Tuesday, May 29, 2007

  • BLINOVA Ekaterina Nikitichna (1906-81), Russian a geophysics, corresponding member AN the USSR (1953). Transactionses on dynamic meteorology. Has offered the numerical method of a long-term prognosis of weather.
  • BLINT (from a nem. blind - blind), not recommended reduced title beskrasochnogo ploskouglublennogo (blintovogo) stamping on book bindings or a tag board.
  • BLIOH Ivan Stanislavovich (1836-1901), the Russian economist, statisticians and the financier. The founder of the Russian railway statistics. Transactionses on an economic history of Russia, an industrial economy and an agriculture.
  • BLISS (Bliss) Arthur (1891-1975), the English composer and the conductor. Opera " Olympians " (1949), teleopera " Tobias and an angel " (1960), ballets "Checkmate" (1937) and " Lady from the Shallot " (1958), cantatas, the concordance " Heroes of a morning " (with the reader and a mansion, 1930), etc.
  • "BLITZKRIEG" (a nem. Blitzkrieg, from Blitz - a lightning and Krieg - war), see. Lightning war.
  • LIGHTING TOURNAMENT, checkrow competition to a cut time check (as a rule, on 5 mines on a consignment to each rival).
  • The UNIT (a nem. Block, goll. blok), 1) a part of the device, the mechanism, the device, etc., representing set{combination} functionly consolidated, often of the same type elements, parts (napr., the cylinder block, electrical power unit of the television receiver)... 2) the Design prefabricated element or an item, routinely prefabricated, used in the modern prefabrication (napr., the unit volumetric, stenovoj, vitrified).
  • The UNIT, component part by the way sprockets with the gutter on a circle for a filament, a circuit, a chain cable. Apply in machines and mechanisms to a veering of action forces (standing block), for obtaining a mechanical advantage or ways (running block).
  • The UNIT book, leafs of the book, the fitted under the order, tailored or vulcanized and preformed{readied} for an insert in a bookbinding cover or a cover.
  • The UNIT (Bloch) Jean Rishar (1884-1947), the French writer and the public figure. Participant "Klarte". In books "... And the company " (1917), "Sibilla" (1932) asserted{approved} historical hopelessness of proprietary classes. The book of sketches " Spain! Spain! " (1936) about the Civil war in Spain. A drama "Toulon" (1943, it is published in 1944).
  • The UNIT SELECTIVE, the agreement of several political parties on joint moving out of the candidate or the candidate list at elections to representative bodies of an authority, the president, etc.
  • The UNIT Mark (1886-1944), the French historian. Transactionses on the West-European feudalism, agrarian attitudes{relations} in France, to general problems of a methodology of a history. Together with L.Fevrom has based the log-book " Annal... " (1929). The participant of movement of Resistance, rasstreljan gestapo.
  • BLOCKAGE (English blockade), 1) system of measures of political or economic character, directed on isolation, violation{disturbance} of external relations of the quenched state with the purpose of his{its} forcing to fulfilment of any requests... 2) Military blockage - isolation of quenched object (a grouping of a troops, city, the state, etc.) by violation{disturbance} of his{its} external relations overland, in air and on the pest. The purpose of blockage - an exhausting of a quenched grouping and its{her} forcing to surrender, firing of a war-economy power of the hostile state, etc. Blockage in a tactical scale calls as locking.
  • BLOCKAGE NOVOCAINIC, a method of treatment, founded on temporary cutoff of an innervation in fixed range (napr., lumbar) through injections of novocaine. Apply at a renal colic, different inflammatory processes.
  • HEART BLOCK, the arrhythmia of heart stipulated by violation{disturbance} of realization in the myocardium of a pulse to reduction; inquest of rheumatic disease, a cardiosclerosis, intoxications, etc. Can be temporary and a stationary value, the partial and full.
  • The BLOCKHOUSE (a nem. Blockhaus), a shore fortification (with walls and cover{coating} from a tree, concrete, etc., with a living accommodation for garrison) for management circular ruzhejno-machine-gun, and sometimes and ammunition fire. In 1-st and 2-nd world wars defences of cities were applied basically to cover of bridges, mountain passes, etc.
  • The BLOCK MAP, perspective of any plot of a surface together with a geological record of earth crust. It is used primarily at study of interrelations of a relief and a geologic structure.
  • The BLOCKING OSCILLATOR, the relaxation oscillator with the transformer converse connection, producing short-lived (ok. 1 mcs) the electric pulses recurring through rather major intervals. Are applied in devices of a pulse technique.
  • LOCKING of ACCOUNTS{INVOICES}, forfeiting of masters of bank accounts of the right loosely to dispose of a means. Implements public authorities at introduction of economic sanctions to other country; at establishment of currency or credit limitations; under the solution of courts of justice under the claim to an account holder.
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