Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • BERNINI (Bernini) Lorentso (1598-1680), the italian architect and the sculptor. The representative of Baroque. Architectonic products{creations} strike regional{spatial} scope{span}, splendor a decora, dynamics{changes} of forms, perspective and luminous effects (a collonnade of the area of a cathedral over. Peter in Rome, 1657-63). Precipitancy of motion, combination of a religious airs with ekzaltirovannoj sensitivity (" Apollo and Dafna ", 1622-25 are inherent{intrinsic} in sculpture Bernini; " Ecstasy over. Terezy ", 1644-52).
  • BURNS Robert (1759-96), the Scottish poet. Has created original poetry in which has glorified transactionses, people and freedom, selfless both self-denying love and friendship. Satirical antichurch poems " Two shepherds " (1784), " the Pray svjatoshi Villi " (1785), the collection " the Poems written predominary on the Scottish dialect " (1786), a patriotic hymn " Bruce - to Scots ", a cantata " Cheerful beggars ", civil and love lyrics (poems " the Tree of freedom ", " John the Barleycorn ", etc.), drinking songs. Has collected and has preformed to the issuing of product{creation} of the Scottish poetic and musical folklore with which his{its} poetry is closely related.
  • BURNSIDE (Burnside) William (1852-1927), the English mathematician. The main{basic} transactionses on mathematical physics, theories of probabilities, algebra. Has entered (1891) into algebra of group of linear fractional transformations{conversions} complex{integrated} variable. Has published in 1897 monography in which has stated the abstract group theory.
  • BERN INTERNATSIONAL, it is based in 1919 right-centrist leaders broken with nach. 1-st world war Internatsionala of 2-nd. Integrated social-democratic parties of Austria, the Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France, etc. In February 1921 some social-democratic parties have quitted from Bern internatsionala and have formed centrist " Internatsional 2 1/2-® ", aggregated in May 1923 with Bern internatsionalom in the Socialist worker internatsional.
  • BERNSON (Berenson) (Berenson) Bernard (1865-1959), the American historian of art. The master atributsii; for the first time has defined{determined} stylistic features of schools of painting of italian Revitalization and creativity of many artists.
  • BERNSTEIN (Bernstein) Leonard (1918-90), the American conductor, the pianist and the composer. Conducted many orchestras, in 1958-69 main conductor of the New York philharmonic orchestra. The first initiator of many compositions of the modern American composers, including natural music. Ballets, concordances, musicals (" Vestsajdskaja a history ", 1957, etc.), music for kino, etc.
  • BERNOULLI (Bernoulli), the family of the Swiss scientists given of outstanding mathematicians.
  • BERNOULLI (Bernoulli) Iogann (1667-1748), the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1725), brother Jakoba of Bernoulli. Transactionses on infinitesimal calculus and a calculus of variations.
  • BERNOULLI the THEOREM, one of limiting{marginal} theorems of a theory of probabilities; the elementary event of law of large numbers, falls into to distribution of frequency deviations of occurrence{appearance} of some random event from his{its} probability at independent tests. J.Bernulli (it is published in 1713) is established{installed}.
  • BERNOULLI the EQUATION, binds speed and a stream pressure of a theoretical incompressible liquid at steadied flow. Bernoulli an equation expresses an energy conservation law of a driving liquid. It is widely applied in hydraulics and technical hydrodynamics. It is introduced by D.Bernulli in 1738.
  • BERNHARD (Bernhard) Thomas (1931-89), the Austrian writer. Grotesque - satirical plays (" the Holiday for Boris ", 1970, etc.) and novels ("Icy cold", 1963, "Insanity", 1967, "Proof", 1975, " Aged masters ", 1985, "Cutoff", 1986). In the play " Before an output on pension " (1979) and memoirs - anti-fascist moods.
  • BERNHEM (Bernem) (Burnham) James (1905-87), the American sociologist, one of writers of the theory of administrative revolution on which the authority in the modern society passes to a new class control (the maximum engineers, managers). The critic of marxism and socialism.
  • BERNSTEIN Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1896-1966), Russian nejro-and psihofiziolog, corresponding member AMN (1946). Bernstein probes on physiology of motion - the theoretical basis{fundamentals} of the modern biomechanics, his{its} some ideas have anticipated a number{series} of rules{situations;positions} of cybernetics. The writer of the book " About construction of motions " (1941). The state premium of the USSR (1948).
  • BERNSTEIN Sergey Natanovich (1880-1968), mathematician, academician AN the USSR (1929) and AN Ukraine (1925). The main{basic} transactionses under the theory of differential equations (conditions of analyticity of solutions), function theories (an approaching of functions by polynomials), theories of probabilities (an axiomatics, limiting{marginal} theorems). The state premium of the USSR (1942).
  • BERNSTEIN (Bernstein) Feliks (1878-1956), german mathematician. The founder and in 1921-34 director of Institute of mathematical statistics of the Goettingen university. In 1934-48 worked in the USA, then has returned to Germany. Transactionses on a number theory, flocks, trigonometric numbers{series}, integral equations. First has proved in 1897 equivalence theorems of a set theory. One of first has placed{installed} applied{economic} value of a set theory, was engaged in application of mathematical methods to problems of different ranges of knowledge.
  • BERNSTEIN (Bernstein) Edward (1850-1932), one of leaders of the German social democracy and 2-nd Internatsionala, the ideologist of reformism. Participat in development of the Gothic program. In 2-nd floor. 90th, referring to natural probe of tendencies of social development, has acted with criticism of fundamental theory of marxism as obsolete. Bernstein denied the scientific substantiation of socialism, including his{its} ethical ideal, the doctrine about inevitability of crash of a capitalism, about revolution and dictatorship of proletariat, has put forward the program of reforms of a capitalism (" the Ultimate goal - anything, motion - all ").
  • BEROS (grech.; vavilon. Belrushu) (ok. 350-280 up to n. e.), the babylonian historian, the sacrificer of a temple of god Marduka. The writer of a history of Babylonia (in the Grecian tongue), fractional information from which have reached in compositions of antique and byzantian historians.
  • BERRY (Berry), historical range in central France, in a bass. r. SHer (a bass. Loire). In terrain Berry - departments Sher, Endr, in part Alje. 14,3 thousand êì2. 550 thousand inhabitants. Main city - Burzh.
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