Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • BERGMAN (Bergmann) Gustav (1878-1955), the german therapist. Clinically and experimentally has developed the doctrine about the functional pathology.
  • BERGMAN (Bergman) Ingmar (r. 1918), the Swedish film director. Films: " Evening of fools " (1953), " the Seventh seal{printing} ", " the Strawberry glade " (both 1957), "Face" (1958), "Silence" (1963), " the Autumnal sonata " (1978), " Fanni and Alexander " (1983), etc. Develops a theme of tragical loneliness of the person in the modern society. Put performances at drama and opera theatres.
  • BERGMAN (Bergmann) Ernest (1836-1907), the german surgeon. One of creators of an asepsis. Transactionses on surgery of a skull and a brain.
  • BERGMAN (Bergman) JAlmar (1883-1931), the Swedish writer. Social - psychologic novels " Markurelly from Vadchepinga " (1919), " the Grandmother and God the God " (1921), " the Clown the Yak " (1930), chamber dramas, comedies.
  • BERGSTREM (Bergstrom) Sune (r. 1916), the Swedish biochemist, foreign member AN the USSR (1976), AMN the USSR (1982). The main{basic} transactionses on chemistry and biochemistry of Prostaglandinums. The Nobel Prize (1982, together with B.Samuelsonom and Dzh. R.Vayne).
  • BERGSHTRIHI (indexes{indicators} of a downslope), short primes on horizontals of the topographic map, directing a direction down-hill.
  • REEDS (Byrd) Ð., see Byrd R.
  • REEDS (Byrd) William (ok. 1543-1623), the English composer, the organist, verdzhinelist, notoizdatel. The creator of the English madrigal. Imaginations, variations, dances for verdzhinela and violy, masses, psalmy, etc.
  • REEDS CHarlz (Charles Nikolaevich) (1766-1843), the Russian engineer, the businessman, the shipowner. The native of Scotland, with 1786 in Russia. First in Russia in 1805-06 has designed and has constructed in Petersburg the cast-iron bridge " on arches ". Has constructed ship shipyard, has based (1815) shipping company on Neva. Supervised over manufacturing and installation of lattices, bas-reliefs, sculptures, flashlights, blankings, etc. metal load-carrying structures and elements. On his{its} first in Russia a mechanic foundry in Petersburg (it is based in 1792) bas-reliefs Aleksandrovskoj of a column, structural members of a frontispice and dome Isaakievskogo of a cathedral are made, etc. Has produced and has placed{installed} superstructures of all flying bridges of Petersburg.
  • BERDANKA, a singly charged rifle of system of American inventor H.Berdana, improved in 60th of 19 century the Russian engineers A.P.Gorlovym and K.I.Guniusom. In the inventory the Russian army in 1868-91.
  • REEDS (an ice-film. A name and fam. Berdimurat Kargabaev) (1827-1900), the Karakalpak poet. Lyrical, satirical, didactic verses, historical poems, an antidespotic poem - fairy tale "Tsar - petty tyrant".
  • BERDZHESS (Burgess) Anthony (1917-93), the English writer. The satirical novel " the Right on the answer " (1960); " black Utopias " " News of end of the world " (1982) and "1985 (1978). A theme of the antihero - in novels " the Clockwork common orange " (1962) and " the Will to the clockwork world " (1974), and also in U.Shakespeare parody "counterbiographies" (1964) and Dzh. Keats (1977). The writer of pieces of music.
  • BERDZENISHVILI Merab Isidorovich (r. 1929), the Georgian sculptor, the national artist of the USSR (1987), corresponding member AH (1988). Monumental, plastic indicative monument in honour of the 30-anniversary of Victory in Marneuli (1975), the decorative sculpture ("Medea", Pitsunda). The state premium of the USSR (1976).
  • BERDICHEV, city (with 1845) on Ukraine, Zhitomir region. A railway junction. 93,4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: machine-tool constructing, a chemical machine industry. Furniture, polygraphic, mild, a food-processing industry. Has arisen in 15 century.
  • BERDNIKOV George Petrovich (1915-1996), the Russian literary critic, corresponding member Russian AN (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1974). Books on a history of the Russian literature of 19 century. The state premium of the USSR, (1985).
  • BERDSK, city (with 1944) in the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, on r. Berd, bliz its{her} lockins in Novosibirsk water reservoir. A depot. 81,2 thousand inhabitants (1992.) softwares "Vega" (stereophonic electrorecord players, tape recorders, etc.); factories: chemical, industrial rubber goods, etc. Alimentary, a light industry. It is based in nach. 18 century.
  • BERDSLI (Berdslej) (Beardsley) Obri (1872-98), English risovalshchik. Painfully brittle drawings distinguished by the masterly game of outline profiles and lines (a case history to "Salome" O.Uajlda, 1894), have influenced on the schedule{chart} of style "modernist style".
  • BERDYSH (polsk. berdysz), a cold steel, a broad lengthy axe with an edge by the way a half moon on the lengthy shaft; in the inventory Russian infantry in 15-17 centuries. To berdyshu a kind{view} of weapons the halberd was close.
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