Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BALLARAT (Ballarat), city in the south of Australia. 61 thousand inhabitants (1983.) Center of area of gold mining. A machine industry, textile, a food-processing industry.
  • BALLARI (Bellari), city in India, on r. Hagari, pieces. Karnataka. 245 thousand inhabitants (1991.) Center of a cotton-growing area. Textile, sugar, a metal-working industry.
  • BALLAS, version of diamond, small-sized spherical radiative units.
  • BALLAST (niderl. ballast).. 1) freight (water, sand, etc.), placed on a vessel for improvement of his seagoing capacities... 2) Freight for regulation of jacking ability of the aeronautic apparatus (napr., an air balloon)... 3) the Layer by the way a fine-bored cushion from bulk materials (a crushed rock, etc.), stowed on a road level railway ways.
  • BALLENI ISLANDS (Balleny), volcanic islands in the south of Quiet ok., bliz Antarctica. An altitude up to 1524 m. Are coated with icehouses.
  • BALLI (Baji) (Bally) Charles (1865-1947), French jazykoved, follower Ô. de Sossjura. Activities on general both French leksikologii and stylistics, a general theory of tongue.
  • BALLISTA (from an armour. ballista), the propellant machine in an antiquity (up to kon. 5 century); comprised of a horizontal frame with the gutter and a vertical timber frame with a side rail from braided filaments (tendons, etc.), with which help gear (the stone, a log, a boom, etc.) was issued in the purpose. Distance of throwing of 400-800 m, light booms up to 1000 m.
  • BALLISTICS (a nem. Ballistik, from grech. ballo - I throw), science about motion of the ammunition gears, unguided missiles, mines, charges, bullets at shooting (start-up). The interior ballastics studies a shot travel (or in other conditions limiting motion) under action of powder gases, external - after his flying out from a bore.
  • The BALLISTICS JUDICIAL, section of criminalistics, studies a technique of investigation of crimes, the bound with application of fire-arms and an ammunition to it.
  • BALLISTITES (ballistitnye powders), nitroglycerol smokeless powders.
  • The BALLISTIC MISSILE, after cutoff of engines flies on a ballistic curve.
  • BALLISTIC CURVE, mechanical trajectory loosely a projectile under action only gravity. A mechanical trajectory of such body in an atmosphere at equal or close to zero attitude of a upward force to an aerodynamic drag also call as a ballistic curve.
  • The BALLISTIC GALVANOMETER, has concerning a major moment of inertia of a movement; it is applied to measurement of trace amounts of an electricity at short-time pulses of a current. Outcome read out on t. n. To a ballistic maximum deflection - to the greatest deviation of the index.
  • BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY (from grech. ballo - I throw, kardia - heart and... grafija), one of research techniques of activity of heart. Consists of registration of mechanic motions of a body of the person, stipulated by cordial reductions and motion of blood on large vessels.
  • BOTTLE (frants. ballon, from ital. pallone - a ball), the gas-tight environment made depending on destination from metals, polymers, tissues, glasses, etc., napr., a bottle of the automobile (t. n. The chamber), a bottle of the electronic device, a bottle (vessel) for a storage and transportations of gases.
  • BALLONNAJA ASTRONOMY, astronomical probes from the air balloons raised on an altitude from 20 up to 40 km, where influence of an atmosphere on outcomes of supervision insignificantly.
  • BALLOT (from ital. ballotare - to elect spheres), a kind of voting. In 18-19 centuries implemented omitting in a special litter bin of black and white spheres (balls). To run for - to exhibit the candidature at elections.
  • BALMASHEV Stepan Valerianovich (1881-1902), eser, the student. 2.4.1902 has shot Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia D.S.Sipjagina. It is hung up.
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