Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BANK, a part of a seabed, depth above which much less than ambient depths; sometimes banks are areas of fishery.
  • " BANKERS TRUST KOMPANI " (Bankers Trust Company), a business bank the USA. It is based in Morgan 1903 financial and industrial group. 15 branches in New York, 21 branch abroad, monitor 12 foreign banks. A total assets, an ownership capital, profit (billion dol. The USA): 54,9; 3,5; 0,914 (kon. 1980th).
  • BANQUET CAMPAIGN, zemskih liberals in November 1904 in many cities of Russia, organized by " Soyuz of discharging ". On banks concerning the 40-anniversary of the judiciary reform petitions for political reforms were excited.
  • BANKS (from ital. banco - a bench, a bench of the money changer), the establishments accumulating money resources and accumulations, advancing a credit, executing money calculations, the bill discounting, a currency issue and valuable papers, the operation with gold, a foreign exchange and other functions. Oposredstvujut motion of the loan capital. On functions and character of executed operations are divided on issuing, commercial (deposit), investment, export, hypothecary, savings, etc. Banks maintain a money turnover and credit attitudes, execute a currency issue, the supervisory control of economic - financing activities of the enterprises.
  • BANKIVSKY the COCK, a bird of a set fazanovyh. Length samtsa ok. 65 sm, samka a little bit less. Dwells in jungle Juzh. And JUgo-Vost. Asia. An ancestor of domestic hens.
  • BANK BUILDINGS (offices), banking establishments, inherings to separate bankers or group of bankers. Have arisen in Italy (14 century) on the basis development of usury. In the beginning executed trade and banking operations, then - only last.
  • NOTES, see. Bank notes.
  • BANK NOTES (notes), the credit marks of money produced by issuing houses and alternating metal active money. Represent irredeemable liabilities. Have substituted the circulation of private commercial bills. Nerazmenny on gold, impregnated-paper money turned into.
  • The BANKING CAPITAL, set of money capitals (natural and borrowed funds) with which banks operate. Being enclosed in a banking, the banking capital makes bank profit.
  • BANKRUPTCY (from ital. banco - a bench, bank and rotto - broken), insolvency, a lack of funds for the debtor (a natural or legal face) and failure in this connection to pay under the liabilities. The fact of bankruptcy is established by a court decision, arbitration court and attracts fixed legal consequences. In the Russian Federation problems of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the enterprises are adjusted according to the existing legislation.
  • BANCROFT (Bancroft) George (1800-91), the American diplomat, the historian; in 1845-46 marine minister. The main transactionses - " the History the USA " (t. 1-10).
  • BANKS (Banks), group of volcanic islands in a southwest part Quiet ok. Is part of the state Vanuatu. The area ok. 800 êì2 the Tropical vegetation. Cultivation of corn, tropical crops.
  • LANCE, spirit of a bath in poverjah eastern slavs, chilling people and requiring of victims which to him abandoned in a bath after washing.
  • BATH Oleg Aleksandrovich (r. 1931), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). Transactionses in range of a physical metallurgy and heat treatment of metal materials.
  • BANOVINA, an administrative and territorial unit in Yugoslavia in 1931-41.
  • BANSKA-BISTRITSA (Banska Bystrica), city in Slovakia, on r. Gron. 73 thousand inhabitants (1984). A machine industry, nonferrous machine industry, textile, wood-working, a food-processing industry. Center of Slovak national revolt 1944. Gothic church (13 century). A town hall and houses in style of the Renaissance (16-17 centuries). A monument to Slovak national revolt (1960th).
  • To BOWS (Bantam), the state (sultanat) on Zap. To Java in nach. 16 - nach. 19 centuries (before capture by the Netherlands colonialists).
  • BANTENG, a cloven-hoofed animal of a set polorogih; the feral bull. Length ok. 2 m, an altitude ok. 1,5 m. Dwelt in woods JUzh. And JUgo-Vost. Asia, in a feral condition it was saved only in few places of a former area (primarily in Myanma, on islands Java and Kalimantan). It tame (t. n. balijsky cattle). In the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.
  • BANTING (Bunting) Sydney Persival (1873-1936), juzhnoafrikansky the political figure, one of osnovatelej Communist party of the republic of South Africa.
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