Thursday, May 17, 2007

  • BUKOVINA, the historical title (since 15 century) parts of terrain of the modern Chernovtsy range on Ukraine (Boreal Bukovina) and ranges Suceava in Romania (Austral Bukovina).
  • BUKOVSKY (Bukovskis) Levs (1910-84), the Latvian sculptor, the national artist of Latvia (1976), corresponding member AH the USSR (1975). Executed inclement heroic a monument to fighters of Revolution 1905 on cemetery Matisa in Riga (1956-59); memorial band of memory of victims of a fascist terror in Salaspilse (1961-67, with co-authors; the Lenin premium, 1970).
  • BEECH FAMILY, set of dicotyledons, predominary monoecious, plants. Deciduous or evergreen trees, sometimes bushes. Ok. 600 kinds (7-9 stems), in moderate, subtropical and tropical belts of both hemispheres (except for tropics Juzh. America and Africa). Many beech family - forest forming species: a beech, an oak, etc.
  • BUKOLIKA (from grech. bukolikos - pastushesky), non-proprietary name of two often blent genres antique " pastusheskoj poetry " - eclogues and idylls; in novoevropejskoj poetry the same, that a pastoral. The title from the title of a cycle of verses Vergilija.
  • BUKOLOV REVOLT, antiRoman revolt in Egypt in 172 (under other data, 174 or 175). The title from Bukolii - an inundated land in delta of Nile where peasants from excessive taxes ran.
  • BEARING (a nem. Buchse), a metal box, inside which are placed the bearing (relaying a load from the wagon body or the locomotive on a wheelset axle) and a pay-off of lubrication.
  • BUKSBAUM (Buxbaum) Iogann Christians (1694-1730), the Russian scientist, botanik and the traveller, the academician Petersburg AN (1725). The German by origin. In 1721 it is engaged by Peter I to Russia in the capacity of botany in an apothecaries garden at Medical board. Transactionses on a flora of Russia. Has described a number of novel species of plants. Has collected extensive botanical and ethnographic collections.
  • SKID, rotation of land wheels (or motion of caterpillars) the transport machines, not attending with a translational motion of machines.
  • CLUB.. 1) arcaded weapons by the way the heavy stone or metal head on rukojati; length ok. 0,5-0,6 m. Has appeared in a neolith, it was widely applied in countries Other. The orient and in Middle Ages, since 13 century in Zap. To Europe and in Russia... 2) In Turkey, Poland and on Ukraine till 19 century - a numeral of an authority... 3) the Subject for exercises in art and sporting gymnastics.
  • BULAWAYO (Bulawayo), city to Zimbabwe, an administrative centre prov. A sowing. Matabelelend. 621 thousand inhabitants (1992). An international airport, a railway junction. Mild, metallurgical, a food-processing industry; machine-building, chemical factories. Center of mining area (chromites, an asbestos, coal, gold, tin, a nickel, copper). A national museum of Zimbabwe.
  • BULAVIN Kondraty Afanasjevich (ok. 1660-1708), the Don cossack, the son stanichnogo the ataman. The participant of marchings against Crimean hanstva, the ataman on salt-mines in Bahmute. In October 1707 has raised revolt (see. Bulavinskoe revolt), since May 1708 army ataman. It is killed in CHerkasske by the betrayer esaulom S.Ananjinym.
  • BULAVNITSY, in botany - the same, that rogatiki.
  • BULAEVO, city (with 1969) in Kazakhstan, the Severo-Kazakhstan region. A depot. 11,7 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factory of a framed house-building, a clothing factory, the alimentary enterprises.
  • BULAJICH (Bulajic) Velko (r. 1928), the film director. Films: "War" (1960), "Kozara" (1962), " Battle on Neretve " (1969), " Attempt in Sarajevo " (1976), "High voltage" (1981), are removed primarily on a film studio in Sarajevo.
  • BULAK-BALAHOVICH Stanislav Nikolaevich (1883-1940), the general - major (1919). In 1918 regiment commander in Red Army, has come over to on the party white. In 1919-1920 in Northwest army of general N.N.Judenicha, in Estonia and Poland. In 1920 has intruded with order Belarus, it is routed by the Soviet troops. Ran to Poland. It is killed in Warsaw by a unknown face.
  • BULANZHE (Boulanger) George (1837-91), the French general, in 1886-87 military minister. In 1887-89 has headed the motion called on his name (see. Bulanzhizm).
  • BULANZHE Jury Dmitrievich (r. 1911), Russian a geophysics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1966). The main transactionses on an experimental gravimetry, probes of a strain of earth crust.
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