Friday, May 25, 2007

  • BASUTO (Basuto), a plateau in Drakensberg mountains, in terrain Lesotho, in JUzh. To Africa. An altitude up to 3482 m. Zlakovo-fruticose vegetation and dry steppes.
  • BASUTOLAND, in 1884-1966 possession of the Great Britain in Africa. About 1966 state Lesotho.
  • BASUTCHAJSKY RESERVATION, in the south of Azerbaijan, in Zangelanskom r-not, in a bass. r. Basutchaj. It is based in 1974. The area 107 ga. A unique grove European plane.
  • "BASF" (" Badishe aniline und soda of factories "), the chemical company of Germany. It is based in 1865. Up to 1952 entered{included} in German chemical concern " I.G.Farbenindustri ". Sales volume 25 billion dol., a net profit 802 million dol., figure occupied in 135 thousand person (kon. 1990th).
  • BATH (Bath), city in the Great Britain. England, on r. Avon, bliz Ivory a hall. Atlantic ok. 80 thousand inhabitants (1981). A balneal health resort (thermal radon waters were used still by Romans, it is based in 1 century, settlement Akve-Sulis). A machine industry, mild, a printing industry. Annual musical festivals.
  • " BATH INDASTRIS " (BAT Industries), the English alimentary company, one of master TNK in the world. It is based in 1902. Issues tobacco items (1-n in the capitalist world), alimentary, cosmetic, impregnated-paper and other goods. Sales volume 14,1 billion dol., a net profit 1,8 billion dol., figure occupied in 157 thousand person (kon. 1990th).
  • BATH (Bata), city and a port in Equatorial Guinea, an administrative centre of terrain of the Rio-Mooney - a continental part of country. 24 thousand inhabitants (1985). Cement and sawing factories.
  • BATH, in egyptian mythology one of the most ancient gods, was honored in a mode{an image} of the bull.
  • BATAVIA (Batavia), the title of capital of Indonesia of Jakarta.
  • The REPUBLIC BATAVSKAJA, is professed in terrain of Netherlands in 1795 after occupation by their French republican troops. It is called on nation batavov. It is transformed{turned into} by Napoleon I into the Dutch kingdom dependent on France (1806-10).
  • BATAVY, the German nation in delta of Rhein. With kon. 1 century up to n. e. Under an authority of Rome, against which in 69 n. e. Have raised revolt led by TSivilisom (it is suppressed{quenched} in 70).
  • BATAJ (Bataille) George (1897-1965), the French writer and the philosopher. Denial of any prescribed allowances of human conduct, the statement{confirmation} of the sovereignty of will, "scandalous" forms of self-implementation of the personality in cultural - philosophical compositions (including the essay " Internal experience ", 1943, " the Literature and is angry ", 1957), in novels and stories (" the History of an eye ", 1928; "Madam Edward", 1941; " Washing mother ", it is published in 1966), gap-filling by the blasphemies shocking with patterns of erotic experience, resulting in to autodestruction and bent for of mors.
  • BATAYSK, city (with 1938) in the Russian Federation, the Rostov region. A railway junction. 93,7 thousand inhabitants (1992). The enterprises of a railway transport. Energomehanichesky, assembly preparations and other factories; alimentary, a light industry.
  • BATAKI, group of peoples (toba, karo, pakpak, simalungun, mandajling, angkola) in Indonesia (basically on about. Sumatra). 4,5 million person (1992). Tongues will derivate group in structure of the Indonesian tongues. Believers - moslems - sunnity, toba - protesters, karo hold on to traditional convictions.
  • BATALER (frants. batailleur), a face knowing on the ships{spacecrafts} and bases food, ware and other supply.
  • BATALIST (from fight), the artist working in a battle genre.
  • FIGHT (frants. bataille) (ustar.), battle.
  • BATALOV Alexey Vladimirovich (r. 1928), the Russian film actor and the producer, the national actor of the USSR (1976), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1989). Played the main{basic} the contemporaries - clear, it is sincere the thin people which are peculiar an internal force, restraint. It was taken out in films: " cranes Fly ", "Mother", " Major family ", " Business Rumjantseva ", " Lady with a click ", " Nine days of one year ", "Trot race", " Moscow does not believe in teardrops ", etc. Professor VGIKA (with 1979). Has delivered films: "Overcoat" (1960), " Three fat men ", "Player". The state premium of the USSR (1981).
  • BATALOV Boris Vasiljevich (1938-89), the Russian scientist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1987). Transactionses on simulation, optimisations and to synthesis of wiring schemes and topology of major and super-large-scale integrated circuits and an electronic equipment on their basis{fundamentals}. The state premium of the USSR (1975).
  • BATALOV Nikolay Petrovich (1899-1937), the Russian actor, the honored artist of Russia (1933). With 1916 in Moskovsk Art Academic theatre. It was taken out in films: "Mother", "Start in life", etc.
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