Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BARTHOLINITIS, inflammation major (bartolinievyh) glands of an entrance of the vagina.
  • BARTOLO yes Sassoferrato (Bartolus) (Bartolo da Sassoferrato, Bartolus) (1314-57), the italian lawyer, the chapter of school of postglossators. The writer of the commentary to Codification JUstiniana.
  • BARTOLOMEJ Adolf Aleksandrovich (r. 1934), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991). Transactionses under the elastic theory, plasticities and a creep. Probe of interaction of piles foundations with an ambient ground.
  • BARTOLOMMEO (Bartolommeo) Fra (an ice-film. Name Bartolommeo della the Port, della Porta) (1472-1517), the italian painter. The representative of High Revitalization to Florence. Majestic altarnye patterns (" Lamentation of the Christ ", 1515-17).
  • BARTOLD Vasily Vladimirovich (1869-1930), the Russian orientalist, academician AN the USSR (1925; the academician Petersburg AN with 1913, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science with 1917). Transactionses on a history Compare. Asia, Iran, Arabian halifata, moslem faith and a history of oriental studies.
  • BARTON (Barton) Derek Harold Richard (r. 1918), English chemists - organics. Transactionses on conformational analysis, photochemical metamorphosises{transformations} and synthesis of physiologically active connections. The Nobel Prize (1969, together with O.Hasselem).
  • To BART (Barthou) Lui (1862-1934), the prime minister of France in 1913, with 1894 repeatedly minister, in 1934 Minister for Foreign Affairs. The adherent of the ex - Soviet cooperation. It is killed in Marseilles (together with Alexander I Karageorgievichem) ustashami.
  • BART - CHISHINSKY (Bart-Cisinski) JAkub (1856-1909), luzhitsky the poet. One of founders of the realistic literature luzhitskih Serbs. A poem "Groom" (1876, it is published 1926), tragedy " In strength " (1880), sonnets, ballads, lyrical verses.
  • BARUZDIN Sergey Alekseevich (1926-91), the Russian writer. Verses, stories and stories for children and youthes. Lyrical products{creations} about life of simple people: " Stories about women " (1967), " I like our street " (1969), " that was yesterday " (1975), " It is time a defoliation " (1982). The collection " Verses past a flying " (1983). The book of literary notes " People and books " (1978). The managing editor of the log-book " Friendship of peoples " (with 1965).
  • BARUN-TOREJ, saltish lake in the south of Transbaikalia. 580 êì2. Rivers Uldza and Imalka run; protokoj it is bridged about an eskar. Zun-Torej. A level and the area izmenchivy; from time to time dries up.
  • CRESCENT-SHAPED SAND DUNES (turki)., 1) non-proprietary name of stripped sands of deserts;.. 2) crescent in the plan of a clump of sands (an altitude up to 150 ì), navejannyh prevailing winds; a upwind (convex) downslope cavicorn (5-14 °) and the lengthy, the leeward (concave) - abrupt (up to 30 °) and short, passing in cuspidate "horns". Move{migrate} with speed up to hundreds meters annually.
  • VELVET (velvet tree), stem of trees of a set of a rue family. Ok. 10 kinds{views}, in Vost. Asia. For the industrial purposes the external protective tissue of an Amur cork - tree, or the amurense balsa wood is used. Wood strong, goes on hand-made articles, furniture, etc.
  • VELVET, silk or a cotton with mild heavy-bodied vertical nap (1,5-2 mm) on a front face. It is applied to sewing a coat frock, furnish, the decorative purposes.
  • The VELVET BOOK, book of genealogy of notable Russian seignioral and nobiliary surnames. It is constituted in 1687. Actuated " Gosudarev rodoslovets " 1555-56, parentage materials 2-nd floor. 16-17 centuries.
  • MARIGOLD (marigold), stem of grasses of a set of a thistle family. Ok. 35 kinds{views}, in JUzh. And the Sowing. To America; numerous grades of a kind{view} diverted marigold (it come from Mexico) are cultivated as the decorative; copiously blossom up to the late fall.
  • BARHIN Grigory Borisovich (1880-1969), the Russian architect. The dwelling of the newspaper of "Information" in Moscow (1925-27), sanatorium in Sakah in Crimea (1929) - in forms of constructivism.
  • BARHUDAROV Stepan Grigorjevich (1894-1983), Russian jazykoved, corresponding member AN the USSR (1946). Probeed Russian (old russian tongue, leksikologiju, a lexicography, a spelling). The lenin premium (1970).
  • BARHUDARJAN Sergey Vasiljevich (1887-1973), the Georgian and Armenian composer, the honored worker of arts of Georgia (1936), the national actor of Armenia (1960). Fortepiannye plays, etc. The Professor of the Tbilisi conservatory (1941-54).
  • BARSHAJ Rudolf Borisovich (r. 1924), the Russian viola player, the conductor. In 1956-77 chief of the Moscow chamber orchestra built by him{it}. With 1977 abroad, acts as the symphonic conductor.
  • CORVEE, the form of a ground rent, the gratuitous forced labour of the dependent peasant working natural stock in an economy of the feudal lord. In Zap. To Europe corvee was distributed since 8-9 centuries, from 12-13 centuries began to be driven out by quitrents and to 14-15 centuries has come to naught. In countries of the Orient corvee has not received a wide circulation. In Russia has appeared in days of the Kiev state. It was widely distributed in European Russia in 2-nd floor. 16 - 1-st floor. 19 centuries. After cancellation of serfdom in 1861 it was saved for vremennoobjazannyh peasants as izdolshchina. It is cancelled in 1882.
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