrition appetite passes in sensation of famine.
  • APPIAN (?-70-Ñ of 2 century), the historian Other. Rome, the Greek. The writer of " the Roman history " from the grounding of Rome up to nach. 2 century (in the Grecian tongue); from 24 books books 6-9 and 11-17 have reached bodily, are completely lost 18-24.
  • ROAD APPIEVA (an armour. via Appia), the first Roman paved road, is built at censor Appii Klavdii in 312 up to n. e. Between Rome and Kapuej (350 kms); in 224 up to n. e. It is finished up to Brundizija. All was saved almost.
  • Z-COORDINATE (from an armour. applicata, characters. - enclosed), one of Cartesian axials of a point in the space.
  • APPLIKATURA (from an armour. applico - I hold down, I put), a way of an arrangement and a sequence of pins at the game on a musical instrument; notation of this way in notes. Selection applikatury is connected to interpreting the composition.
  • APPLIQUE PATTERN (from an armour. applicatio - applying), building of art plotting by glueing, nashivaniem on a tissue or a paper of a motley shards of any material; the plotting, a pattern built in such a way.
  • DRESSING (from frants. appreter - finally to finish), impregnation of textiles or deposition on them at furnish of different substances - dressing (starch, glue, synthetic resins, etc.), attaching to materials stiffness, wrinkle recovery, shrink resistance, a flame resistance, etc. properties.
  • APPROXIMATING (from an armour. approximo - I come nearer), changing of one mathematical objects (napr., figures or functions) other, more simple and in this or that sense close to initial{starting} (napr., curves close to nymas polygonal lines).
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