Tuesday, May 15, 2007

  • "CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS", in Russian empire hospitals, asylums, alms-houses, etc.
  • BOGOJAVLENSK, the title of. ZHovtnevoe on Ukraine up to 1938.
  • BOGOJAVLENSKY Sergey Konstantinovich (1871-1947), the Russian historian, the archivist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1929). Transactionses on a history and archeology of Moscow, archive business.
  • BOGUN Ivan (? - 1664), one of chiefs of liberation war of Ukrainian people, spodvizhnik B.Hmelnitskogo, the colonel. With 1648 has headed country orders on Bratslavshchine. It was distinguished in a number of battles. In 1659 has raised revolt on Right-bank Ukraine against Polish aggressors. Rasstreljan Poles.
  • BOGUSLAV, city (with 1938) on Ukraine, the Kiev region, on r. Ros. A depot. 19,2 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: cloth, art items, furniture; the alimentary enterprises, etc. Museums: istoriko-study of local lore, Ukrainian artist I.M.Soshenko. It is known with 1195 as old russian strength. Since 14 century in Lithuania and Poland, with 1793 in Russian empire.
  • BOGUSLAVSKAJA Zoja Borisovna (r. 1929), the Russian writer, the playwright, the critic. Critical activities: "Leonid Leonov" (1960), etc. In prose - acute social - moral conflicts of duties (books "... And tomorrow ", 1967, "Intermediarys", 1981, etc.). The play "Contact piece" (1979), etc.
  • BOGUSLAVSKY (Boguslawski) Vojtseh (1757-1829), the Polish producer, the playwright, the actor of a drama and operas (bass), the teacher. One of creators of Polish professional drama and musical theatres. Has delivered opera " the Imaginary miracle, or Krakovtsy and gortsy " to Stephanie (1794).
  • BOGUCHAR, city (with 1779) in the Russian Federation, the Voronezh region, on r. Boguchar, in 60 kms from zh.-d. An item. Kantemirovka. 8,7 thousand inhabitants (1992). Alimentary and other enterprises. It is based in 1717.
  • BOGUCHARSKY, Bazilevsky Bogucharsky (an ice-film. fam. And a name Jakovlev Vasily Jakovlevich) (1861-1915), the Russian historian. The publisher - editor of the log-book "was". Transactionses and publications of documents on a history of Russian public idea and revolutionary movement of 19 century.
  • BOGUSHEVICH Francis Kazimirovich (1840-1900), the Byelorussian poet. Collections of verses " the Pipe Byelorussian " (1891) and " the Bow Byelorussian " (1894).
  • BOGHEAD, the most clear version of organic slimes. The content of hydrogen of 8-12 %. Combustion heat of combustible mass of 33,5-37,7 MDZH/KG. Occurs by the way prolayers in layers of humic coals.
  • BAUD, unit of speed of signalling. It is determined as one unit element of a current for 1 seconds. It is called named Z.Bodo.
  • BODAIBO, city (with 1925) in the Russian Federation, Irkutsk region, landing stage on r. Vitim. 21,7 thousand inhabitants (1992.) Center zolotopromyshlennogo area. A food-processing industry. Bliz Bodaibo - Mamakanskaja a river plant. It is based in 1864.
  • BAUD (Bode) Iogann Elert (1747-1826), the german astronomer, foreign corresponding member (1785), the foreign honorary member (1794) Petersburg AN, the founder of " the Berlin astronomical year-book " (1776). One of writers of rule of thumb Titsiusa - Baud.
  • BODEL (Bodel) ZHean (ok. 1165-1210), the French poet and the playwright. The writer miraklja " the Game about Sacred Nikolay " (between 1199 and 1201), the fabliau, pastorelej (the medieval genre which is going back to antique bukolicheskoj poetry, see. Bukolika).
  • BODEN SEA (Bodensee), in the Prealpes, on border of Germany, Switzerland, Austria. 395 m are located at the altitude. The area 538 êì2, length of 63 kms, depth up to 252 m. Fills in tectonic a hollow, treated with an ancient icehouse. Through Boden sea Rhein weeps. Navigation, a ferry crossing. On coasts-. Konstants, Fridrihshafen (Germany), Bregenz (Austria), reservations.
  • BODENSHTEDT (Bodenstedt) Fridrih (1819-92), a german translator and the writer. The propagandist of the Russian literature (transfer of verses of A.S.Pushkin, A.V.Koltsov, A.A.Fet, etc.), eastern poetry. Has published the 2-languid issuing of verses of M.J.Lermontov in the transfers (1852).
  • BODENSHTEJN (Bodenstein) Maks (1871-1942), the german chemist. Has discovered (1913) photochemical reactions with a major photon yield that has laid foundation to submissions about chain processes. Has placed (1913) principle of fixed concentration of intermediate products of chemical changes in gases. Transactionses on a catalysis and chemical kinetics.
  • BAUD - SHARLEMAN Adolf Iosifovich (1826-1901), the Russian theatrical artist, the writer of a series of sketches of cool clothes in the Old Russian style, often replicated in periodicals 1850-60-Õ.
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