Tuesday, May 15, 2007

  • " BETHLEHEM STEEL " (Bethlehem Steel), the metallurgical company the USA. It is based in 1904. Issues the industrial equipment and military technique, gets iron and a manganese ore. Sales volume 5,5 billion dol., a net profit 403 million dol., smelting become 11,7 million t, figure occupied 32,9 thousand person (kon. 1980th).
  • BETLINGK (Bohtlingk) Otton Nikolaevich (1815-1904), the german and Russian philologist - indolog, the academician (1855), the honorary member (1894) Petersburg AN. The main transactionses - " the Sanskrit dictionary " (a known baking plate the title " the Major Petersburg dictionary ", t. 1-7, 1855-75; together with R.Rotom). Has emited old indian grammar Panini (1839-40). For the first time has applied a comparative-historical method to study of Turkic tongues.
  • BETMAN-GOLVEG (Bethmann Hollweg) Teobald (1856-1921), German rejhskantsler and the Prussian minister - president in 1909-17; in 1905-07 Minister of Internal Affairs of Prussia, in 1907-09 imperial Minister of Internal Affairs and the deputy rejhskantslera.
  • CONCRETE (frants. beton), one of the major building timbers, received as a result of induration of a dense mix of a binder, water, fillers and in some events of additives. On a volume weight betons are sectioned on special heavy, heavy, light and special light. By the form a binder betons are: cement, silicate, gypseous, asphalt concretes, polimerbetony, etc. As required distinguish betons routine (for industrial and civil buildings), hydrotechnical, road, heat-insulating, the decorative, special destination (chemical-resistant, heat resisting, for a nuclear shielding, etc.). The main quality index of concrete - a compressive strength on which the quality class is established.
  • BETONOPOLIMER, receive impregnation of a hardened concrete by monomers or sirups with their consequent polymerization. Has heightened toughness, morozo-and wear-resistance. It is applied to an encasing of engineering structures in hydroconstruction, a road construction, etc.
  • CONCRETE MIXER, the machine for a preparation of concrete from cement, sand, gravel, a broken stone and water their agitating in a rotated drum capacity up to 1,6 m3. Productivity of 5-120 m3 / ch.
  • BETPAK-GIVE (Bedpak-give, Boreal Hungry steppe), desert in Kazakhstan, from r. Sarysu in the west up to an eskar. Balkhash on the orient. Ok. 75 thousand êì2. A flat undulating plain. An altitude of 300-350 m (the greatest - Dzhambul, 974 ì). Pastures; the locuses of agriculture.
  • BETSON (Bateson) William, see Betson For.
  • BETTELHAJM (Bettelheim) Bruno (1903-91), the Austrian psychoanalyst. In 1938-39 encased in Dachau and Buhenvalde, with 1940 in emigration in the USA. Transactionses about psychologic consequences of a totalitarianism, emotional distresses for children (autism), etc.: " Symbolical wounds " (1954), " the Educated heart " (1960), "Survival" (1979).
  • BEETHOVEN (Beethoven) Ludwig van (1770-1827), the german composer, the pianist and the conductor. Cable cores in Vienna with 1792. In his creativity have found reflectance of idea of Great French revolution. The representative of the austrian classical school. Has created geroiko-drama phylum simfonizma (3-n "Heroic", 1804, 5-n, 1808, 9-n, 1823, concordances; opera " Ôèäåëèî ", final edition 1814; overtures "Koriolan", 1807, "Egmont", 1810; a number of tool bands, sonatas, concerts). Full the deafness, comprehended Beethoven in midpoint a creative development, has not broken his will. Serotinal compositions differ philosophical character. 9 concordances, 5 concerts for a piano with an orchestra; 16 string quartets and other bands; tool sonatas, including 32 for a piano, (among them t. n. "Pathetic", 1798, "Lunar", 1801, "Appassionata", 1805), 10 for a violin from a piano; "High mass" (1823).
  • BEHAIZM, a religious - political trend. Has arisen in Iraq in it is grey. 19 century after depressing babidskih revolts, then were distributed in the Near East, in Zap. To Europe and the USA, partly in Russia. Founder Mirza Husejn Ali Behaulla preached conciliation with shahskoj an authority. In the off-the-shelf time behaizm preaches ideas of denial of national states, connections of science and religion. The main centres - in the USA and Germany.
  • BEHAJM (Bem) (Boheim) Hans (?-1476), the german shepherd, the national ecclesiast in d. Niklashauzen (Franconia), the inspirer of country motion 1476 in Central Germany. It incinerated as the heretic.
  • BEHAJM (Behaim) Martin (1459-1507), the german geographer. In 1492 has created the first geographycal terrestrial globe which has mirrored geographycal submissions about a surface of the Earth before discovering It is new. Light.
  • BEHANZIN (Gbehanzin) (ok. 1851-1906), the governor of Dahomey (sovr. Benin) in 1890-94. Led persistent extirpation against the French colonialists.
  • BEHAR Mohammed Tagi (1886-1951), the Iranian poet, the scientist - philologist. The opponent of reaction and religionism. The collection " Prison compositions ", a poem " the Owl of war "; 3-languid "Stylistics".
  • BEHER (Becher) Iogann Ioahim (1635-82), the german chemist and the doctor. Has created the first chemical theory - the theory flogistona. Supervised (1669) at action of sulfuric acid on spirit of wine secretion of a combustible gas (ethylene).
  • BEHER (Becher) Iogannes Robert (1891-1958), the german writer and the statesman, Minister for crop of the German Democratic Republic (with 1954), the founder and president Kulturbunda (with 1945), the president of Academy of arts of the German Democratic Republic (1953-56). One of organizers of german anti-fascist literary motion. In 1933-45 in emigration. The anti-war novel "Lewisite" (1926). Poetic collections " the Researcher of happiness and seven sins " (1938), " the Walk of midpoint of eyelid " (1958), etc.; the novel "Farewell" (1940) on the autobiographical basis. The tetralogy "Experiences" (1951-57) about problems of crop. The international Lenin premium (1952).
  • BEHZAD Kemaleddin (ok. 1455-1535/36), miniatjurist, the largest representative geratskoj schools of a miniature. The master of the dynamic multifigurate compositions, the refined colour constructions, indicative drawings.
  • BEHISTUNSKAJA the INSCRIPTION, trilingual (drevnepersidsky, elamsky and babylonian) the cuneiform text on rock Behistun (Bisutun), bliz Hamadan in Iran, cut under the order of tsar Darija I. Contains an exposition of events in the state Ahemenidov predominary in 522-519 up to n. e. It is read in 30-40-Õ by of 19 century (basically) English scientist G.K.Roulinsonom that has laid foundation to decoding of the cuneiform letter of many peoples Other. The orient.
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