Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BASAL MEMBRANE, for vertebrates and the person a boundary film between an epithelium (or an endothelium) and a contiguous friable connective tissue. Ministers for strengthening of an epithelial cell-like layer.
  • BASAL (from grech. basis - the basis{fundamentals}), in anatomy - the main{basic}, located for the grounding, versed or relating it{him}, napr., a basal membrane. Compare. Apical.
  • BASALT, the dark effusive main{basic} rock consisting primarily main{basic} plagioklaza, piroksenov and often olivina. Holocrystalline basalts - dolerity, with a glass wool structure - gialobazalty and tahility. Basalts take the huge areas of a bottom of oceans and extensive (one thousand êì2) terrains of mainlands (trappy). Compression strength up to 400 MPa, firmness of 2520-2970 kg / m3. It is used in a kamenno-foundry industry; valuable building, facing, electrical-insulating and an acid-proof material.
  • BASALT CASTING, the same, that a stone casting.
  • "BASALT" LAYER, the low layer of earth crust located between Konrada by a surface and Mohorovichicha by a surface. It is secreted under seismic data; will consist presumably of a gabbro.
  • BAZANOV Vasily Grigorjevich (1911-81), the Russian literary critic, corresponding member AN the USSR (1962). Transactionses are dedicated a history of literary - public organizations, flows, creativity of writers of 19 century, folklore.
  • MARKET (Bazard) the Sent-aman (1791-1832), the French socialist - Utopian. The main{basic} transactionses " the Exposition of the doctrine of Sen-simon " (hours 1-2, 1829-30).
  • BAZARBAEV CHolponbek Bazarbaevich (r. 1949), the Kirghiz ballet dancer, the national actor of the USSR (1982). With 1967 at the Kirghiz theatre of opera and ballet by him{it}. Maldybaeva.
  • BAZARDJUZJU, top Main, or Water-partite, hr. B.Kavkaza. An altitude of 4466 m.
  • MARKETS Alexander Ivanovich (1845-1907), the Russian chemist and the fruitgrower. The main{basic} activities fall into an organic chemistry and rationalization of wine growing and wine-making. Has created (1868) method of synthesis of the urea (carbamide), realized in an industry.
  • MARKETS (an ice-film. fam. Rudnev) Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1874-1939), the Russian philosopher and the economist. The Social Democrat (with 1896); in 1910th the adherent empiriokrititsizma. Together with I.I.Skvortsovym-Stepanovym has transferred{translated} "Capital" Marksa (t. 1-3, 1907-09). It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • MARKETS John Ioannovich (1819-95), the protopope, the father confessor of persons of the Royal house, the prior of Russian Orthodox churches in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. The writer of " the Biblical history ", withstanding 30 issuings.
  • BAZARSADAEV Kim Ivanovich (r. 1937), the Buryat singer (bass), the national actor of the USSR (1981). With 1959 (with rests) at the Buryat theatre of opera and ballet.
  • BAZEDOV (Basedow) Charles (1799-1854), the german doctor. Has described (1840) thyrotoxicosis (bazedova disease).
  • BAZEDOVA DISEASE, the same, that a crop diffuse toxic.
  • BASEL (Basel), city in Switzerland, an administrative centre polukantona Basel - SHtadt. 170 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs of 360 thousand inhabitants). A port on r. Rhein. An international airport. The large trading - financial, cultural centre. Chemical, machine-building and metal-working, a light industry. University. For the first time it is mentioned in 374. In kon. 15-16 centuries - the centre of trade, handcraft, credit operations, book printing. A Romansko-Gothic cathedral (1185-1200; sculptural gantries), a town hall (1504-1608, the Renaissance).
  • BAZELSKIE PEACE TREATIES 1795 (separate), are encased in Basel between France and to two of participants of 1-st antiFrench coalition (the Prussia which has recognized transition to France of the left-handed coast of Rhein, and Spain); marked the beginning of disintegration of a coalition.
  • BAZELSKY the CATHEDRAL, ecumenical council of a latin church in 1431-49, all over again in Basel, with 1448 in Lausanne. Has made concessions chashnikam in range of a cult. Has proclaimed after Konstantsskim a cathedral 1414-18 supremance of law of cathedrals above a dad; however the papacy has defended a supreme authority above cathedrals.
  • BAZEN (Bazin) Andre (1918-58), French kinoved and the film critic. One of initiators t. n. " A new wave " - motions of the pullet{young man} moviemakers who have been grouped together around of the log-book " Kaje dju sinema ". In 1967 teoretiko-critical inheritance Bazena such kino has been posthumously published in the book " That? ".
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