Sunday, May 27, 2007

  • CALLA (calla), stem of perennial herbaceous plants of a set aronnikovyh. 1 kind{view} - a calla paludous, in moderate and subtropical belts of Eurasia and the Sowing. America; will grow almost everywhere on coasts of water reservoirs, bogs, on sphagnum splavinah. It is toxicant. Under the title "calla" in greenhouses and hothouses cultivate some kinds{views} of a stem zantedeshija from JUzh. Africa.
  • BELOKURIKHA, city (with 1982) in the Russian Federation, Altay kr., in 75 kms from zh.-d. An item. Biisk. 15,7 thousand inhabitants (1992). A balneal health resort on the basis thermal radon waters.
  • BELOKUROV Vladimir Vjacheslavovich (1904-73), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1965). On the scene with 1918. With 1936 in Moskovsk Art Academic theatre. It was taken out in films: "Valery Tchkalov" (title role), etc. The Professor of GITIS and VGIKa (with 1946). The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • BELOKUROV Sergey Alekseevich (1862-1918), the Russian historian, arheograf, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1917; Petersburg AN with 1903). Transactionses and publications of documents on a history of Russia of 15-17 centuries.
  • BELOMORSK, city (with 1938) in the Russian Federation, Karelia, a port on White m. (Onega bay), for an orifice in the Belomorsko-Baltic channel. A railway junction. 19,1 thousand inhabitants (1992). Fish, a woodworking industry. Shipyard. Tourism. A museum, " Belomorskie petroglify ".
  • BELOMORSKAJA the MILITARY FLOTILLA, is built in Russia in March 1920, in April is converted to Naval forces of Boreal m. It again generated{formed} in structure of Boreal fleet in August 1941 for protection of communications{of services lines} in White m., eastern part Barentseva in m. and in Arctic regions. During Great Domestic war has supplied{ensured} wiring over 2500 transports.
  • The BELOMORSKO-BALTIC STRAIN, enters in evropeoidnuju strain. Light eyes and a hair, mezo-or brahikefalija, short naze, mean growth are characteristic. It is distributed on north-east of Europe from eastern and austral shore of Baltic m. up to Ural (boreal groups Russian, Byelorussians, Lithuanians, Latvians, karelians, vepsy, a part of Komi).
  • BELOMYSHECHNAJA DISEASE, an acute contagion of young plants agricultural animal (is more often than calfs and lambs): disbolism and a defeat ("poblednenie") muscles.
  • BELONOVSKY George Dmitrievich (1875-1950), the Russian microbiologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1929). The main{basic} transactionses on a medical bacteriology, an epidemiology and problems of immunity.
  • BELOOZERO, old russian city for headstreams r. Sheksna from White an eskar. Residues it is dry-rot, workshops, forges, etc. About Belozersky 1238 centre of the principality. In 1352 has been transferred on a place of the modern. Belozersk.
  • BELOOZERSK, city (with 1970) in Belarus, the Brest region, in 19 kms from zh.-d. Item Bronnaja the Mountain. 11,4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Berezovskaja a state district power station. Energomehanichesky factory. A software of a fishery.
  • BELOPOLE, city on Ukraine, the Sumy region. A depot. 19,6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Machine-building, syrodelatelnyj factories. It is based in 1672.
  • BELOPOLSKY Aristarch Apollonovich (1854-1934), the Russian astronomer, academician AN the USSR (1925; the academician Petersburg AN with 1903, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science with 1917). One of pioneers of an astrospectroscopy; probes of the Jove, rings of Saturn, the Sun, variable and double star, many definitions of radial velocities of asters have made.
  • BELOPOLSKY Jacob Borisovich (1916-93), the Russian architect, the national architect of the USSR (1988), the full member AH (1983). One of master architects on renovation and site development of Moscow (Southwest r-n, a circus, University of friendship of peoples him{it}. P.Lumumby; 60-70-Ñ). An architectonic part of a monument to soldiers of the Soviet Army in Treptov-park in Berlin (1946-49) and on Mamayev a tumulus in Volgograd (1963-67). The lenin premium (1970), the State premium of the USSR (1950). The state premium of the Russian Federation (1994, posthumously).
  • BELORETSK, city (with 1923, before a seconds Beloretsky Factory) in the Russian Federation, Bashkiria, on r. White. A depot. 73,8 thousand inhabitants (1992). Integrated iron-and-steel works, factory " Metal worker ", etc. It is known with 1762.
  • BELORECHENSK, city (with 1958) in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar kr., on r. White. A railway junction. 52,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). The enterprises of a railway transport; chemical, alimentary and a woodworking industry.
  • BELOROSSOV Nikolay Danilovich (mind{wit}. 1907), the Russian church historian, the priest. Compositions on a history of the English church up to Reformatsii, etc.
  • BELARUS (Byelorussia), Republic of Byelorussia (Ðýñïóáëiêà Byelorussia). 207,6 thousand êì2. The population of 10353 thousand person (1993), urban 67 %; Byelorussians (7905 thousand person; 1989, census), Russian, Poles, ukraintsy, Jews, etc. In Belarus 6 ranges, 117 areas, 99 cities, 112 urban settlements (1989). The official language - Byelorussian. Capital - Minsk. A surface of Belarus flat. In a north - system of morainal patches, smenjajushchihsja to the south the Byelorussian patch (an altitude up to 345 ì); in the south - the Byelorussian Polesye. Deposits potassium, rock salts, petroleum, peat, etc. The Climate moderately continental. Mean temperatures of January from-4 °S on a southwest up to-8 °S on north-east, July from 17 °S in a north up to 19 °S in the south. A rainfall from 500 up to 700 mm annually. The main rivers - Dnepr, Pripyat, Berezina, Zap. Dvina, Neman. It is a lot of lakes (Naroch, Osvejskoe, etc.) . Water reservoirs (Vilejskoe, Zaslavskoe). Soils prevail{dominate} sod-podzolic. St. 1/3 terrains of Belarus take mixed forests. In terrain of Belarus - part Belovezhskoj of the Dense forest, Berezinsky, Pripjatsky reservations. Ok. 1/4 terrains of Belarus - in a radioactive contamination zone as a result of emergency on Chernobyl atomic power station in 1986. In 10 - nach. 12 centuries in structure of the Kiev Russia were formed principalities Polotsk, Turovo-Pinskoe, etc. In 13-14 centuries of their terrain in structure of the Great principality Lithuanian, with 1569 - Speeches Pospolitoj. In 16 century formation of the Byelorussian nationality{national character} was finished. With kon. 18 century the Byelorussian grounds in structure of Russian empire. Country reform 1861 has accelerated development of a capitalism. In November 1917 in Belarus the Soviet authority is professed. In February - November 1918 large part of terrain has been occupied by the German troops. 1.1.1919 it is derivated Byelorussian SSR. Western Belarus under Riga agreement 1921 has departed to Poland. In 1922 Byelorussian SSR was part of the USSR. In November 1939 Western Belarus has reunited with Byelorussian SSR. In 1941 Belarus is occupied by a german troops. Byelorussian people has stirred to action with an enemy. 1108 guerilla orders and groups (over 374 thousand person) acted. The republic has lost more than 2,2 million person. In July 1944 it is free by the Soviet troops. In July of 1990 republics VS has accepted the Declaration on the state sovereignty Byelorussian SSR, in July 1991 - the Declaration on state independence. In 1994 the post{station} prizidenta is established. In structure national the income (1992, %): an industry 44, an agriculture 29,3. Manufacture of the electric power 38,7 billion (1991). Master industries: avto-and a tractor construction, machine-tool construction, an agricultural machine industry, radio electronics, the electrical engineer, instrumentation technologies; chemical and petrochemical: Potassium, phosphoric and nitrogenous fertilizers, synfils and filaments of a synthetic fiber, the splint; oil refining; mild. Are developed alimentary (meat, milk, maslosyrodelatelnaja, canning, etc.), A woodworking industry; conversion black, a powder metallurgy. Production of potassium salts (Soligorsk), petroleum (basically in a southeast of republic). The area of agricultural lands 9,3 million ga (1992). An area under crops of 6126 thousand ga, including grain 43 % (rozh, wheat, barley, an oat, a buckwheat). A total yield of a grain 5,9 million t (1992), a potato 8,0 million t Cultivate a flux - dolgunets, sugar-beet. A fruit growing, a vegetable raising. The area of drained grounds of 3229 thousand ga (1990). Main branches of animal husbandry - a dairy - beef cattle husbandry, a swine breeding, a poultry breeding. Operational length of railways of 5,75 thousand in km (1990), general purpose motorways of 48,9 thousand in km, including hard-surface 46,3 thousand in km. A pipeline transportation. Navigation across Pripyat, Dneprovsko-Bugskomu to the channel, Dnepr, Sozhu, Berezina. Monetary unit - the Byelorussian rouble.
  • The BYELORUSSIAN PATCH, in northwest of Belarus and in Poland. Ok. 500 kms. Will consist from Grodno, Volkovysskoj, Novogrudskoj, the Minsk high grounds. An altitude up to 345 m.
  • The BYELORUSSIAN KRESTJANSKO-WORKING BULK, mass revolutionary organization of Western Belarus in 1925-27.
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