BASAL MEMBRANE, for vertebrates and the person a boundary film between an epithelium (or an endothelium) and a contiguous friable connective tissue. Ministers for strengthening of an epithelial cell-like layer.BASAL (from grech. basis - the basis{fundamentals}), in anatomy - the main{basic}, located for the grounding, versed or relating it{him}, napr., a basal membrane. Compare. Apical.BASALT, the dark effusive main{basic} rock consisting primarily main{basic} plagioklaza, piroksenov and often olivina. Holocrystalline basalts - dolerity, with a glass wool structure - gialobazalty and tahility. Basalts take the huge areas of a bottom of oceans and extensive (one thousand êì2) terrains of mainlands (trappy). Compression strength up to 400 MPa, firmness of 2520-2970 kg / m3. It is used in a kamenno-foundry industry; valuable building, facing, electrical-insulating and an acid-proof material.BASALT CASTING, the same, that a stone casting."BASALT" LAYER, the low layer of earth crust located between Konrada by a surface and Mohorovichicha by a surface. It is secreted under seismic data; will consist presumably of a gabbro.BAZANOV Vasily Grigorjevich (1911-81), the Russian literary critic, corresponding member AN the USSR (1962). Transactionses are dedicated a history of literary - public organizations, flows, creativity of writers of 19 century, folklore.MARKET (Bazard) the Sent-aman (1791-1832), the French socialist - Utopian. The main{basic} transactionses " the Exposition of the doctrine of Sen-simon " (hours 1-2, 1829-30).BAZARBAEV CHolponbek Bazarbaevich (r. 1949), the Kirghiz ballet dancer, the national actor of the USSR (1982). With 1967 at the Kirghiz theatre of opera and ballet by him{it}. Maldybaeva.BAZARDJUZJU, top Main, or Water-partite, hr. B.Kavkaza. An altitude of 4466 m.MARKETS Alexander Ivanovich (1845-1907), the Russian chemist and the fruitgrower. The main{basic} activities fall into an organic chemistry and rationalization of wine growing and wine-making. Has created (1868) method of synthesis of the urea (carbamide), realized in an industry.MARKETS (an ice-film. fam. Rudnev) Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1874-1939), the Russian philosopher and the economist. The Social Democrat (with 1896); in 1910th the adherent empiriokrititsizma. Together with I.I.Skvortsovym-Stepanovym has transferred{translated} "Capital" Marksa (t. 1-3, 1907-09). It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.MARKETS John Ioannovich (1819-95), the protopope, the father confessor of persons of the Royal house, the prior of Russian Orthodox churches in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. The writer of " the Biblical history ", withstanding 30 issuings.BAZARSADAEV Kim Ivanovich (r. 1937), the Buryat singer (bass), the national actor of the USSR (1981). With 1959 (with rests) at the Buryat theatre of opera and ballet.BAZEDOV (Basedow) Charles (1799-1854), the german doctor. Has described (1840) thyrotoxicosis (bazedova disease).BAZEDOVA DISEASE, the same, that a crop diffuse toxic.BASEL (Basel), city in Switzerland, an administrative centre polukantona Basel - SHtadt. 170 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs of 360 thousand inhabitants). A port on r. Rhein. An international airport. The large trading - financial, cultural centre. Chemical, machine-building and metal-working, a light industry. University. For the first time it is mentioned in 374. In kon. 15-16 centuries - the centre of trade, handcraft, credit operations, book printing. A Romansko-Gothic cathedral (1185-1200; sculptural gantries), a town hall (1504-1608, the Renaissance).BAZELSKIE PEACE TREATIES 1795 (separate), are encased in Basel between France and to two of participants of 1-st antiFrench coalition (the Prussia which has recognized transition to France of the left-handed coast of Rhein, and Spain); marked the beginning of disintegration of a coalition.BAZELSKY the CATHEDRAL, ecumenical council of a latin church in 1431-49, all over again in Basel, with 1448 in Lausanne. Has made concessions chashnikam in range of a cult. Has proclaimed after Konstantsskim a cathedral 1414-18 supremance of law of cathedrals above a dad; however the papacy has defended a supreme authority above cathedrals.BAZEN (Bazin) Andre (1918-58), French kinoved and the film critic. One of initiators t. n. " A new wave " - motions of the pullet{young man} moviemakers who have been grouped together around of the log-book " Kaje dju sinema ". In 1967 teoretiko-critical inheritance Bazena such kino has been posthumously published in the book " That? ".
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