Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • APRAKSIN Peter Matveevich (1659-1728), columns, spodvizhnik Peter I. Brother F.M.Apraksin and queens of Martha, the wife of tsar Feodor Alekseevicha. In 1702-04 has gained a number{series} of victories above the Swedish troops. In 1708 has concluded the agreement for acceptance of Kalmyks in Russian citizenship. With 1722 president of JUstits-board.
  • APRAKSIN Stepan Fedorovich (1702-58), the Russian general - field marshal (1756). In the beginning of Seven-year war 1756-63 commander-in-chief Russian army. For vacillating actions in 1757 it is discharged of the position.
  • APRAKSIN Feodor Matveevich (1661-1728), columns (1709), spodvizhnik Peter I, general - admiral (1708). Brother P.M.Apraksin and queens of Martha, the wife of tsar Feodor Alekseevicha. Commanding Russian fleet in Boreal war and the Persian marching. With 1717 president of Admiralty - board, with 1726 member of the Supreme Privy Council.
  • APRELEVKA, city (with 1961) in the Russian Federation, the Moscow region. A depot. 21,1 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factory of long plays. NPO "Device", chemicals plant, etc.
  • APRIL (an armour. Aprilis), the fourth month of a calendar year (30 sut).
  • APRIL CRISIS 1917, political crisis in Russia after February revolution. Has arisen in connection with publication on April, 20 (on May, 3) the obligation of the Providing government to keep war. Mass demonstratings have arisen on April, 20 naturally (15 thousand person), on April, 21 (on May, 4) - on call-up of bolsheviks with a request of the world and a handover of power to Advices{Councils} (to 100 thousand person). The guiding of Advices{Councils} has supported the Providing government which structure included leaders eserov and menshevikov.
  • The APRIL REVOLT 1876, the largest performance{statement} of Bulgarian people against a turkish yoke. It preformed{readied} by the Bulgarian revolutionary central committee. The greatest scope{span} has received in an austral part of Bulgaria. At depressing{supression} has perished ok. 30 thousand person.
  • APRIL REVOLT 1945, national armed revolt in the Sowing. Italy against fascist occupiers and their italian henchmen; has finished discharging Italy of fascism. On April, 25 - in Italy a national holiday.
  • APRESJAN Jury Derenikovich (r. 1930), Russian jazykoved, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). Transactionses in range of semantics, syntax, a lexicography, structural and mathematical linguistics, machine translation, etc.
  • APRILOV Vasil (1789-1847), the Bulgarian educator, the organizer of 1-st in Bulgaria (in Gabrovo) society school (1835). Settled idea of rendezvous{approach} of the Bulgarian crop with Russian.
  • APPROBATION, in an agriculture - examination of varietal crops and plantings of agricultural crops for verification of a grade, suitability of their crop on the seed purposes, checks of fulfilment of regulations of a seed growing.
  • APPROBATION (an armour. approbatio), approval, the statement{confirmation}, founded on check, examination, test.
  • APROSH (frants. approche), a gap between characters (marks) and words in a typographical panel.
  • APSARY, in indian mythology the heavenly dancers dwelling{living} on heavens and charming with dancing of gods; beloved gandharvov.
  • APSIS, absida (from grech. hapsis, a stem. Item hapsidos - the canopy), a projection of the building, semicircular, faceted or rectangular in the plan, overlapped{blocked} by a semidome or a closed semidone. Apses have appeared in drevnerimskih basils. In Christian temples an apsis - altarnyj a projection.
  • APSIRT, in the Grecian mythology the son of tsar of Colchis Eeta and the brother of the Medea. Has been seized JAsonom and the Medea during their escape behavior from Colchis and it is killed. The Medea has scattered parts of body Apsirta on I stain, that Eet has stopped persuit of the ship{spacecraft} and has stayed for burial of the son.
  • APSISHU EKABS (an ice-film. A name and fam. JAnis JAunzemis, Jaunzemis) (1858-1929), the Latvian writer. A cycle of realistic stories about rural life, including " From national picture passageway " (1889-91).
  • APSU, see. Abzu.
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