Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BARONS (Barons) Krishjanis (1835-1923), the Latvian specialist in folklore, the writer, the leader mladolatyshej. Stories, verses, feuilletons. Has emited " the Latvian national songs " (1894-1915).
  • BARONSK, the informal title of. Ekaterinenshtadt (nowadays Marks of the Saratov region) up to 1920.
  • BARORECEPTORS (from grech. baros - gravity and receptors), sensing nerve terminations in walls of blood vessels; accept changes of a blood pressure and reflexly adjust{regulate} his{its} level.
  • BAROTHERAPY (from grech. baros - gravity and therapy), use in the medical purposes heightened or a underpressure of air. The general barotherapy is carried out{conducted} in altitude chambers. Banks concern to methods of an aboriginal barotherapy.
  • BAROTRAUMA (from an armour. baros - gravity and a trauma), damage of an acoustic organ, lungs, etc. at sharp differential of an atmospheric pressure; can arise at explosions, and also for pilots, parachuters, divers.
  • BARRAGAN (Barragan) Luis (r .1901), the mexican architect. Using a flame brick, a stucco moulding and a raw tree, tried to achieve harmonic connection of a house and an ambient garden (a residence Dignity Kristobalt, 1967-68; private{individual} construction in Mexico and his{its} suburbs).
  • BARRAGE (from frants. barrage - an obstacle), a way of protection of shafts and pits from underground waters by full or partial protection{enclosure} of productions with the help of water-proof devices.
  • LOITERING, flight of airplanes - fighters above fixed area with the purposes of cover of terraneous objects. Since 60th the term "air alert" is used.
  • BARRACUDAS (barracudas), set of marine predatory fishes of order kefaleobraznyh. Length up to 3 m. Ok. 20 kinds{views}, in tropical and subtropical seas Atlantic, Indian and Quiet ok., including on 1 kind{view} in Black and Japanese seas. Eat only fishes. Hunt often together with sharks; assault people.
  • BARRAND (Barrande) Joahim (1799-1883), the French geologist and a paleontologist, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1877). From 1831 cable cores in Czechia. Transactionses on a stratigraphy nizhnepaleozojskih adjournments of Czechia. Has secured{discharged} (having dismembered on departments and storeys) Silurian system. The writer of the capital multivolume monography on paleontology (1852-94).
  • BARRANCABERMEJA (Barrancabermeja), city in northwest of Columbia. 137 thousand inhabitants (1992). A port on r. Magdalena. Center of production and petroleum refining. Petrochemistry.
  • BARRANQUILLA (Barranquilla), city in northwest of Columbia, an administrative centre of department Atlantiko. 1,35 million inhabitants (1985, with suburbs). A port on r. Magdalena, available for ocean goers. An international airport. Textile, oil refining, metal-working, cement, chemical, a flavoring industry. Universities. It is based in 1629.
  • BARRANKOSY (isp. barrancos), the steep erosive furrows gashing in a radial direction downslopes of cones of burning mountains.
  • SCRAPE (Barras) Pol (1755-1829), one of organizers termidorianskogo tumble 1794 (France). In 1792 it is selected in the Convent, has adjoined to jakobintsam; entered{included} in the Directory later, promoted coming to power of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • To BARRA Mohammed Siad (r. 1919), the president of Somalia in 1976-91, the general - major (1966). With 1965 commanding army. In 1969 - June 1976 presidents of Supreme revolutionary advice{council} and the head of government.
  • BARREL (English barrel, characters. - a barrel), a measure of capacity and volume in system of the English measures. In the USA distinguish barrel dry - 115,628 dm3 and petroleum - 158,988 dm3. The English barrel (for loose substances) is peer 163,65 dm3.
  • BARRICADE (frants. barricade), a synthetic defensive obstacle from logs, a B/S with sand, stones, etc. across streets, roads, for bridges, in mountain passes, etc.
  • BARRINDZHERA the CRATER, the same, that Arizonsky a crater.
  • BARRIOS (Barrios) Husto Rufino (1835-85), the president of Guatemala with 1873; in 1871-1873 commander-in-chief army. Has placed{installed} a mode of dictatorship, at the same time promoted economic development of country, has achieved slackening influence of church. Aspiring to aggregate the central - American countries in the confederated states, Barrios began war from El Salvador in which has been killed.
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