BINDER (Binder) Ludwig (1881-1958), the german electrical engineer. Transactionses on study of heat exchange in electric machines, to transformation of a current flow, an overvoltage protection, dielectric rigidity of insulation substances.BINDUSARA (the beginning of 3 century), old indian tsar from dynasty Maurja, supporting attitudes with a classical antiquity, father Ashoki.BIN (Binet) Alfred (1857-1911), the French psychologist. Transactionses on experimental study of the maximum mental functions (especially intellections), diagnosis of mental development of the child. Has developed a series of tests.BINI (edo, edo), people in Nigeria. 4,27 million person (1992). Tongue bini. Believers - basically christians.BINNIG (Binnig) Gerd (r. 1947), german physics. Transactionses on physics low to temperature surface phenomena. The Nobel Prize (1986, together with E.Ruskoj and G.Rorerom) for building of a raster ducted microscope.The BINOCULARS (frants. binocle, from an armour. bini - the fallow, two and oculus - an eye), an optical device for examining remote subjects by both eyes. Will consist of 2 peed sights connected in parallel. Gives 2-22-êðàòíîå increase.BINOCULAR MAGNIFYING GLASS, the optical adaptation for examining it is simultaneous both eyes of small-sized objects. The elementary binocular magnifying glass - 2 lenss built in swage. Gives 2-4-êðàòíîå increase.The STEREOSCOPIC RANGE FINDER, the same, that a stereoscopic range finder.BINOMINAL (from bi... And an armour. nomen - a name), the same, that binomial expression. About a binominal of a kind (x+y) n see in an item. The Newton a binominal.BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION (Bernoulli distribution), probability distribution of figure of occurrences of some event at repeated independent tests if the probability of occurrence of this event is peer each test p (0 BINOMIAL COEFFICIENT, quotient in an expansion formula of the Newton of a binominal.BINOMIAL SERIES, the infinite ascending power series being generalization of the formula of the Newton of a binominal on an event of fractional and negative parameters.BINSVANGER (Binswanger) Ludwig (1881-1966), the Swiss psychiatrist. Has opposed a psychoanalysis t. n. The existential analysis; criterion of mental health - continuity of the self-becoming, open to the future.BINFEJ, in the Chinese mythology a monster in appearance dvuhgolovogo a wild boar.The BIOT - SAVARA the LAW, determines the magnetic density, created by a current flow; it is called named Z.B.Bio and F.Savara, unblocking it in 1820.BIOT... (from grech. bios - life), a part of the composite words, 1) meaning: relating life (napr., a biogenesis)... 2) Cîîòâåòñòâóþùàÿ on value to the word "biological" (napr., a biocatalysis).BIOT (Biot) Jean Batist (1774-1862), French physics, the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1819). The main transactionses on study of polarization of light (the law called as his name), a magnetic field of a current flow (t. n. The law of the Biot - Savara, 1820), soundmen.BIOT the LAW: the angle of rotation of a polarization plane linearly polarized light is proportional to a bed depth of optically active substance which passes a light ray. Z.B.Bio in 1815 is established.BIOACOUSTICS (from a biot... And soundman), studies notes (voices) animal, their acoustical dialogue and a space orientation with the help of an echo ranging.BIO-BIOT, the river in Chile. 380 kms, the area of basin of 24 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water ok. 1000 m3 / with. It is navigable in the lower flow.
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