Tuesday, May 22, 2007

  • The FREEZING, secretion of one of components of a slurry or gas mixture at refrigerating is lower than melting point of this component. Apply to concentrating solutions and obtaining of pure substances.
  • The HEIRLESS PROPERTY, the property which has stayed after mors of the proprietor for want of successors. Under the right of succession passes to the state.
  • STREAMER (goll. wimpel)... 1) the fine-bored, lengthy, bifurcated flag on the extremity, is hoisted on a spar tree of the ship of war located in float; alongside with an ensign serves as a sign a state fitting of the ship.... 2) the Special mark (the panel attached to a shaft), is handed to participants of sporting and other contest, exhibitions.... 3) the Case with the bright tape, used at drop from airplanes of reports, letters, etc.
  • VYM, the river in a north of the European part of the Russian Federation, dextral in-leak of Vychegda. 499 kms, the area of basin of 25,6 thousand êì2. Driveable. It is navigable on 172 kms from a mouth.
  • UDDER, mammary glands of mammals. Distinguish: a multiple udder from 4-8 lobes (napr., for a dog, a pig), a udder from 1 pair of lobes (for a sheep, a goat) or from 2 fallow, merged in a single whole a udder (for a cow, the horse, etc.).
  • FATIGUE LIFE, in a strength of materials - ability of materials and designs to oppose to action of repeated (cyclical) loads.
  • STIMULATED RADIATION (induced radiance), process of emitting of electromagnetic waves by excited atoms and other quantum systems under action of external (forcing) radiance. Frequency, a phase, polarization and a direction of released and forcing radiance coincide.
  • FORCED VIBRATIONS, arise in system under action of periodic external action (napr., forced vibrations of a floating lever under action of periodic force, forced vibrations in an oscillating circuit under action of periodic electromotive force). If frequency of influence comes nearer to a free-running frequency of system, there occurs a resonance.
  • The FRANK PROLAPSE, vyhozhdenie a uterus and walls of a sheath for limits a genital hiatus, is routine for elderly, it is a lot of rozhavshih women having lacerations of the perineum, started soon after stems to heavy physical work. It is quite often accompanied by an incontience wet. It is marked and for animal.
  • PROLAPSE OF THE RECTUM, the partial or full ectropion of a rectum through an anal orifice at slackening tissues of a perineum and a bottom of a pelvic cavity. Immediate causes: major exercise stresses, traumas, etc. It is marked and for animal.
  • VAPORIZATION, secretions of dissolved solids or obtaining of the clear solvent execute for concentrating solutions. To vaporization expos predominary water solutions nonvolatile or maloletuchih substances. In an industry vaporization effect in evaporators.
  • The BITTERN, two stems of birds of a set of herons: major a bittern (4 kinds, length up to 80 sm) and small a bittern, or water shoots (7 kinds, length ok. 35 sm). Legs and a neck are shorter, than for the majority of herons. Are distributed widely.
  • VYPOLZOK, the national title of an outside keratosic layer of a leather the snakes, dropped by her during a molting.
  • EXUDATE, the liquid soaking from small-sized blood vessels in a tissue or a perigastrium at an inflammation (see. An exudate), dropsies (see. A transudate).
  • VYPRAVITELNYE STRUCTURES, the same, that reguljatsionnye structures.
  • The RECTIFIER ELECTRICAL, the transducer of a variable current flow in permanent. The rectification of a current is routine implements an electrical valve for which phylum distinguish rectifiers electrical: vacuum, discharge, semiconductor, electrocontact. Apply in devices of automatics and a telemechanics, radio engineering (single-phase rectifiers electrical) and to a feed of potent plants (zigzag rectifiers electrical).
  • RECTIFYING PILE, the rectifier electrical by the way tandem semiconductor elements. Has a high allowable reverse voltage (up to tens kV). Some rectifying piles in a unified body will derivate the rectifier stack assembly.
  • RECTIFICATION, in the electrical engineer - transformation of a current flow of a variable direction to a unidirectional current.
  • CONVEX CURVE, see in an item. Convex range.
  • The CONVEX RANGE, the part of a plane having that property, that a cutting bridging its two any point is contained in her bodily. Any cohesive part of border of convex range calls as a convex curve (are those, napr., a circle and its any arch, a triangle).
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