Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BABENBERGI (Babenberger), a stem, with 976 markgrafy Bavarian Eastern marks, in 1156-1246 dukes of Austria, and in 1192-1246 - as well SHtirii.
  • BABENKO Konstantin Ivanovich (1919-87), the Russian mathematician and the mechanics, corresponding member AN the USSR (1976). Transactionses on aerohydromechanics, calculus mathematics, mathematical physics. The state premium of the USSR (1967).
  • BABESH (Babes) Victor (1854-1926), the Romanian microbiologist, the pathologist, the parasitologist. After L.Pasteur probeed a rabies. Has secured a streptococcus at a scarlatina. One of founders of a serotherapy and vaccination.
  • BABESHKO Vladimir Andreevich (r. 1941), the scientist, corresponding member Russian AN (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on continuum mechanics, probeed dynamic blended problems and their appendices in geophysics, soundman.
  • BABI (Baban), in egyptian mythology a demon of a gloom and the darkness, routinely prominent in a role of godhood Duata hostile died.
  • BABIDSKIE REVOLTS, national antifeudal revolts in Iran (in Mazenderane, Zenjan, Nejrize, etc.) under a guiding babidov in 1848-52, is objective directed also against begun enslavement of Iran by the foreign capital. Participants: peasants, handicraftsmen, the lowest clergy, dealers.
  • BABIZM, the religious doctrine of sect babidov, built Babom in 40th of 19 century in Iran. Babizm professed the terminal of domination of laws, founded on the Koran and the sharia, changing their new, coming from principles: equality of all people and protection of their rights, establishment of a sacred kingdom babidov, etc. Democratic elements babizma have been developed by followers the Skull cracker in time babidskih revolts.
  • BABY Boris Moiseevich (r. 1914), the Ukrainian lawyer, academician AN of Ukraine (1972). Transactionses on a history and theories of the Soviet state and the right.
  • BABY JAR, a gully on former northwest surburb of Kiev, a place of a mass destruction of the nonpredatory population, primarily Jews, and Soviet voennoplennyh fascist occupiers in 1941-43. In total in Babjem JAre it is deleted by fascists over 100. thousand Soviet citizens. A monument (1976).
  • ROAD BABINOVSKAJA (Verhotursky a path) (from. Verhoturje on the rivers of Tours - Tobol), Russian official path to Siberia through Compare. Ural with kon. 16 up to it is grey. 18 centuries Has substituted CHerdynskuju a road.
  • BABINSKY (Babinski) ZHozef (1857-1932), the French neuropathologist. By origin the Pole. Classical transactionses on pathological reflexes, a pathology of a cerebellum, a hysteria, etc.
  • BABIRUSSA, not ruminant cloven-hoofed animal of a set of pigs. Length up to 1 m. For samtsov the upper tusks the lengthy, curved. Dwells in mesohylies about. Sulawesi and some neighboring islands. Fast runs and well floats. It is rare, in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.
  • BABICH Shajhzada Muhametzakirovich (1895-1919), the Bashkir and tatar poet. One of initiators of the Bashkir literature. In verses invoked for extirpation for revolutionary ideals, anthemed working class.
  • PASTERN, in technique - a part metal-cutting or a woodworking machine. A support for a spindle (live head), the instrument (a pastern of a grinder) or the device bolstering preparation (tail stock).
  • BABLOEV Suren Isaakovich (1918-79), the Russian choral conductor, the national actor of the USSR (1978). With 1941 conductor of military orchestras and bands, in 1963-79 chief and the artistic administrator of Band songs and dancings Moscow IN.
  • BUTTERFLIES (Lepidoptera), order of hexapods. Side panels (2 pairs) are coated with variously colored scales. For jumboes side panels in scope up to 30 sm, for small-sized - ok. 3 mm. Adult (imago) live from several hours about several weeks (winter - some months). Ok. 140 thousand kinds, are distributed widely. Many butterflies promote a pollination of plants; from cocoons mulberry and other silkworm moths receive silk. Larvas of many butterflies (caterpillar) damage agricultural and forest cultures, a commissary supplies, items from a wool and furs. 104 kinds in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.
  • BABOCHKIN Boris Andreevich (1904-75), the Russian actor, the producer, the national actor of the USSR (1963), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1974). On the scene with 1927. In 1948-51 and with 1955 at Small theatre where has delivered: "Ivanov" of A.P.Chehova (1959, has played Ivanov), "Summer residents" (1964, has played Suslov), etc. The attenuatous psychologism, the careful analysis of a drama material, absence of spillovers, often polemic colour, new perusal of classical product are inherent in Activities Babochkina. With 1927 acted in film: the first well-known role - CHapaev in film "CHapaev" (1934), main parts in television films " the Boring history " (1969) and " Plotnitskie stories " (1973), etc. The State premium of the USSR (1941, 1951, 1977, posthumously).
  • BABRY (2 century n. e.), the ancient greek poet - fabulist. Poetic transposition basen Ezopa, distinguished by refinement of the form, almost denuded moralizing and accusatory motives.
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