Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BARDIN (Bardeen) John (1908-91), American physics, foreign member AN the USSR (1982). Has created the first transistor (1948, together with U.Brattejnom). One of writers of the microscopic theory of a superconductivity (1957.) Bardin - the unique scientist doubly awarded with the Nobel Prize on physics (1956, together with Brattejnom and U.Shokli; 1972, together with L.Kuperom and Dzh. SHrifferom). A golden medal him. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1988).
  • BARDIN Ivan Pavlovich (1883-1960), the Russian scientist, academician AN the USSR (1932), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1945). Supervised over designing of the large metallurgical enterprises, building of metallurgical units, development and an introduction in the USSR continuously cast become also an oxygen-steelmaking process. The lenin premium (1958), the State premium of the USSR (1942, 1949).
  • BARDIN Olga Vasiljevna (r. 1932), the Russian singer (a lyrico-dramatic soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1978). With 1962 at the Saratov theatre of opera and ballet, with 1984 in Roskontserte.
  • BARDIN Sofia Illarionovna (1852-83), revolutionary narodnitsa. One of organizers mug "Frichej", groups of "muscovites". In 1877 on " process 50-òè " has said revolutionary speech. It is banished to Siberia, in 1880 ran. Being hardly ill has committed suicide in Geneva.
  • BARDO (Bardot) Brizhit (r. 1934), the French film actress. In films of 1950th (" And the god has created woman..., "Parizhanka", etc.) acted in roles of pullet girls which, most above putting natural feelings, entered the conflict to norms of moral. Films of 1960th: "True", " Babetta goes on war ", " Private life ", etc. have made its sex - numeral of the generation. With 1973 it is not taken out.
  • BARDOJTS, in Prussian mythology the god of navigation.
  • BARDHAMAN (Burdvan), city on the orient India, pieces. Zap. Bengal. 245 thousand inhabitants (1991). A food-processing industry, a general machine industry.
  • BARDHAN SHanti (1916-54), the indian choreographer. In 1943 has organized troupe " Small ballet ". Has created national ballets " Spirit of India " (1944), " India is immortal " (1946), " Discovering of India " (1947). In productions used forms of indian classical and national dance.
  • BAREILLY, city in India, pieces. Uttar Pradesh. 583 thousand inhabitants (1991). An alimentary, chemical, textile industry.
  • BAS-RELIEF (frants. basrelief), a low relief in which the convex plotting acts above a plane of a background no more than on half of the volume.
  • BARENBOJM (Barenboim) Daniel (r. 1942), the conductor and the pianist. Acts in chamber bands. In 60th the chief of the London chamber orchestra, in 1975-89 main conductor of the Parisian orchestra, with 1989 acts with the Chicago symphonic orchestra.
  • BARENTS (Barents, Barendsz) Willem (ok. 1550-97), the Netherlands seafarer. In 1594-97 supervised over 3 expeditions on the Sowing. Ledovitomu ok. In searches of north-east pass from Atlantic ok. In Quiet. Expedition 1596-97 has discovered islands Ursine and Spitsbergen (repeatedly). It is buried on It is new. To the Earth.
  • BARENTSBURG (Barentsburg), city and a port in the west about. Spitsbergen (Svalbard, Norway). Production of mineral coal.
  • BARENTS SEA, marginal sea the Sowing. Ledovitogo ok., between boreal coast of Europe and islands Spitsbergens, Franz Josef land also It is new. The Earth. 1424 thousand êì2. It is located on a shelf; depth predominary from 360 up to 400 m (the greatest - 600 ì). Large about. Kolguev. Bays: the Porsanger-fiord, Varanger Fjord, Motovsky, Kola, etc. The Strong influence of warm waters Atlantic ok. Stipulates nezamerzaemost a southwest part. A salinity of 32-35 ‰. Into Barents sea runs r. Pechora. Fishery (a cod, a herring, a haddock, a flounder). An environmental setting unfavorable. Has major transport value. Major ports: Murmansk (Russian Federation), Varde (Norway).
  • The BARRETTER (English barretter), the electronic device by the way the filled hydrogen of a glass bottle inside which there is a fine wire. The current of the barretter in a fixed range of values of pressure is practically constant. Use for a constant-current regulation.
  • The BARGE (frants. barge), the non-propelled cargo vessel transposed by a towing line or a mule.
  • BARI (Bari), city and a port in JUzh. Italy, an administrative centre prov. Bari. 355 thousand inhabitants (1990). Oil processing and petrochemistry, metallurgy. University. A national archeologic museum, picture passageway.
  • BARI (Barye) Antoine Lui (1795-1875), the French sculptor and the painter. The representative of romanticism. Full dramatic nature and plastic power of the plotting animal ("Lion", 1836).
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