Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BAYER (Bayer) Otto George Wilhelm (1902-82), the german chemist - technologist and the industrialist. The main{basic} transactionses on chemistry and polymer technologies. Has received polyurethanes (1937) and has adjusted their commercial production.
  • BAYER (Baeyer) Franc (r. 1932), the german film director. Films: " Aged love " (1959), " Royal children " (1962), " Naked among wolfs " (1963), " JAkob - the liar " (1974), " In dock " (1984), etc.
  • BAYER (Bajer) Frederik (1837-1922), the danish writer and the political figure. One of organizers of pacifist movement. The chairman of board of International office of the world (1891-1907). The Nobel Prize of the world (1908, together with K.Arnoldsonom).
  • BAIZE (polsk. bajka, from niderl. baai), a mild, dense cotton or woollen tissue with the heavy-bodied combed nap. From a cotton baize sew a warm constant wear garment, women or an infants wear; from woollen - a light overcoat.
  • BAIKAL, freshwater lake in the south Vost. Siberia. 456 m are located at the altitude and surrounded with mountains. 31,5 thousand êì2, length of 636 kms, mean width of 48 kms. The most steep (up to 1620 ì) in the world. Tectonic an origin. 336 rivers run (including. Selenga, Barguzin, V.Angara), escapes r. Angara. 27 islands (the largest Olkhon). Solidifies in January, it is dissected in May. The flora and a fauna of Baikal actuates ok. 1800 kinds{views} (3/4 - endemics: the Baikal seal, gobies, a viviparous fish golomjanka, etc.). A craft of an omul, a grayling, etc. Navigation; an alloy of a wood. On Baikal - cities Slyudyanka, Baikalsk. In a settlement. Listvjanka - Limnological institute of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Baikal in structure Barguzinskogo and Baikal reservations. Pribajkalsky national park. As a result of man impacts the environmental setting has worsened; search of scientifically reasonable ways of restoration of natural complexes of Baikal is conducted.
  • The BAJKALO-AMURENSE MAIN (BAM), railway in Vost. Siberia and on the Far East, 2-nd main (alongside with the Transsiberian main) a railway output of Russia to Quiet ok. The general expansion passes from Taishet up to the Soviet Haven, of 4300 kms. A plot Ust Kut (on Lena) - Komsomolsk-na-Amure (3105 kms; the beginning of construction - 1974, in 1984 is open{discovered} a through traffic) in 1989 is handed in operation; 2 plots BAMa are constructed in kon. 40 - nach. 50th: Taishet - Ust Kut and Komsomolsk-na-Amure - the Soviet Haven. To the Transsiberian railway of BAM it is bound by 3 copulative{connecting} railway lines: Bamovskaja - Tynda, Calcareous and Volochaevka - Komsomolsk. In 1981 the Baikal-Amur railway is organized.
  • BAIKALSK, city (with 1966) in the Russian Federation, Irkutsk region, on an eskar. Baikal. A depot. 16,5 thousand inhabitants (1992). Pulp and paper combine.
  • The BAIKAL RIPPLE MARK, era tektogeneza at the end of a Pre-Cambrian and the beginning of a Cambrian. As a result of the Baikal ripple mark there were wrinkled mountain structures Vost. Sajana, Pribaikalye, on Arabian p-ove, etc.
  • The BAIKAL RESERVATION, biosphere, in the Russian Federation, in Buryatiya, to the south from an eskar. Baikal. It is based in 1969. The area 165724 ga. Landscapes of the east - Siberian taiga and the Mongolian steppes. On boreal downslopes hr. Hamar-Daban - pihtovo-cedar forests, on austral - it is cedar - listvennichno-sosnovye. A birch, an aspen. The bear, a sable, a lynx, an otter, columns, an ermine, pishchuha, a maral, the moose, a reindeer; an osprey, a see eagle - belohvost, a common ptarmigan.
  • The BAIKAL BACKBONE, on a northwest shore an eskar. Baikal. Length of 300 kms, an altitude up to 2572 m.
  • BAYKOV Alexander Aleksandrovich (1870-1946), the Russian metallurgist and metalloved, academician AN the USSR (1932), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1945). Fundamental transactionses on structural transfomations in metals, the theory of metallurgical processes. The state premium of the USSR (1943).
  • BAYKOV Feodor Isakovich (ok. 1612-63 or 1664), the Moscow nobleman, the chapter of the first Russian embassy in China in 1654-57.
  • BAJLADILA, large iron-ore area in India (pieces. Madhja-Pradesh). Ore - primarily gematitovye quartzites. It is maintained with 1967. Conditioned reserves 1,3 billion t ore, content Fe of 63-67 %; production 8,6 million t documentary ore (1987).
  • BAILEN (Bailen), city in Spain, in Andalusia, in prov. Haen. Ok. In July 1808 in a course of war against the French occupiers bliz Bailen a spanish troops have won 10 thousand inhabitants.
  • BAJLJANTSZJAO (characters. - the doctrine of the White lotus), secret Buddhist sect in China; has arisen, apparently, in 12 century, existed{breathed} up to nach. 19 century. Integrated primarily peasants and handicraftsmen. Repeatedly hoisted revolts (the largest in 1796-1805).
  • BAJMAK, city (up to 1938 settlements. Bajmak-Tanalykovo), in the Russian Federation, Bashkiria, on r. Tanalyk, in 35 kms from zh.-d. An item. Sibaj. 16,5 thousand inhabitants (1991). A machine works, a meat-packing factory, an oil - mill.
  • BAYONET JOINT (frants. baionnette - the spit), the initial title of the spit invented in is grey. 17 century in. Bajonna (France); represented a knif which hand lever was interposed into a trunk of the gun. In Russia called baginetom. In 1706-08 everywhere it is substituted by a spit with a tube.
  • The BAYONET JOINT, bystrovypolnjaemoe a part jointing at which one component part with a slot is fitted on other component part with the conforming projection and is pivoted so that the projection stopped a component part. It is applied in cutting muchines, in lenses of cameras, etc.
  • BAJONNSKIE CORTESES (June - July 1808), collection in. Bajonna representatives spanish znati and the maximum administration. It is called under the decree of Napoleon I. Has recognized as king of Spain of Zhozefa Bonaparte and has accepted Bajonnskuju the constitution according to which Spain was declared by the constitutional monarchy, some feudal establishments were cancelled, etc.
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