Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BALASOGLO Alexander Panteleevich (1813-93), the Russian democrat - educator, petrashevets, the poet, the publicist. Attempted to organize the issuing of cheap books for people. In 1849-57 under secret supervision in Petrozavodsk and Nikolaev.
  • BALATA, kozhepodobnyj a product of a coagualation of a latex of a tropical tree a balata. On structure, properties and application the balata is analogous to gutta-percha; more soft her{it}, t. To. Contains more natural resins.
  • BALATON (Balaton), lake in Hungary. 596 êì2, length of 78 kms, depth up to 11 m. A drainage to Danube on r. SHio. Fishery. Navigation. A shore of Balaton - the considerable resort area. On Balaton - cities Kesthej, SHiofok. Landscape reserve Tihan, wildlife reserve Kishbalaton.
  • BALATONSKAJA the OPERATION, 6-15.3.1945, during Great Domestic war. The Soviet troops of 3-rd Ukrainian front (Marshal of Soviet Union F.I.Tolbuhin) have reflected an eskar in area. Balaton (Hungary) the counteroffensive of german 6-th army and 6-th tank army SS also have plotted him{it} a severe injury, having thwarted the plan of the opponent to leave to Danube and to reduce the defence on his{its} western coast.
  • BALATONFJURED (Balatonfured), balneoklimatichesky a health resort in Hungary, on coast an eskar. Balaton, to a southwest from Budapest.
  • BALAKHNA, city in the Russian Federation, the Nizhniy Novgorod region, landing stage on r. Volga (CHeboksarskoe vdhr.). A depot. 31 thousand inhabitants (1992.) state district power stations. TSelljulozno-cardboard combine. A study of local lore museum. It is based in 1474. Bliz Balakhna - Balahninsky pulp and paper combine.
  • BALAHNINSKAJA CROP (in archeology), epoch of a neolith (kon. 4-th - 3 thousand up to n. e.) in Compare. The Volga region. It is called on parking for Balakhna. Settlements from 3-4 poluzemljanok with cellars and economic holes. Stone instruments, ceramics. An economy: a hunt, fishery.
  • BALASHIKHA, city (with 1939) in the Russian Federation, the Moscow region. A depot. 137,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). A machine industry, a chemical industry; a cotton-spinning mill (with 1830).
  • BALASHOV, city (with 1780) in the Russian Federation, the Saratov region, on r. Khoper. A railway junction. 97,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factory of automotive trailers, mica combine; mild, a food-processing industry. Pedagogical institute. A study of local lore museum. Theatre.
  • BALASHOV Dmitry Mihajlovich (r. 1927), the Russian writer, the specialist in folklore. A historical multivolume epopee " Sovereigns Moscow ": " the Junior son " (1975), " the Great table " (1979), " Burden of an authority " (1981), " Simeon Proud " (1983), " the Wind of time " (1987), "Abdication" (kn. 1-2, 1988-89) - about a becoming of Russian nation with its{her} foundations (family, a community, an orthodox church, edinoderzhavie). Self-motion of characters is agreed to an accuracy to the annalistic fact. The concept of historical variability rests on freedom of moral selection.
  • BALASHOV Nikolay Ivanovich (r. 1919), the Russian literary critic, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). The main{basic} transactionses under the Western-European literature, a comparative study of slavonic literatures, an aesthetics, theories of the literature.
  • BALASHOV Jury Sergeevich (r. 1931), the Russian parasitologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1994). The main{basic} transactionses on structural botany, physiologies, ecology iksodovyh mites, to problems of specificity of blood-sucking arthropods.
  • BALASHOVA Tamara Vladimirovna (r. 1930), the Russian literary critic, the Doctor of Philology (1982). The main{basic} orb of interests - a history of the French literature of 20 century. Books: " Creativity of Aragon. To a problem of realism of XX century " (1982), " the French novel of 60 years " (1982), " Activity of realism. Literary and art controversies in the West " (1982), " the French poetry of XX eyelid " (1982), " Erve Bazen and ways of the French psychologic novel " (1987).
  • BALAJAN Roman Gurgenovich (r. 1941), the Russian film director. Films: "Unsociable person" (1978), " Flights in dream and in reality " (1983), " Keep me, wash talisman " (1987), "Filler" (1988), " Lady Makbet Mtsenskogo of district " (1989).
  • BALVI (Balvi), city (with 1928) in Latvia, on r. Balupe, in 6 kms from zh.-d. An item. Balvi. 9,6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Alimentary and a light industry. It is known with 1224.
  • BALDANO Namzhil Garmaevich (1907-84), the Buryat writer, the national writer of Buryatiya (1973), the playwright, the national actor of Buryatiya (1938). Plays "Outbreak" (1932), " Two friends " (1938), "Bajangol" (1947). Has constituted the summary text of epos "Geser" (it is issued in 1959).
  • BALDAHIN (a nem. Baldachin), an ornate ceremonial canopy above a throne, a ceremonial bed, a church altar (originally the cloth, later stone, wooden, metal). In Russian art of building it is known from 11 century (sen, a ciborium).
  • BALDIN Alexander Mihajlovich (r. 1926), Russian physics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1981). The main{basic} transactionses on nuclear physics and fundamental particles (primarily to their electromagnetic interactions) and to boosters. The lenin premium (1988), the State premium of the USSR (1973).
  • BALDONE (Baldone), a urban settlement in Latvia, in 33 kms from Riga. 2,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). A balneal and muddy health resort.
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