BRUNFELS (Brunfels) Otto (1488-1534), german botanik. The writer of the first botanical atlas (" Alive plotting of plants ", t. 1-3, 1530-36). Linnej has called Brunfelsa as the father of botany.BALK (rod) (in structural mechanics), the structural member, which crosscut measurements are small as contrasted to in length.BRUSILOV Alexey Alekseevich (1853-1926), the Russian military figure, the general from a cavalry (1912). In 1-¯ world war by commanding 8-th army in Galitsijskoj to battle, with 1916 commander-in-chief of Southwest front, has conducted successful approach (t. n. Brusilovsky outbreak). In May - July 1917 supreme commander in chief. With 1920 in Red Army, in 1923-1924 inspector of a cavalry.BRUSILOV George Lvovich (1884-1914?), the Russian explorer of Arctic regions, the lieutenant of fleet. In 1910-11 participant of hydrographic expedition on courts " Òàéìûð " and "Vaigach". In 1912-14 chief of expedition on a schooner " St.. Anna " which purpose was to pass on Boreal marine ways from Atlantic in Quiet ok. The destiny of expedition is unknown.BRUSILOVSKY Eugeny Grigorjevich (1905-81), the Kazakh composer, the national actor of Kazakhstan (1936). The writer of the first Kazakh operas, orchestral products. Operas " Êûç-Æèáåê " (1934), " Er Targyn " (1936), "Dudaraj" (1953), a cantata " the Soviet Kazakhstan ", 7 concordances, etc. The Professor of the Alma-Ati conservatory (with 1955). The state premium of the USSR (1948).BRUSILOVSKY OUTBREAK, see. Southwest front approach.BRUCITE, mineral of subclass of oxyhydroxides, Mg (OH) 2. routinely white sheet units. Hardness 2,5; firmness of 2,4 g / sm3. Meets by the way veins in serpentinitah and mramorizovannyh limestones. Raw material for ceramic and a paper industry, refractories.BRUSKIN Grigory Davidovich (r. 1945), the Russian artist formed in a race course karnavalizma. With 1989 in the USA. Has acquired popularity the " the Fundamental lexicon " (1986) where figures, the carriers of an emblem of official Soviet crop, are shown together on major tables. In consequent creativity the same principles sots-arta are bridged to elements ironical iudaiki.BRUSNEV Michael Ivanovich (1864-1937), the organizer and the chief of one of the first Russian social-democratic groups (1889-92); has organized over 20 working circles, strike, SHCHelgunovskuju demonstrating, the first mayovkas 1891. With 1907 political activity has departed.COWBERRY, a set of dycotyledonous plants; predominary subshrubs, bushes and low bushes. Ok. 800 kinds (35 stems), a large part in tropics and subtropics of America. To cowberry the small cranberry, a whortleberry, a cowberry, a blueberry concern.BRUSSONETIJA, a stem of trees and bushes of a set of a mulberry family. 6-8 kinds, in Vost. Asia and Polynesia. Brussonetiju impregnated-paper (the impregnated-paper tree, a paper mulberry) and brussonetiju kazinoki use for obtaining a high-performance paper. Cultivate as the decorative primarily in Crimea, on Caucasus and in Compare. Asia.PARAPET (a nem. Brustwehr), a small dike - a part of an entrenchment or a trench, intended as a matter of convenience at shooting, protection against bullets, debris of gears and shades from supervision of the opponent.SLONE BLOCKS, road-building material by the way bars (length 15-30, width 12-15, an altitude of 10-15 sm) from strong rocks (diabase, basalt, granite, etc.). It is sometimes applied to the device of covers on most gruzonaprjazhennyh epines of automobile road paving.BEAMS, gym sporting gear from 2 horizontal balks - poles fortified in 4 racks. Men compete on parallel, women - on unequal height beams.BRUT Lutsy JUny, under the Roman legend, patritsy, headed revolt against Tarkvinija Proud and steady in 510-509 up to n. e. Republican build in Rome, one of the first consuls (together with Tarkviniem Kollatinom).BRUT Mark Juny (85-42 up to n. e.), in Other. Rome the chapter (together with Kassiem) a plot 44 against Caesar. Under the legend, one of first has struck a blow to him a dagger. Has headed together with Kassiem republicans in extirpation with 2-nd triumvirate; having sufferred a defeat, has committed suicide.BRUTALIZM (neobrutalizm) (from English brutal - rough), a direction in the architecture since 1950th, seek to maximum detection of architectonics of constructions with the help rough oshchutimosti, pointed out weightiness of architectonic forms; uses the natural pattern of the materials, exposed designs and systems of plumbing system of buildings (architects À. and P.Smitson in the Great Britain, P.Rudolf in the USA).BRUTTII, one of italijskih osksko-umbrskih nations in JUzh. Italy (sovr. Calabria). In nach. 3 century up to n. e. pokoreny Rome. Allies karfagenskogo commander Gannibala during 2-nd Punic war.
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